Adjusted earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (Adjusted EBITDA) was
$378m, compared to $402m in the previous year, reflecting a 3% decline in the realised gold
price and reduced production.
Net debt to Adjusted EBITDA levels ended the quarter at 1.47 times, lower than the 2.02
times recorded in the corresponding period last year. Accordingly, debt levels remain well
below the covenant of net debt to Adjusted EBITDA of 3.5 times under the company’s
revolving credit agreements, further underlining the success of the decisive, deleveraging
Regrettably, there was a fatality at TauTona during the quarter, indicating that there remains
much room for improvement. Work continues on the search for innovative ways to reach our
ultimate goal of zero harm in the workplace. Despite this setback, there were some notable
safety successes, including both Mponeng and the Vaal River operations each reaching one
million fatality free shifts, while Continental Africa recorded not a single lost-time injury during
the quarter.
The outlook for the full year remains unchanged as follows: production between 3.6Moz to
3.8Moz; total cash costs between $680/oz and $720/oz and AISC between $900/oz and
$960/oz, assuming average exchange rates against the US dollar of 15.00 (Rand), 4.00
(Brazil Real), 0.70 (Aus$) and 14.90 (Argentina Peso), with oil at $35/bl average for the year,
based on market expectations. The impact of the Savuka section of Tau Tona seismic event
on 29 April 2016, is still being evaluated and assessed.
9 May 2016
JSE Sponsor: Deutsche Securities (SA) Proprietary Limited
Chris Nthite
+27 11 637 6388/+27 83 301 2481
Stewart Bailey
+27 81 032 2563 / +27 11 637 6031
General inquiries
Stewart Bailey
+27 81 032 2563 / +27 11 637 6031
Sabrina Brockman
+1 212 858 7702 / +1 646 379 2555
Fundisa Mgidi
+27 11 6376763 / +27 82 821 5322
Certain statements contained in this document, other than statements of historical fact, including, without limitation, those concerning the
economic outlook for the gold mining industry, expectations regarding gold prices, production, cash costs, all-in sustaining costs, all-in
costs, cost savings and other operating results, return on equity, productivity improvements, growth prospects and outlook of AngloGold
Ashanti’s operations, individually or in the aggregate, including the achievement of project milestones, commencement and completion of
commercial operations of certain of AngloGold Ashanti’s exploration and production projects and the completion of acquisitions,
dispositions or joint venture transactions, AngloGold Ashanti’s liquidity and capital resources and capital expenditures and the outcome