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Why Your Career Is Stuck In Reverse Gear
When you start a new job, you often have high hopes of going far and achieving incredible things. But sometimes, it just feels like you’re stuck in reverse. No matter what you do, you can’t seem to make any progress on the job front.
Fortunately, there are strategies you can use to win. It’s just a question of figuring out what they are.
That’s where this article can help. We look at some of the reasons you might be stuck in your career, and what you can do about it.
Networking Challenges
One of the greatest problems is networking challenges. Meeting the sort of people in a position to provide you with work can be difficult if you’re stuck at home on your laptop all day, or you just don’t have a wide circle of people you can contact.
Many people advance in the world of work because they know people who can elevate them into new positions. Often, all it takes to land a high-paying job is to be someone that knows the right contacts and earns their favor.
Limited Skill Development
Another problem is limited skill development, something that Essential CEU Institute sees regularly. Many workers in conventional industries simply don’t understand how reskilling can help them thrive.
“Whether it’s taking CEU courses or developing data skills, there’s usually opportunities for advancement by just entering training,” the organization says. “People across the world, including in the U.S., can benefit from continuing their education and being closer to the people who can provide them with the skills necessary for making progress.”
The trick here is to add to one’s skills every couple of years or so. This approach avoids stagnation and allows you to stay up to date with the latest thinking and advice, and apply it in whatever you do. If people notice your abilities, you are much more likely to see progress over the long term.
Poor Visibility
Sometimes you can be doing a great job, but if your work has poor visibility (i.e. nobody can see how good you are), then progress will be slow and you’ll feel frustrated.
The best way to deal with this is to find ways to make your achievements stand out. If there’s a way of recording your efforts, that can work wonders and alert senior management to your star appeal.
Work-Life Imbalance
Curiously, if you work too hard, you might also be at risk of working in a career stuck in reverse gear. You can’t get anywhere because you’re spending all your time toiling and don’t have any opportunities to recharge your batteries.
“Many people think that working harder is the answer to their career problems,” Essential CEU Institute says. “But much of the time, the best policy is usually just to work smarter. It’s the people who have the knowledge who tend to succeed the most in the long-term, not those working every weekend.”
Therefore, take some time out and let people miss your presence. Being absent can often be a great way to teach your organization a lesson in the value you offer.
Resistance To Change
Sometimes, though, the reason your career is stuck in reverse gear is because you’re simply unwilling to accept change. You don’t want to adjust how you work now because you’ve gotten used to how life is and you quite like it.
“Being resistant to change also means career-minded people can’t educate themselves as effectively,” Essential CEU Institute says. “Often, there’s a realization that learning needs to happen, but the individual wants to keep plodding forward in the usual manner instead of breaking through somehow.”
This resistance to change can be deeply embedded. But breaking through it will open up new opportunities and allow you to thrive in the way you want. You won’t feel like you’re constantly fighting an uphill battle you can’t win. Instead, everything will feel so much more natural.
Economic Factors
In some cases, there’s really not a lot you can do about a career stuck in reverse gears. Economic factors can often get in the way.
Economics plays a bigger role than you might think. Entire industries can be on the rise, while others fall into obscurity.
For example, if you’re in the tech sector, then chances are, you’re doing well. However, if you’re in agriculture, you might not be doing as well.
If you notice a shift like this occurring in the economy and don’t think it’s going to reverse, it might be worth hopping onto a different career path. Changing what you do is often the only way to break out of a rut.
“Economics is one of the reasons people are trying to get jobs in the home care industry,” Essential CEU Institute explains. “Everyone knows we’re in the midst of a demographic shift and the requirement for people in the care sector is growing every year. There are always jobs available, and agencies looking to hire people.”
No Clear Goals
Not having clear goals could be another reason your career is stuck in reverse gear. You don’t have a vision of what your work and life will be like in the future.
Not having clear goals usually has its worst effects on a psychological level. Often, you just assume that you’ll be in the same careers for years on end without ever moving beyond that. This attitude then affects your behaviors, preventing you from getting ahead.
The trick here is to rethink how you view your career. Instead of seeing it as something set in stone, you start viewing it as malleable and under your control with the right approach.
Lack Of Feedback
Lastly, you might be stuck in a career rut if the people around you aren’t providing you with helpful feedback on your work. It could be passable, but you won’t know how to improve it if they don’t tell you what to do to make it better.
The best solution for this problem is to move to a work environment with a culture of appraisal. This way, you can see your weaknesses and work toward improving them.