Strike Force Energy announces its zero-calorie clean energy drink mix that supports hydration protocols for police, firefighters, EMTs, and other first responders.

-- The sugar-free liquid drink mix has been formulated for military personnel, law enforcement, and first responders who typically require sustained energy levels due to the physicality of their jobs. The new Strike Force Energy sachets are precisely dosed to deliver 160 mg of caffeine and electrolytes that can reduce fatigue and improve psychomotor vigilance.
For more information, visit
Law enforcement and first responder hydration protocols recommend periodic low-volume fluid intake during a shift, with water as the primary beverage. Early in the development of their drink mix, the Strike Force Energy team recognized the importance of electrolyte balance and the effects on energy levels, mental focus, and psychomotor vigilance - how consistently an individual responds to auditory and visual stimuli.
To this end, each 6 ml sachet is fortified with 160 mg of caffeine - about 40% of the FDA's daily intake limit - and potassium and sodium to support muscle function and prevent cramping. Strike Force Energy contains enough potassium to support cardiovascular function during high-stress situations faced by police and other first responders.
While citing the well-documented benefits of caffeine on several key performance markers - attention, focus, reaction time, decision-making capabilities, and endurance, the brand notes that its drink mix must be incorporated into a balanced hydration protocol.
The drink mix is fortified with vitamins B3, B6, and B12 for energy metabolism, red blood cell formation, stress management, cognitive function, and muscle recovery. Taurine improves heart function during periods of physical stress and enhances mental focus when combined with caffeine.
Strike Force Energy is available in packs of 10 and 40 sachets or as a 750 ml pump bottle. The drink mix comes in four flavors: original, orange, lemon, and grape.
"Strike Force Energy is perfect for a pre-workout or pre-shift boost. Consuming it before or during your shift can help you perform better and feel more energized throughout your workday," said a spokesperson for the brand.
For more information and to order online, visit
Contact Info:
Name: Andrew Kamp
Email: Send Email
Organization: Strike Force Energy
Address: 2618 E Hoague Rd, Free Soil, MI 49411, United States
Source: NewsNetwork
Release ID: 89154029
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