Charleston, SC, April 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- An immigration story to remember, new memoir by cancer biologist Gözde Yücel Kismet traverses from the challenges of settling in a new country to the depths of love, heartbreak, and personal growth. Kismet takes readers on a fantastic voyage that spans from the Turkish suburbs to the crowded, busy street of New York. With a special empowering message of embracing your own worth, Kismet whisks readers through an emotional rollercoaster that defies borders.
Gözde tells her story with authenticity that will resonate across cultures. Raised in the Turkish Suburbs, Gözde traveled to the United States for graduate school and encountered all the challenges that face immigrants seeking a new life. As her upbringing crashes against the traditions of her new home, Gözde expands her story into love and loss as she undergoes a divorce. On a journey of self-discovery, Gözde demonstrates enduring resilience as she rises in her scientific profession. New twists and unexpected turns emerge, keeping readers on their toes to the final pages of Kismet.
Kismet offers a story of surprising love and inner strength that will touch the hearts of immigrants and the divorced. Kismet aims to provide readers with a triumphant story about accepting self-love on the path to personal transformation.
Kismet is available for purchase online at and Barnes and For more information about the author, please visit any of her social media platforms.
Facebook: Gozde Yucel Official
Instagram: @gozdeyucel.official
About the Author: Born in Turkey, Gözde Yücel immigrated to the United States when she was 24. She graduated from NYU with her PhD in Developmental Genetics and did post-doctoral studies in skin stem cell biology at Stanford University. She works as a cancer biologist and has published numerous articles, won awards, and held several patents. She lives in California with her three sons and works both professionally and personally to inspire and support others.

Leah Joseph Palmetto Publishing