(RULE 14a-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

           Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                              Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [_]

Check the appropriate box:

[  ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement              [_]  Confidential, For Use of the
                                                    Commission Only(As Permitted
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement                     by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

[_]  Definitive Additional Materials

[_]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                                  AIRTRAX, INC.

                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X] No fee required

[_] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

     (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     (3) Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
     pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule  0-11 (set  forth the  amount on which the
     filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

     (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     (5) Total fee paid:

     [_] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

     [_] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act
     Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was
     paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by  registration  statement
     number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1) Amount Previously Paid:

     (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     (3) Filing Party:

     (4) Date Filed:

                                 AIRTRAX, INC.
                               870B Central Avenue
                           Hammonton, New Jersey 08037

                                 March 14, 2005

Dear Stockholder,

You are  cordially  invited  to attend a Special  Meeting of  Stockholders  (the
"Meeting") of Airtrax,  Inc. (the "Company").  The Meeting will be held on March
28, 2005 at 9:30 a.m.  local time, at the Ramada Inn,  2216 West Landis  Avenue,
Vineland, New Jersey 08360.

The Notice of the Meeting and the Proxy  Statement on the following  pages cover
the formal  business of the Meeting.  We also will report on the progress of the
Company and comment on matters of current interest.

It is important that your shares be represented at the Meeting.  We ask that you
promptly sign, date and return the enclosed proxy card in the envelope provided,
even if you plan to attend the Meeting. Returning your proxy card to the Company
will not prevent you from voting in person at the Meeting if you are present and
choose to do so.

If your  shares are held in street name by a  brokerage  firm,  your broker will
supply you with a proxy to be returned to the  brokerage  firm.  It is important
that you return the form to the  brokerage  firm as quickly as  possible so that
the brokerage firm may vote your shares.  You may not vote your shares in person
at the  Meeting  unless you obtain a power of  attorney or legal proxy from your
broker  authorizing  you to vote  the  shares,  and you  present  this  power of
attorney or proxy at the Meeting.

Your Board of Directors and  management  look forward to greeting you personally
at the Meeting.


                            /s/ Peter Amico
                           Peter Amico
                           Chief Executive Officer and Chairman
                           of the Board of Directors


                                  AIRTRAX, INC.
                               870B Central Avenue
                           Hammonton, New Jersey 08037

                             MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2005

Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of  Stockholders of Airtrax,  Inc.
(the  "Company"),  a New Jersey  corporation,  will be held on March 28, 2005 at
9:30 a.m. local time, at the Ramada Inn, 2216 West Landis Avenue,  Vineland, New
Jersey 08360, for the following purposes:

1. To approve an amendment to the  Company's  certificate  of  incorporation  to
increase the number of authorized shares of common stock, no par value per share
(the  "Common  Stock") of the  Company  from  20,000,000  shares to  100,000,000
shares; and

2. To approve an amendment to the  Company's  certificate  of  incorporation  to
increase the authorized  shares of the Company's  "blank check"  preferred stock
from 500,000 to 5,000,000 shares; and

3. To approve an amendment to the  Company's  certificate  of  incorporation  to
provide,  to the fullest extent  permitted by New Jersey law, that the Company's
directors  or  officers  shall not be  personally  liable to the  Company or its
shareholders  for damages for breach of such  director's or officer's  fiduciary
duty; and

4. To transact  such other  business as may properly  come before the Meeting or
any adjournment thereof.

Your attention is directed to the Proxy Statement accompanying this Notice for a
more complete  description  of the matters to be acted upon at the Meeting.  The
2003 Annual Report of the Company is also  enclosed.  Stockholders  of record at
the close of business on  Wednesday,  February  16, 2005 are entitled to receive
notice of and to vote at the Meeting and any adjournment thereof.

All stockholders are cordially invited to attend the Meeting. Whether or not you
expect to attend,  please  sign and return the  enclosed  Proxy  promptly in the
envelope provided to assure the presence of a quorum.  You may revoke your Proxy
and vote in person at the Meeting,  if you so desire. If your shares are held in
street name by a brokerage  firm, your broker will supply you with a proxy to be
returned to the brokerage  firm. It is important that you return the form to the
brokerage  firm as quickly as possible so that the brokerage  firm may vote your
shares.  You may not vote your shares in person at the Meeting unless you obtain
a power of attorney or legal proxy from your broker  authorizing you to vote the
shares, and you present this power of attorney or proxy at the Meeting.

Please note that  attendance at the Meeting will be limited to  stockholders  of
the Company as of the record date (or their duly authorized representatives). If
your shares are held by a bank or broker,  please bring to the Meeting your bank
or  brokerage  statement  evidencing  your  beneficial  ownership of the Company

By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                /s/ Peter Amico
                                Peter Amico
                                Chief Executive Officer and Chairman
                                of the Board of Directors
Hammonton, New Jersey
March 14, 2005


                                  AIRTRAX, INC.
                               870B Central Avenue
                           Hammonton, New Jersey 08037

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

This Proxy  Statement is furnished by the Board of Directors  and  management of
Airtrax,  Inc. (the "Company") in connection with the solicitation of proxies to
be voted at the Company's Special Meeting of Stockholders (the "Meeting"), which
will be held on March 28, 2005 at 9:30 a.m.  local time, at the Ramada Inn, 2216
West Landis Avenue, Vineland, New Jersey 08360

The Board of Directors  has fixed the close of business on  Wednesday,  February
16,  2005 as the  record  date (the  "Record  Date")  for the  determination  of
stockholders  entitled to receive notice of, and to vote at, the Meeting.  As of
Wednesday,  February 16, 2005,  15,387,092 shares of the Company's common stock,
no par value,  were issued and outstanding.  For the purposes of determining the
presence  of a quorum at the  Meeting,  abstentions  will be counted  toward the
number of  shares  represented  at the  Meeting  and  broker  non-votes  will be
disregarded.  The  stockholders  present at the Meeting may continue to transact
business until adjournment,  notwithstanding the subsequent withdrawal of enough
stockholders  to leave  less than a quorum  or the  refusal  of any  stockholder
present in person or by proxy to vote or participate in the Meeting.

This Proxy  Statement  and the enclosed  form of proxy are first being mailed to
stockholders on or about March 14, 2005. All shares represented by valid proxies
pursuant to this  solicitation  (and not revoked before they are exercised) will
be voted as specified  in the proxy.  Each  stockholder  will be entitled to one
vote for each share of Common Stock  registered  in his or her name on the books
of the Company as of the close of business on February 16, 2005,  on all matters
that come before the Meeting.

For purposes of determining the votes cast with respect to any matter  presented
for  consideration at the Meeting,  only those votes cast "for" or "against" are
included.  However,  if a proxy is signed  but no  specification  is given,  the
shares  will be voted  "FOR"  Proposal 1 (to elect the  Board's  nominees to the
Board of Directors).  A stockholder giving a proxy has the right to revoke it by
giving written notice of such  revocation to the Secretary of the Company at any
time before it is voted,  by  submitting to the Company a duly  executed,  later
dated proxy or by voting the shares  subject to such proxy by written  ballot at
the Meeting.  The presence at the Meeting of a stockholder who has given a proxy
does not revoke such proxy  unless  such  stockholder  files the  aforementioned
notice of revocation or votes by written ballot.

Determination  of whether a matter  specified in the Notice of a Special Meeting
of Stockholders  has been approved will be determined as follows.  For proposals
1, 2, and 3 to amend the Company's Certificate of Incorporation, the affirmative
vote of a majority of all shares of Common Stock  outstanding  is required.  For
each other matter,  the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the shares of Common
Stock  present at the Meeting in person or by proxy and entitled to vote on such
matter is required for approval.

For purposes of determining the votes cast with respect to any matter  presented
for  consideration at the Meeting,  only those votes cast "for" or "against" are
included.  However,  if a proxy is signed  but no  specification  is given,  the
shares will be voted "FOR"  Proposals 1, 2 and 3. A  stockholder  giving a proxy
has the right to revoke it by giving  written  notice of such  revocation to the
Secretary of the Company at any time before it is voted,  by  submitting  to the
Company a duly  executed,  later dated proxy or by voting the shares  subject to
such proxy by written  ballot at the  Meeting.  The presence at the Meeting of a
stockholder  who has  given a proxy  does not  revoke  such  proxy  unless  such
stockholder  files the  aforementioned  notice of revocation or votes by written

The cost of soliciting proxies will be borne by the Company. The solicitation of
proxies may be made by mail,  telephone,  facsimile or telegraph or in person by
directors,  officers and regular  employees of the Company,  without  additional
compensation for such services.  Arrangements will be made with brokerage houses
and other  custodians,  nominees and  fiduciaries  to forward  proxy  soliciting
material to the beneficial  owners of stock held of record by such persons,  and
the Company will reimburse them for reasonable out of pocket  expenses  incurred
in so doing.


The  board of  directors  has  adopted,  subject  to  stockholder  approval,  an
amendment  to our  certificate  of  incorporation  to  increase  the  number  of
authorized  shares of Common Stock from 20,000,000 to  100,000,000.  The Company
currently has authorized  capital stock of 20,000,000  shares and  approximately
15,387,092 shares of Common Stock are outstanding as of the Record Date.


Between  September  8, 2004 and the date  hereof,  we have  entered into several
financing  agreements that require an issuance of shares greater than the number
of shares that the Company is currently  authorized  to issue.  By entering into
these agreements,  the Company has exhausted its 20,000,000 authorized shares of
Common  Stock  and  cannot  meet  any  equity  and/or   convertible   debt-based
obligations entered into after September 2004 without  stockholder  approval for
an increase in the number of authorized  shares.  Specifically,  the Company has
completed the following financing transactions:

o On February 11, 2005, the Company  entered into a Subscription  Agreement with
certain accredited  investors pursuant to which the Company sold an aggregate of
$5,000,000 of principal  amount  promissory  notes which are convertible into an
aggregate  of  3,846,154  shares of Common  Stock and Class A and B warrants  to
purchase an aggregate of 2,884,615 shares of Common Stock.

o In addition,  the Company  entered into a Securities  Purchase  Agreement with
certain  accredited  investors on November 22 and 23, 2004 pursuant to which the
Company  issued  warrants to purchase an aggregate  of 984,000  shares of Common

o  Between  September  8, 2004 and  December  20,  2004,  the  Company  received
subscriptions  for an  aggregate  of  1,812,403  shares of  Common  Stock and an
aggregate of 906,200  shares of Common Stock  issuable  upon  exercise of common
stock  purchase  warrants  to 33  accredited  investors  pursuant  to a  private
placement offering.

In  addition  to the  foregoing,  the  Company  has  the  following  convertible
securities outstanding:

o Warrants to purchase 100,000 shares of Common Stock which were issued pursuant
to an Advisory Agreement dated as of September 20, 2004.

o Options to purchase an aggregate of 1,000,000 shares of Common Stock issued to
Fil Filipov in  connection  with the proposed  acquisition  of Filco GmbH and in
consideration for Mr. Filipov's services as a director of the Company.

o  Warrants  to  purchase  an  aggregate  of  2,615,375  shares of Common  Stock
exercisable at $1.25 per share.

o  Warrants  to  purchase  an  aggregate  of  865,000  shares  of  Common  Stock
exercisable at $2.50 per share

Based  upon the  foregoing,  the  Company  will  need a total  of  approximately
15,013,747  shares of Common  Stock in order to be able to honor  these  various
obligations,  greater  than the number of shares that the  Company is  currently
authorized to issue. Unless the Company's  stockholders approve this Proposal 1,
the Company will be unable to perform its  obligations  under the equity  and/or
convertible  debt-based  agreements and will be in default pursuant to the terms
of the agreements.  Management of the Company  believes that it is highly likely
that such default will require the Company to substantially curtail or cease its
operations,  and may  result  in a  total  loss of the  your  investment  in the
Company.  The Company  intends to utilize the  additional  shares of  authorized
Common  Stock in order to meet its  obligations  pursuant to the  aforementioned
equity and/or convertible debt-based financings and to have sufficient shares of
Common Stock  available  with respect to the Company's  outstanding  convertible
securities.  In addition,  the board of directors  believes that the increase in
authorized  Common  Stock would  provide the Company  greater  flexibility  with
respect to the  Company's  capital  structure  for such  purposes as  additional
equity  financing,  and stock  based  acquisitions.  With the  exception  of the
foregoing, the Company has no present intentions to issue any of the other newly
authorized shares of common stock.

The  amendment  to the  first  paragraph  of  Section  5 of our  certificate  of
incorporation with respect to this Proposal 1 shall read as follows:

"5.  The  aggregate  number  of  shares  which the  corporation  shall  have the
authority  to issue is  one-hundred  five  million  (105,000,000),  itemized  by
classes,  par value of shares,  shares  without par value,  and series,  if any,
within a class, is:


                                                    Par value per Share or
                                                    statement  that  Shares
Class     Series (if any)      Number of Shares     have no par value
-----     --------------       ----------------     -----------------------
Common                           100,000,000               No par
Preferred                          5,000,000               No par"

The terms of the additional shares of Common Stock will be identical to those of
the currently  outstanding shares of Common Stock.  However,  because holders of
Common Stock have no preemptive rights to purchase or subscribe for any unissued
stock of the  Company,  the issuance of  additional  shares of Common Stock will
reduce the  current  stockholders'  percentage  ownership  interest in the total
outstanding  shares  of  Common  Stock.  This  amendment  and  the  creation  of
additional  shares of authorized  common stock will not alter the current number
of issued shares.  The relative  rights and  limitations of the shares of Common
Stock will remain unchanged under this amendment.

The increase in the number of  authorized  but  unissued  shares of Common Stock
would enable the Company,  without further stockholder approval, to issue shares
from time to time as may be  required  for  proper  business  purposes,  such as
raising   additional  capital  for  ongoing   operations,   business  and  asset
acquisitions,  stock splits and dividends,  present and future employee  benefit
programs and other corporate purposes.

The proposed  increase in the authorized  number of shares of Common Stock could
have a number of effects on the Company's  stockholders depending upon the exact
nature and  circumstances  of any actual  issuances of  authorized  but unissued
shares.  The increase could have an  anti-takeover  effect,  in that  additional
shares could be issued (within the limits  imposed by applicable  law) in one or
more transactions that could make a change in control or takeover of the Company
more difficult. For example, additional shares could be issued by the Company so
as to dilute the stock  ownership or voting rights of persons  seeking to obtain
control of the Company.  Similarly, the issuance of additional shares to certain
persons allied with the Company's  management could have the effect of making it
more difficult to remove the Company's current  management by diluting the stock
ownership or voting rights of persons  seeking to cause such removal.  The board
of directors is not aware of any attempt,  or contemplated  attempt,  to acquire
control of the Company, and this proposal is not being presented with the intent
that it be utilized as a type of anti- takeover device.

The board of  directors  recommends  a vote " FOR " the  proposals  to amend our
certificate  of  incorporation  to increase the number of  authorized  shares of
Common Stock from 20,000,000 to 100,000,000.


The  board of  directors  has  adopted,  subject  to  stockholder  approval,  an
amendment  to our  certificate  of  incorporation  to  increase  the  number  of
authorized shares of "blank check" preferred stock from 500,000 to 5,000,000.

Pursuant to the laws of the State of New Jersey and the Company's certificate of
incorporation, the Company's board of directors will have the authority, without
further action by our  stockholders,  to issue up to 500,000 shares of preferred
stock in one or more series and to fix the privileges and rights of each series.
The Company's board of directors is now requesting that the stockholders approve
an increase in the number of shares of "blank check"  preferred  stock which the
Company can issue from 500,000 to 5,000,000.  Currently, the Company has 275,000
shares of  preferred  stock  outstanding  which was  issued  to Arcon  Corp.,  a
corporation wholly owned by the Company's  chairman and president,  Peter Amico.
In  addition,  the  Company  intends to issue an  additional  100,000  shares of
preferred stock to Arcon Corp. in lieu of approximately 221,000 shares of Common
Stock as payment for accrued  dividends  with  respect to the 275,000  shares of
preferred  stock.  The Company  believes that said issuance of 100,000 shares of
preferred stock is in the best interests of its shareholders because the payment
of  accrued  dividends  in the form of Common  Stock may  result in  substantial
dilution to the interests of its common stockholders.  With the exception of the
foregoing, the Company has no present intentions to issue any of the other newly
authorized shares of preferred stock.

The board of directors  believes that  increasing  the number of authorized  but
unissued  shares  of  preferred  stock  will  provide  the  board  with  further
flexibility  to raise  capital and to protect the  Company  against  unsolicited
takeover  attempts.  However,  when designating and issuing the preferred stock,
the board of directors may issue shares with voting,  conversion or other rights
that could  adversely  affect the  voting  power and other  rights of the common
stockholders.  Further,  this type of "blank  check  preferred  stock"  makes it
possible for the Company to issue preferred stock quickly with terms  calculated
to delay or prevent a change in the  Company's  control  or make  removal of the
Company's  management  more difficult.  Additionally,  if the Company issues the
preferred stock,  the market price of common stock may decrease,  and voting and
other rights may decrease.


The amendment to Section 5 of the Company's  certificate of  incorporation  with
respect to this Proposal 2 shall read as follows:

"5.  The  aggregate  number  of  shares  which the  corporation  shall  have the
authority to issue is fifty five million (55,000,000),  itemized by classes, par
value of shares,  shares without par value, and series,  if any, within a class,
                                                    Par value per Share or
                                                    statement that Shares
Class     Series (if any)      Number of Shares     have no par value
-----     ---------------      ----------------     ----------------------
Common                            100,000,000             No par
Preferred                           5,000,000             No par

The relative rights, preferences and limitations of the shares of each class and
series (if any), are as follows:

The  preferred  stock,  or any series  thereof,  shall  have such  designations,
preferences  and relative,  participating,  optional or other special rights and
qualifications, limitations or restrictions thereof as shall be expressed in the
resolution or  resolutions  providing for the issue of such stock adopted by the
Board of Directors and may be made  dependent upon facts  ascertainable  outside
such  resolution or  resolutions  of the Board of  Directors,  provided that the
matter in which such facts shall  operate upon such  designations,  preferences,
rights and  qualifications;  limitations or restrictions of such class or series
of stock is clearly and  expressly set forth in the  resolution  or  resolutions
providing for the issuance of such stock by the Board of Directors."

The board of  directors  recommends  a vote " FOR " the  proposals  to amend the
Company's  certificate  of  incorporation  to increase the number of  authorized
shares of "blank check" preferred stock from 500,000 to 5,000,000.


The  board of  directors  has  adopted,  subject  to  stockholder  approval,  an
amendment to the Company's  certificate of  incorporation  which will provide to
the fullest extent permitted by New Jersey law, that the Company's  directors or
officers shall not be personally  liable to the Company or its  shareholders for
damages for breach of such director's or officer's fiduciary duty. The effect of
this provision of the amendment to the Company's certificate of incorporation is
to  eliminate  the  Company's  rights  and  its  shareholders   rights  (through
shareholders'  derivative  suits on behalf of the  Company)  to recover  damages
against a director  or officer  for  breach of the  fiduciary  duty of care as a
director or officer  (including  breaches  resulting  from  negligent or grossly
negligent  behavior),  except under certain situations  defined by statute.  The
board of directors believes that the indemnification provisions in the Company's
certificate  of  incorporation  are  necessary  to attract and retain  qualified
persons as directors and officers.

Insofar as indemnification  for liabilities  arising under the Securities Act of
1933 (the "Act" or "Securities Act") may be permitted to directors,  officers or
persons controlling us pursuant to the foregoing provisions,  or otherwise,  the
Company has been  advised  that in the opinion of the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission,  such  indemnification  is against public policy as expressed in the
Act and is, therefore, unenforceable.

The board of  directors  recommends  a vote " FOR " the  proposals  to amend the
Company's  certificate  of  incorporation  to  provide  to  the  fullest  extent
permitted by New Jersey law, that the Company's  directors or officers shall not
be personally  liable to the Company or its  shareholders for damages for breach
of such director's or officer's fiduciary duty.


The Board of Directors  knows of no other matters which are likely to be brought
before the Meeting.  If any matter not described  herein should be presented for
Stockholder action at the Meeting,  the persons named in the enclosed Proxy will
vote the shares represented thereby in accordance with their best judgment.


Directors are elected at each meeting of stockholders  and hold office until the
next annual meeting of stockholders and the election and qualifications of their
successors. Executive officers are elected by and serve at the discretion of the
board of directors.

Our executive officers and directors are as follows:


Name                     Age    Position
----                     ---    --------

Peter Amico              61     President and Chairman of the Board of Directors

D. Barney Harris         43     Executive Vice President and Director

Frank A. Basile, Esq     68     Director

James Hudson             61     Director

William Hungerville      68     Director

Fil Filipov              58     Director

Peter Amico - Mr. Amico is the founder of the Company and has been President and
Chairman of the Company and its predecessor since their inception in April 1995.
Prior to 1995,  Mr.  Amico  was  president  and  majority  shareholder  of Titan
Aviation and Helicopter Services, Inc. ("Titan"). He has an extensive background
in sales and in structural  steel  design.  His career in sales has spanned over
thirty  years and he has held sales  positions  at  Firestone  Tire & Rubber and
Union Steel Products,  Inc. As a consequence of separate helicopter and airplane
accidents involving Titan, Mr. Amico filed for bankruptcy protection in 1996.

D. Barney Harris - Mr. Harris has been a Director of the Company since  December
1998 and a Vice  President  since July 1999.  From 1997 to July 1999, Mr. Harris
was employed by UTD,  Inc.  Manassas,  Virginia.  Prior to 1997,  Mr. Harris was
employed by EG&G WASC, Inc.,  Gaithersburg,  Maryland,  as a Senior Engineer and
Manager  of the  Ocean  Systems  Department  where  he was  responsible  for the
activities of 45 scientists, engineers and technicians. During this period while
performing contract services for the US Navy, he was principally responsible for
the design of the  omni-directional  wheel  presently  used by the Company.  Mr.
Harris received his B.S.M.E.  from the United States Merchants Marine Academy in

Fil Filipov - Mr. Filipov is the Chairman of Supervisory Board of Tatra, a Czech
Company, which is producing off highway trucks. He is the former President & CEO
of Terex Cranes,  a Division of Terex Corp.  From 1994 through 1996, Mr. Filipov
served as Executive Vice President of the Terex Corp.,  where he was responsible
for  strategic  acquisitions  and was the  Managing  Director of Clark  Material
Handling  Company in Germany (Filco GmbH).  If the  acquisition of Filco GmbH is
completed Mr. Filipov will retain 24.9% of Filco GmbH.

James  Hudson - Mr.  Hudson has been a Director of the  Company  since May 1998.
From 1980 to present, he has been President of Grammer,  Dempsey & Hudson, Inc.,
a steel distributor located in Newark, New Jersey.

Frank A.  Basile,  Esq. - Mr.  Basile has been a Director of the  Company  since
April  1999.  Mr.  Basile  has  been a  practicing  attorney  since  1963 and is
president of the law firm Basile & Testa, Vineland, New Jersey.

William  Hungerville - Mr.  Hungerville has been a director since February 2002.
Since 1998, Mr.  Hungerville  has been retired from full time  employment.  From
1974 to 1998,  he was the sole owner of a pension  administrative  service firm.
Mr. Hungerville is a graduate of Boston College,  and attended an MBA program at
Harvard University for 2 years.


During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2004, based upon an examination of the
public filings, all of our company's officers and directors timely filed reports
on Forms 3, 4 and 5.


The following  table sets forth for the fiscal year  indicated the  compensation
paid by our company to our Chief Executive Officer and other executive  officers
with annual compensation exceeding $100,000:


                           Summary Compensation Table:
                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                               ANNUAL COMPENSATION

                                                             Annual      Restricted     Options      LTIP
   Name & Principal                Salary        Bonus       Compen-       Stock         SARs       Payouts      All Other
       Position           Year       ($)          ($)        sation ($)   Awards($)       (#)         ($)      Compensation
------------------------ ------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------- ----------- ------------ --------------
Peter Amico               2004    116,826(1)       0         237,500(3)       -            -            -             -
President and Chairman    2003     88,462(1)       0         64,000(2)        -            -            -             -
of the Board of Directors 2002     84,135(1)       0         51,399(2)        -            -            -             -
------------------------ ------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------- ----------- ------------ --------------

(1) During 2004, Mr. Amico was entitled to receive a salary of $185,000, however
$116,  825.62 was paid and the balance was deferred for future  payment.  During
2003, Mr. Amico was entitled to receive a salary of $100,000, however $88,461.68
was paid and the balance was deferred for future payment.  In 2002,  $84,135 was
paid as salary to Mr. Amico and $3,365 balance  deferred for future payment.  In
2002 and 2003,  Mr.  Amico  received the use of a company  automobile  which the
Company valued at $1,000.

(2) Pursuant to his  employment  agreement for the year 2004 through  2005,  Mr.
Amico had  outstanding  options to acquire a total of 500,000  shares at a total
price of $0.85 per share. Pursuant to his employment agreement for the year 2003
through  2004,  Mr. Amico had  outstanding  options to acquire a total of 50,000
shares at a total price of $0.01.  Pursuant to previous  employment  agreements,
Mr. Amico had outstanding options to acquire a total of 180,000 shares of common
stock of the Company.  Of these options,  20,000 shares wee exercised at a total
price of $2.00,  50,000 shares were exercised at $0.315 per share, 60,000 shares
wee exercised at a price of $0.1575 per share,  and 50,000 shares were exercised
at a total price of $0.01.  On February 12, 2003, Mr. Amico exercised all of his
options in exchange  for the payment of  $25,202.  The fair market  value of the
underlying  common  stock was $1.26 per share,  on the close of  business on the
exercise date of February 12, 2003. The amount for 2003 represents the number of
options  (50,000)  multiplied by the fair market ($1.26) less his exercise costs
of  $0.01.  The  amount  for 2002  represents  the  number of  options  (50,000)
multiplied by the fair market  ($1.26) less his exercise  costs of $12,601.  The
amount for 2001 represents the number of options (50,000) multiplied by the fair
market  ($1.26) less his exercise  costs of $12,601.  In addition,  for 2002 and
2003, the amounts include $1,000 for the value of an automobile usage.

(3) The value for the year 2004 is based upon statements of financial accounting
standards no. 123 and 148, which became a mandatory  method for valuing  options
in 2004.


The Company and Peter Amico have entered into written employment  agreements for
Mr.  Amico's  role as  President  of the  Company.  The parties  entered into an
agreement  covering  the  period  from April  1997 to June 30,  2002  ("Original
Employment  Agreement").  Effective  July 1, 2002,  the parties  entered  into a
second employment agreement for a one year term ("Second Employment Agreement").
Agreements  for the year 2003  through 2004 and 2004 through 2006 were agreed to
on November30, 2004.

Under the Original Employment Agreement,  Mr. Amico received an annual salary of
$75,000 per year,  and received stock options to acquire up to 50,000 shares per
annum. Of the options,  10,000 shares were exercisable for a total consideration
of a  $1.00  beginning  in  year  three  of the  contract,  25,000  shares  were
exercisable  at 30% of the lowest  price paid for the stock in the 30 day period
preceding  such exercise for each year of the  contract,  and 15,000 shares were
exercisable  at 15% of the lowest  price paid for the stock in the 30 day period
preceding such exercise beginning in year three of the contract.

Under the Second  Employment  Agreement,  Mr.  Amico was  entitled to receive an
annual  salary of $100,000,  and receive an option to acquire  50,000  shares of
common stock of the Company for a total exercise price of $0.01. The Company may
terminate  the  agreement  without  cause  upon 14 days'  written  notice to the

Under the Employment  Agreement,  ratified by the Board of Directors on November
30, 2004 for the period of July, 1 2003  through  June 30,  2004,  Mr. Amico was
entitled  to  receive an annual  salary of  $135,000,  and  receive an option to
acquire  50,000 shares of our common stock for a total  exercise price of $0.01.
We may terminate the agreement without cause upon 14 days' written notice to the
Mr. Amico.


Under a two year  Employment  Agreement,  ratified by the Board of  Directors on
November  30, 2004 for the period of July 1, 2004  through  June 30,  2005,  Mr.
Amico is entitled to receive an annual salary of $200,000,  and receives options
to purchase up to 500,000 shares of our common stock per year at a rate equal to
the "bid" price of the stock per share on the beginning  date of the  employment
agreement.  All options have a cashless exercise. We may terminate the agreement
without cause upon 14 days' written  notice to Mr. Amico.  Under the second year
of the above Employment  Agreement,  for the period of July 1, 2005 through June
30,2006,  Mr.  Amico is entitled to receive an annual  salary of  $250,000,  and
options to  purchase  up to 750,000  shares of our common  stock per year at the
rate equal to the "bid"  price of the stock per share on the  beginning  date of
the employment agreement. All options have a cashless exercise. We may terminate
the agreement without cause upon 14 days' written notice to Mr. Amico.


The Company's  directors are compensated at the rate of $250 per meeting and are
reimbursed  for  expenses  incurred  by them in  connection  with the  Company's
business. During 2002 and 2001, each director, other than Mr. Amico, received an
annual stock option to purchase  5,000  shares of common  stock  exercisable  at
$0.50 per share.  During 2003,  each  director  received a stock grant of 10,000
shares of the Company's  common  stock.  During 2004,  each director  received a
stock grant of 10,000 shares of the Company's  common stock. The Company's board
of  directors  approved a stock  grant in the amount of 20,000  shares of common
stock for its board of directors for 2005,  conditional  upon the Company having

Other  than as  described  above,  the  Company  does not have any other form of
compensation  payable to its officers or  directors,  including any stock option
plans,  stock  appreciation  rights,  or long term incentive plan awards for the
periods  indicated in the table. The Company will approve  compensation to Board
members  serving on the Audit Committee of the Company during the next scheduled
Board meeting.


The following table contains information concerning options granted to executive
officers  named in the Summary  Compensation  Table during the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2004:

Individual Grants

                                  Number of          % of Total Options
                                  Securities         Granted to
Name                              Underlying         Employees in Fiscal
                                  Options Granted    Year                  Exercise        Expiration Date
                                  (#)                                      Price ($/sh)
----------------------           ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Peter Amico                       50,000            8% (1)                 $   -(1)        None(1)
President and Chairman           500,000            83%(1)                 $.85 (1)        None(1)

(1) Pursuant to his  employment  agreement for the year 2004 through  2005,  Mr.
Amico has  outstanding  options to acquire a total of 500,000  shares at a total
price of $0.85 per share. Pursuant to his employment agreement for the year 2003
through  2004,  Mr. Amico has  outstanding  options to acquire a total of 50,000
shares at a total price of $0.01.


The following  table contains  information  concerning the number and value,  at
December 31, 2004, of  unexercised  options held by executive  officers named in
the Summary Compensation Table:


                      Number of Securities Underlying Unexercised Options at    Value  of   Unexercised   In-the-Money
Name                          FY-End (#) (Exercisable/Unexercisable)            Options       at      FY-End       ($)
---------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Peter Amico                  50,000            50,000                            .85                   $42,500
President and Chairman      500,000           500,000                            .39                  $195,000

                               STOCK OPTION PLANS

The  Company  provided a stock  grant for its board of  directors  for 2004,  as
described above under the heading entitled "Directors Compensation".

Other  than as  described  above,  the  Company  does not have any other form of
compensation  payable to its officers or  directors,  including any stock option
plans,  stock  appreciation  rights,  or long term incentive plan awards for the
periods indicated in the table.


The following table identifies as of February 16, 2005 information regarding the
current  directors  and  executive  officers of the Company and those persons or
entities who  beneficially  own more than 5% of its common  stock and  Preferred
Stock of the Company,  the number of and percent of the  Company's  common stock
beneficially owned by:

o all directors and nominees, naming them,
o our executive officers,
o our directors and executive  officers as a group,  without  naming them, and o
persons  or  groups  known by us to own  beneficially  5% or more of our  common

The Company  believes  that all persons  named in the table have sole voting and
investment power with respect to all shares of common stock  beneficially  owned
by them.

A person is deemed to be the beneficial owner of securities that can be acquired
by him within 60 days from  February  16,  2005 upon the  exercise  of  options,
warrants or convertible securities. Each beneficial owner's percentage ownership
is determined by assuming that options,  warrants or convertible securities that
are  held by  him,  but not  those  held by any  other  person,  and  which  are
exercisable  within  60 days of  February  16,  2005  have  been  exercised  and

Peter Amico(1)                     Common Stock     1,870,623(6)    12.16%(2)
870B Central Avenue             Preferred Stock     2,750,000(3)(5)      100%
Hammonton, NJ 08037

D. Barney Harris(1)                Common Stock       236,025(7)     1.53%(2)
870B Central Avenue             Preferred Stock             0              0%
Hammonton, NJ 08037

Frank Basile(1)                    Common Stock       142,873(8)           *
870B Central Avenue             Preferred Stock             0              0%
Hammonton, NJ 08037

James Hudson(1)                    Common Stock        75,800(9)           *
870B Central Avenue             Preferred Stock             0              0%
Hammonton, NJ 08037

William Hungerville(1)             Common Stock       165,950(10)    1.07%(2)
870B Central Avenue             Preferred Stock             0              0%
Hammonton, NJ 08037

All Officers and Directors         Common Stock     2,491,271(11)   16.19%(2)
As a Group (5 persons)          Preferred Stock     2,750,000            100%

Arcon Corp.                        Common Stock     1,580,623(4)    10.27%(2)
870B Central Avenue             Preferred Stock     2,750,000(3)(5)      100%
Hammonton, NJ 08037


*Less than 1%

(1) The address of each beneficial owner is the address of the Company.

(2) Based on 15,387,092  shares of common stock  outstanding  as of February 16,
2005,  except  that  shares of  common  stock  underlying  options  or  warrants
exercisable  within 60 days of the date hereof are deemed to be outstanding  for
purposes of calculating the beneficial  ownership of securities of the holder of
such options or warrants.

(3) Based upon 275,000 outstanding shares of preferred stock after giving effect
to the 10 for 1 voting rights.

(4) Represents  1,580,623 shares held by Arcon Corp., a corporation wholly owned
by Mr. Amico ("Arcon"), and however, excludes common stock that may be issued to
Arcon as a dividend on the preferred stock.

(5) Represents shares held by Arcon.

(6)  Represents  1,580,623  shares  of common  stock  held by Arcon as stated in
footnote (4) above, and 305,000 shares of common stock held  individually by Mr.

(7) Represents 200,625 shares of common stock held  individually,  25,000 shares
of common stock  issuable under his  employment  agreement,  and 5,000 shares of
common stock issuable upon exercise of director's options for 2002.

(8) Represents 100,000 shares held  individually,  15,000 shares of common stock
issuable upon exercise under director's options for 2002 and 2001, 12,046 shares
held by an affiliate,  and 10,000 shares held by his spouse. The amount excludes
shares of common stock to the Company's that may be granted to directors  during

(9)  Represents  41,300 shares of common stock held by an affiliate.  The amount
excludes  shares  of  common  stock  to the  Company's  that may be  granted  to
directors during 2004.

(10) Represents 34,300 shares of common stock held individually, 700 shares held
by his spouse and 10,000  shares  held by a family  trust.  The amount  excludes
shares of common stock to the Company's that may be granted to directors  during

(11) Includes (4), (6), (7), (8), (9), and (10).


Arcon Corp., a corporation wholly owned by the Company's chairman and president,
owns 275,000 shares of preferred  stock of the Company.  Each share of Preferred
Stock is entitled to 10 voting rights on all matters on which  shareholders  are
entitled to vote. The preferred  stock has a stated value per share of $5.00 and
an annual  dividend per share equal to 5% of the stated  value.  The annual cash
dividend as of November 31, 2004 was $68,750.  Dividends are  cumulative and the
holder has a right during any quarter to waive any cash dividend and receive the
dividend  in the form of common  stock at a price per share  equal to 30% of the
lowest  private  offering or trading  price of the common  stock.  The preferred
stock is not  convertible  into common  stock,  however,  has a preference  over
common  stockholders  upon liquidation  equal to the stated value per share. For
fiscal year 2001,  Arcon received  246,731 shares of common stock of the Company
in lieu of the cash  dividend.  For  fiscal  year  2002,  Arcon  received a cash
dividend of $17,187.50,  and will receive  100,000  preferred  shares in lieu of
221,892  shares of common  stock of the Company in lieu of the cash  payment for
the  balance of the  dividend.  For fiscal year 2003,  Arcon  expects to receive
19,097  shares of common stock in lieu of the cash payment of the  dividend.  In
2004,  Arcon  received  payments  of  $17,187.50  for  dividends  due  in  2002,
$63,020.86  for dividends due in 2003 and  $51,562.52 for dividends due in 2004,
of which $17,187.50 remains payable in accrued dividends to Arcon.

Arcon Corp. and the Company's President have made loans from time to time to the
Company in varying amounts. The loan is due on demand and bears interest at 12%.
As of December 31, 2004, the loan balance was $33,455.

Mrs. Patricia Amico, the wife of the Company's President,  performed services to
the Company during 2004,  2003,  2002, and 2001 for which she received  $13,030,
$11,579, $9,930, and $9,126, respectively.

Mr. Frank  Basile,  a director of the  Company,  is a partner of a law firm that
performed  legal services to the Company during fiscal 2004,  2003 and 2002. The
billing amount for such services for each year was less than $10,000.


During  2002 and 2001,  each  director  of the  Company,  other than Mr.  Amico,
received a stock  option to acquire  5,000 shares of common stock at a price per
share of $0.50,  and in 2003,  each director,  other than Mr. Amico,  received a
grant  from the  Company of 10,000  shares of common  stock,  and in 2004,  each
director  received  a grant from the  Company in the amount of 10,000  shares of
common stock.


                          ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMPANY

A copy of the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended December
31, 2003 (the "Annual  Report"),  as amended,  including  financial  statements,
accompanies  this proxy  statement.  The Company filed its Annual Report on Form
10-KSB  with  the  Securities   and  Exchange   Commission  on  April  8,  2004.
Stockholders  may obtain a copy of this report,  without charge,  by writing to:
Airtrax, Inc., 870B Central Avenue Hammonton, New Jersey 08037. In addition, the
Commission  maintains a web site that contains  reports,  proxy and  information
statements and other information  regarding registrants that file electronically
with  the   Commission.   The   address   of  the   Commission's   web  site  is

By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                    /s/ Peter Amico
                                        Peter Amico
                                        Chief Executive Officer and Chairman
                                        of the Board of Directors

Dated:  March 14, 2005


PROXY                                                                     PROXY

                                  AIRTRAX, INC.


The undersigned  hereby appoints Peter Amico as proxy, with the power to appoint
his or her  substitute,  to represent and to vote all the shares of common stock
of Airtrax,  Inc. (the  "Company"),  which the undersigned  would be entitled to
vote, at the Company's  Special  Meeting of Stockholders to be held on March 28,
2005 and at any adjournments thereof, subject to the directions indicated on the
reverse side hereof.

In their  discretion,  the Proxies are  authorized to vote upon any other matter
that may properly come before the meeting or any adjournments thereof.


       IMPORTANT--This Proxy must be signed and dated on the reverse side.


                               THIS IS YOUR PROXY
                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT!

Dear Stockholder:

     We  cordially  invite you to attend a Special  Meeting of  Stockholders  of
Airtrax,  Inc.  to be held on March 28,  2005 at 9:30 a.m.  local  time,  at the
Ramada Inn, 2216 West Landis Avenue, Vineland, New Jersey 08360.

     Please read the proxy  statement which describes the proposals and presents
other important information,  and complete,  sign and return your proxy promptly
in the enclosed envelope.


1.   Proposal  to  approve  an  amendment  to  the  Company's   certificate   of
incorporation to increase the number of authorized shares of common stock of the
Company from 20,000,000 shares to 100,000,000 shares.

         For               Against  Withheld
         [  ]                   [  ]                      [  ]

2.   Proposal  to  approve  an  amendment  to  the  Company's   certificate   of
incorporation  to increase the authorized  shares of the Company's "blank check"
preferred stock from 500,000 to 5,000,000 shares.

         For               Against  Withheld
         [  ]                   [  ]                      [  ]

3.   Proposal  to  approve  an  amendment  to  the  Company's   certificate   of
incorporation  to provide,  to the fullest  extent  permitted by New Jersey law,
that the Company's  directors or officers shall not be personally  liable to the
Company  or its  shareholders  for  damages  for  breach of such  director's  or
officer's fiduciary duty.

         For               Against  Withheld
         [  ]                   [  ]                      [  ]

4. In their  discretion,  the  Proxies  are  authorized  to vote upon such other
business as may properly come before the Meeting.

         For               Against  Withheld
         [  ]                   [  ]                      [  ]

If you plan to attend the Special Meeting please mark this box    [_]

Dated:____________________, 200___

Signature __________________________________________________________________

Name (printed) _____________________________________________________________

Title ______________________________________________________________________
Important:  Please sign exactly as name  appears on this proxy.  When signing as
attorney,  executor, trustee, guardian, corporate officer, etc., please indicate
full title.