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Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
621 NW 53rd Street, Suite 700
Boca Raton, Florida 33487
(866) 301-4436
March 30,
You are cordially invited to attend the 2009 annual meeting of
the shareholders of The GEO Group, Inc. We will hold the meeting
on Wednesday, April 29, 2009, at 9:00 A.M. (EDT) at
the Boca Raton Resort & Club, 501 East Camino Real,
Boca Raton, Florida. We hope that you will be able to attend.
Enclosed you will find a notice setting forth the business
expected to come before the meeting, the proxy statement, a form
of proxy and our 2008 annual report to shareholders. In addition
to the specific proposals we are requesting shareholders to act
upon, we will report on our business and provide our
shareholders an opportunity to ask questions of general interest.
Your vote is very important to us. Whether or not you plan to
attend the meeting in person, your shares should be represented
and voted. After reading the enclosed proxy statement, please
complete, sign, date and promptly return the proxy in the
self-addressed envelope that we have included for your
convenience. No postage is required if the proxy is mailed in
the United States. Alternatively, you may wish to submit your
proxy by touch-tone phone or the internet as indicated on the
proxy card. Submitting the proxy card before the annual meeting
will not preclude you from voting in person at the annual
meeting should you decide to attend.
George C. Zoley
Chairman of the Board,
Chief Executive Officer & Founder
621 NW 53rd Street, Suite 700
Boca Raton, Florida 33487
(561) 893-0101
Notice of Annual
Meeting of Shareholders on April 29,
March 30,
The annual meeting of the shareholders of The GEO Group, Inc.
will be held on Wednesday, April 29, 2009, at
9:00 A.M. (EDT) at the Boca Raton Resort & Club,
501 East Camino Real, Boca Raton, Florida for the purpose of
considering and acting on the following proposals:
To elect seven (7) directors for the ensuing year;
To ratify the appointment of Grant Thornton LLP as our
independent registered certified public accountants for the
fiscal year 2009;
To approve amendments to The GEO Group, Inc. 2006 Stock
Incentive Plan, including an amendment providing for the
issuance of an additional 1,000,000 shares of GEO common
stock pursuant to awards granted under the plan, and specifying
that up to 333,000 shares of such additional shares may
constitute awards other than stock options and stock
appreciation rights, including shares of restricted stock;
To vote on a shareholder proposal requesting that GEO disclose,
on a semi-annual basis, political contributions and expenditures
made with corporate funds, both direct and indirect, as well as
the policies and procedures for such contributions and
expenditures; and
To transact any other business as may properly come before the
meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof.
Only shareholders of GEOs common stock of record at the
close of business on March 3, 2009, the record date and
time fixed by the board of directors, are entitled to notice of
and to vote at the annual meeting. Additional information
regarding the proposals to be acted on at the annual meeting can
be found in the accompanying proxy statement.
By Order of the Board of Directors,
John J. Bulfin
Senior Vice President, General Counsel
and Corporate Secretary
621 NW 53rd Street, Suite 700
Boca Raton, Florida 33487
(561) 893-0101
March 30,
The GEO Group Inc. (GEO, we or
us) is furnishing this proxy statement in connection
with the solicitation of proxies by our board of directors for
use at the annual meeting of shareholders to be held at the Boca
Raton Resort & Club, 501 East Camino Real, Boca Raton,
Florida, April 29, 2009, at 9:00 A.M., Eastern
Daylight Time. Please note that the proxy card provides a means
to withhold authority to vote for any individual
director-nominee. Also note that the format of the proxy card
provides an opportunity to specify your choice between approval,
disapproval or abstention with respect to the proposals
indicated on the proxy card. A proxy card which is properly
executed, returned and not revoked will be voted in accordance
with the instructions indicated. A proxy voted by telephone or
the internet and not revoked will be voted in accordance with
the shareholders instructions. If no instructions are
given, proxies that are signed and returned or voted by
telephone or internet will be voted as follows:
FOR the election of the nominated directors
for the ensuing year;
FOR the proposal to ratify the appointment of
Grant Thornton LLP as the independent registered certified
public accountants of GEO for the fiscal year 2009;
FOR the proposal to approve the amendments to
The GEO Group Inc. 2006 Stock Incentive Plan described in this
proxy statement; and
AGAINST the shareholder proposal requesting
that GEO disclose, on a semi-annual basis, political
contributions and expenditures made with corporate funds, both
direct and indirect, as well as the policies and procedures for
such contributions and expenditures.
This proxy statement, the notice of annual meeting, the proxy
card and our 2008 annual report are first being sent to
shareholders on or about March 30, 2009.
The enclosed proxy gives discretionary authority as to any
matters not specifically referred to therein. Management is not
aware of any other matters to be presented for action by
shareholders at the annual meeting. If any such matter or
matters properly come before the annual meeting, the designated
proxy holders will have discretionary authority to vote thereon.
Holders of GEO common stock at the close of business on
March 3, 2009 will be entitled to one vote for each share
of common stock standing in their name on the books of GEO at
that date. On March 3, 2009, GEO had 51,122,775 shares
of common stock issued and outstanding.
The presence, in person or by proxy, of at least a majority of
the total number of shares of common stock outstanding on the
record date will constitute a quorum for purposes of the annual
meeting. The election of directors requires a plurality of the
votes cast. The appointment of Grant Thornton LLP will be
ratified if the number of votes cast in favor of ratification
exceeds the number of votes cast against ratification. The
approval of amendments to The GEO Group, Inc. 2006 Stock
Incentive Plan requires approval by a majority of the votes
cast, provided that the total votes cast on the proposal
represents over 50% in interest of all securities entitled to
vote on the proposal. The shareholder proposal regarding
political contributions will be approved if the number of votes
cast in favor of approval exceeds the number of votes cast
against approval. Shares of common stock represented by proxies
that reflect abstentions or broker non-votes (i.e.,
shares held by a broker or nominee which are represented at the
annual meeting, but with respect to which such broker or nominee
is not empowered to vote on a particular proposal) will be
counted as shares that are present and entitled to vote for
purposes of determining the presence of a quorum for the
election of directors, the ratification of Grant Thornton LLP,
and the shareholder proposal, but broker non-votes will not be
counted for purposes of determining the presence of over 50% in
interest of all securities for the approval of the amendment of
The GEO Group, Inc. 2006 Stock Incentive Plan. However, neither
abstentions nor broker non-votes are counted as votes either for
or against a proposal and will have no effect on the proposals
except that abstentions
will have the effect of votes against amending The GEO Group,
Inc. 2006 Stock Incentive Plan. If less than the majority of the
outstanding shares of common stock are represented at the annual
meeting, a majority of the shares so represented may adjourn the
annual meeting to another date and time.
Any person giving a proxy has the power to revoke it any time
before it is voted by providing written notice to GEO addressed
to the Corporate Secretary, by executing and delivering a later
dated proxy, or by attending the meeting and voting the shares
in person.
The costs of preparation, assembly and mailing this proxy
statement and the accompanying materials will be borne by GEO.
It is contemplated that the solicitation of proxies will be by
mail and telephone.
For information on how to obtain directions to be able to attend
the meeting and vote in person contact our Director of Corporate
Communications at
Important Notice Regarding Availability of Proxy Materials
for the
Shareholder Meeting to be held On April 29, 2009.
The Proxy Statement and 2008 Annual Report to Shareholders
available at
Proposal 1
Election of
GEOs board of directors is comprised of seven
(7) members. The seven (7) nominees are listed below.
All of the nominees are presently directors of GEO and were
elected by the shareholders at GEOs last annual meeting.
Unless instructed otherwise, the persons named on the
accompanying proxy card will vote for the election of the
nominees named below to serve for the ensuing year and until
their successors are elected and qualified. If any nominee for
director shall become unavailable (which management has no
reason to believe will be the case), it is intended that the
shares represented by the enclosed proxy card will be voted for
any such replacement or substitute nominee as may be nominated
by the board of directors.
Wayne H. Calabrese
Vice Chairman, President and COO
Norman A. Carlson
Anne N. Foreman
Richard H. Glanton
John M. Palms
John M. Perzel
George C. Zoley
Chairman, CEO and Founder
The following is a brief biographical statement for each
director nominee:
Wayne H.
Mr. Calabrese is GEOs Vice Chairman of the Board,
President and Chief Operating Officer. He joined GEO as Vice
President, Business Development in 1989 and has served in a
range of increasingly senior positions since then. From 1992 to
1994, Mr. Calabrese was Chief Executive Officer of
Australasian Correctional Management, Pty Ltd., a Sydney-based
subsidiary of GEO. Mr. Calabrese has served as a director
of GEO since 1998. Prior to joining GEO, Mr. Calabrese was
a partner in the Akron, Ohio law firm of Calabrese, Dobbins and
Kepple. He also served as an Assistant City Law Director in
Akron; an Assistant County Prosecutor and Chief of the County
Bureau of Support for Summit County, Ohio; and Legal Counsel and
Director of Development for the Akron Metropolitan Housing
Authority. He received his Bachelors Degree in Secondary
Education from the University of Akron in Akron, Ohio and his
Juris Doctor from the University of Akron Law School.
Mr. Calabrese also serves as a director of numerous
subsidiaries and partnerships through which GEO conducts its
global operations.
Norman A Carlson
Mr. Carlson has served as a director of GEO since 1994
and served previously as a Director of The Wackenhut
Corporation. Mr. Carlson retired from the Department of
Justice in 1987 after serving as the Director of the Federal
Bureau of Prisons for 17 years. During his
career, Mr. Carlson worked at the United States
Penitentiary, Leavenworth, Kansas, and at the Federal
Correctional Institution, Ashland, Kentucky. Mr. Carlson
was President of the American Correctional Association from 1978
to 1980, and is a Fellow in the National Academy of Public
Administration. From 1987 until 1998, Mr. Carlson was
Adjunct Professor in the Department of Sociology at the
University of Minnesota.
Anne N. Foreman
Ms. Foreman has served as a director of GEO since 2002.
Since 1999, Ms. Foreman has been a Trustee of the National
Gypsum Company Bodily Injury Trust and Director and Treasurer of
the Asbestos Claims Management Corporation. Ms. Foreman is
on the board of directors of Ultra Electronics Defense, Inc. and
is chairman of the board of directors of Trust Services,
Inc. Ms. Foreman served as Under Secretary of the United
States Air Force from September 1989 until January 1993. Prior
to her appointment as Under Secretary, Ms. Foreman was
General Counsel of the Department of the Air Force, a member of
the Departments Intelligence Oversight Board and the
Departments Chief Ethics Officer. She practiced law in the
Washington office of Bracewell and Patterson and with the
British solicitors Boodle Hatfield, Co., in London, England from
1979 to 1985. Ms. Foreman is a former member of the U.S.
Foreign Service, and served in Beirut, Lebanon; Tunis, Tunisia;
and the U.S. Mission to the U.N. Ms. Foreman earned a
bachelors degree, magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, in
history and French, and a masters in history from the
University of Southern California in Los Angeles. She holds her
juris doctor from American University in Washington D.C. and was
awarded an honorary doctorate of law from Troy State University
in Troy, Alabama. Ms. Foreman was twice awarded the Air
Force Medal for Distinguished Civilian Service. Ms. Foreman
also served on the Board of The Wackenhut Corporation for nine
Richard H. Glanton
Mr. Glanton has served as a director of GEO since 1998.
Mr. Glanton is the founder, Chairman and CEO of
Philadelphia Television Network, a privately held media company
that owns a controlling interest in television station WTVE
Channel 51, located in Reading and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
From 2003 to 2007, Mr. Glanton was Senior Vice President of
Corporate Development for Exelon Corporation, an energy company.
He was a member of the Exelon board of directors since its
inception in October 2000 until 2003 when he became an officer
of the company. Mr. Glanton served as a Director on the
Board of PECO Energy Company, a predecessor company of Exelon,
from 1990 to 2000. Prior to joining Exelon in 2003,
Mr. Glanton was a Partner in the General Corporate Group of
the law firm of Reed, Smith, Shaw and McClay, LLP in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and was with the firm since 1987.
Mr. Glanton is active in public affairs and civic
organizations and has a distinguished record of public service.
He served from 1979 to 1983 as Deputy Counsel to Richard L.
Thornburgh, former Governor of Pennsylvania. Mr. Glanton is
a member of the board of directors of Aqua America Corporation
and Chairman of its governance committee. He received his
bachelors degree in English from West Georgia College
(renamed State University of West Georgia) in Carrollton,
Georgia and his juris doctor from the University of Virginia
School of Law in Charlottesville, Virginia.
John M. Palms
John M. Palms, Ph.D. Sc.D. (Hon), LHD (Hon) has served
as a director of GEO since 2006. Mr. Palms is currently a
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus and Distinguished
President Emeritus at the University of South Carolina.
Dr. Palms serves on the board of directors of Exelon
Corporation (Chair of Audit Committee), Computer Task Group
(Audit Committee), Non-executive Chairman of Assurant, Inc.
Dr. Palms served as President at the University of South
Carolina from 1991 to 2002 and previously as President at
Georgia State University from 1989 to 1991, and was former
Vice-President for Academic Affairs at Emory University.
Dr. Palms has served in a number of military and
governmental positions and committees. He currently serves as
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Institute for Defense
Analyses. He also served in the United States Air Force with a
Regular Commission and on the United States Presidents
Selection Committee for White House Fellows.
John M. Perzel
The Honorable John M. Perzel has served as a director of GEO
since 2005. Mr. Perzel currently serves as a member of
Pennsylvanias House of Representatives. From April 2003 to
January 2007, Mr. Perzel served as Speaker of the House.
Prior to being elected Speaker, Mr. Perzel served four
consecutive terms as House Majority Leader, becoming the longest
serving House Majority Leader in Pennsylvania history. First
elected to the House of Representatives in 1978, Speaker Perzel
steadily climbed the ladder of responsibility, authority, and
leadership. Before being elected Majority Leader in 1994, he
held the offices of Republican Whip, Policy Committee Chairman,
and head of the House Republican Campaign Committee. In March
2004, he established the Speakers Foundation Fund of the
Philadelphia Foundation, a charitable organization created to
support education, culture, and economic development across
Pennsylvania. Mr. Perzel earned a bachelors degree
from Troy State University in 1975.
George C. Zoley
George C. Zoley is GEOs Chairman of the Board, Chief
Executive Officer and Founder, and is Chairman of GEO Care,
Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of The GEO Group, Inc. He served
as GEOs Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer from
January 1997 to May of 2002. Mr. Zoley has served as
GEOs Chief Executive Officer since the company went public
in 1994. Prior to 1994, Mr. Zoley served as President and
Director since GEOs incorporation in 1988. Mr. Zoley
founded GEO in 1984 and continues to be a major factor in
GEOs development of new business opportunities in the
areas of correctional and detention management, health and
mental health and other diversified government services.
Mr. Zoley also serves as a director of several business
subsidiaries through which The GEO Group, Inc. conducts its
operations worldwide. Mr. Zoley has bachelors and
masters degrees in Public Administration from Florida
Atlantic University (FAU) and a Doctorate Degree in Public
Administration from Nova Southeastern University (NSU). For
seven years, Mr. Zoley served as a member of the Board of
Trustees of Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida,
and previously served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
Mr. Zoley also served as Chair of the FAU Presidential
Search Committee and a member of the FAU Foundation board of
The election of each director will require the affirmative vote
of a plurality of the votes cast by holders of the shares of
common stock present in person or by proxy at the annual meeting.
Recommendation of
the Board of Directors
The board of directors unanimously recommends a vote
FOR each of the seven nominees for director.
Officers of GEO
The executive officers of GEO are as follows:
George C. Zoley
Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and Founder
Wayne H. Calabrese
Vice Chairman, President and Chief Operating Officer
John G. ORourke(1)
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
John J. Bulfin
Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
Jorge A. Dominicis
Senior Vice President, Residential Treatment Services,
President GEO Care, Inc.
John M. Hurley
Senior Vice President, President U.S. Corrections
Thomas M. Wierdsma
Senior Vice President, Project Development
Brian R. Evans
Vice President Finance, Treasurer and Chief
Accounting Officer
(1) |
On February 12, 2009, GEO announced the retirement of
Mr. ORourke effective August 2, 2009.
Mr. ORourke will be replaced by Mr. Evans
beginning August 2, 2009. |
George C. Zoley Please refer to the
biographical information listed above in the Directors
Nominees section.
Wayne H. Calabrese Please refer to the
biographical information listed above in the Directors
Nominees section.
John G. ORourke Mr. ORourke
has been responsible for GEOs business management since
1991, assuming the position of Chief Financial Officer in 1994.
Over this 17 year period, GEO has grown from approximately
$30 million in revenue in 1991 to $1 billion in
revenue in 2007. Prior to joining GEO, Mr. ORourke
was a career officer in the United States Air Force. In addition
to operational flying experience as an instructor pilot in B-52
aircraft, his assignments included senior positions in the
Pentagon involved in managing several multi-billion dollar
national security projects, including the B-2 Stealth Bomber.
Mr. ORourke earned his bachelors degree in
International Relations from St. Josephs University in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and a masters degree in
Political Science from the University of North Dakota in Grand
Forks, North Dakota. He is also a graduate of the Defense
Systems Management College.
John J. Bulfin As GEOs General Counsel
and Secretary since 2000, Mr. Bulfin has oversight
responsibility for all GEO litigation, investigations,
professional responsibility and corporate governance.
Mr. Bulfin is a member of the Florida Bar and the American
Bar Associations. He has been a trial lawyer since 1978 and is a
Florida Bar Board Certified Civil trial lawyer. Prior to joining
GEO in 2000, Mr. Bulfin was a founding partner of the West
Palm Beach law firm of Wiederhold, Moses, Bulfin &
Rubin. Mr. Bulfin attended the University of Florida,
received his bachelors degree from Regis College in
Denver, Colorado and his juris doctor from Loyola University in
Chicago, Illinois.
Jorge A. Dominicis Mr. Dominicis joined
GEO in May 2004 as Senior Vice President of Residential
Treatment Services and President of GEO Care, Inc., a
wholly-owned subsidiary of GEO. Mr. Dominicis is
responsible for the overall management, administrative, and
business development activities of the Residential Treatment
Services division of GEO and of GEO Care, Inc. Prior to joining
GEO, Mr. Dominicis served for 14 years as Vice
President of Corporate Affairs at Florida Crystals Corporation,
a sugar company, where he was responsible for governmental and
public affairs activities, as well as for the coordination of
corporate community outreach and charitable involvement. Prior
to that, Mr. Dominicis served in public and government
policy positions.
John M. Hurley As GEOs Senior Vice
President since 2000 and President of U.S. Corrections
since late 2006, Mr. Hurley is responsible for the overall
administration and management of GEOs U.S. detention
and correctional facilities. From 1998 to 2000, Mr. Hurley
served as Warden of GEOs South Bay, Florida correctional
facility. Prior to joining GEO in 1998, Mr. Hurley was
employed by the Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Prisons
for 26 years. During his tenure, he served as Warden at
three different Bureau facilities. He also served as Director of
the Bureaus Staff Training Center in Glynco, Georgia.
Mr. Hurley received his bachelors degree from the
University of Iowa in Sociology and a Certificate in Public
Administration from the University of Southern California,
Washington D.C. extension campus.
Thomas M. Wierdsma Mr. Wierdsma joined
GEO in January 2007 as Senior Vice President of Project
Development. Prior to joining GEO, Mr. Wierdsma served for
25 years with Colorado-based Hensel Phelps Construction
Company in a number of increasingly senior positions, most
recently serving as Director of Project Planning and
Development. Prior to that position, Mr. Wierdsma acquired
over ten years of multi-project operations management experience
on projects ranging in size from $10 million to
$300 million. Mr. Wierdsma earned his bachelors
degree in Civil Engineering from Valparaiso University in
Brian R. Evans Mr. Evans has been
GEOs Vice President of Finance and Treasurer since May
2007 and Chief Accounting Officer since May 2003. Effective
August 2009, Mr. Evans will assume the role as Chief
Financial Officer for the Company upon the announced retirement
of Mr. ORourke. Mr. Evans joined GEO in October
2000 as Corporate Controller. From 1994 until joining GEO,
Mr. Evans was with the West Palm Beach office of Arthur
Andersen, LLP where his most recent position was Manager in the
Audit and Business Advisory Services Group. From 1990 to 1994,
Mr. Evans served in the U.S. Navy as an officer in the
Supply Corps. Mr. Evans has a bachelors degree in
Accounting from the University of Notre Dame and is a member of
the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
The following table shows the number of shares of GEOs
common stock that were beneficially owned at March 3, 2009
(unless stated otherwise) by (i) each nominee for election
as director at the 2008 annual meeting of shareholders,
(ii) each named executive officer (as defined below),
(iii) all director nominees and executive officers as a
group, and (iv) each person or group who was known by GEO
to beneficially own more than 5% of GEOs outstanding
common stock.
Amount &
of Beneficial
and Address of Beneficial Owner(1)
Wayne H. Calabrese
Norman A. Carlson
Anne N. Foreman
Richard H. Glanton
John M. Palms
John M. Perzel
George C. Zoley
John J. Bulfin
John M. Hurley
John G. ORourke
(13 Persons)(6)
Wells Fargo & Company(7)
Barclays Global Investors, N.A.(8)
Fred Alger Management, Inc.(9)
* Beneficially owns less than 1% of GEOs common stock
(1) |
Unless stated otherwise, the address of the beneficial owners is
621 NW 53rd Street, Boca Raton, Florida 33487. |
(2) |
Information concerning beneficial ownership was furnished by the
persons named in the table or derived from documents filed with
the Securities and Exchange Commission, which we refer to as the
SEC. Unless stated otherwise, each person named in the table has
sole voting and investment power with respect to the shares
beneficially owned. |
(3) |
As of March 3, 2009, GEO had 51,122,775 shares of
common stock outstanding. |
(4) |
These figures include shares of common stock underlying stock
options held by directors nominees and the named executive
officers that are immediately exercisable, or are scheduled to
become exercisable within 60 days of March 3, 2009, in
the following amounts: Mr. Calabrese 555,448;
Mr. Carlson 43,600;
Ms. Foreman 31,600;
Mr. Glanton 12,100; Mr. Palms
1,000; Mr. Perzel 9,100;
Mr. Zoley 895,510; Mr. Bulfin
196,471; Mr. Hurley 99,226; and
Mr. ORourke 177,571. |
(5) |
These figures include shares of restricted stock held by
director nominees and the named executive officers, that are
unvested but have voting rights, in the following amounts:
Mr. Calabrese 90,156;
Mr. Carlson 6,000; Ms. Foreman
6,000; Mr. Glanton 6,000;
Mr. Palms 6,000; |
Mr. Perzel 6,000; Mr. Zoley
154,982; Mr. Bulfin 18,486;
Mr. Hurley 18,486 and
Mr. ORourke 21,944. |
(6) |
Includes 2,121,426 shares of common stock underlying stock
options held by director nominees and executive officers
(13 persons total) that are immediately exercisable or are
scheduled to become exercisable within 60 days of
March 3, 2009. |
(7) |
The principal business address of Wells Fargo &
Company is 420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California
94104. By Schedule 13G, dated January 20, 2009, Wells
Fargo & Company reported that, as of December 31,
2008, it beneficially owned 4,667,308 shares with sole
voting power over 4,628,186 of such shares and sole dispositive
power over 4,155,207 of such shares. |
(8) |
The principal business address of Barclays Global Investors N.A.
is 400 Howard Street, San Francisco, California 94105. By
Schedule 13G, dated February 6, 2009, Barclays Global
Investors N.A. reported that, as of December 31, 2008, it
beneficially owned 3,198,645 shares with sole voting power
over 2,421,275 of such shares and sole dispositive power over
3,198,645 of such shares. |
(9) |
The principal business address of Fred Alger Management is
111 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003. By
Schedule 13G, dated February 17, 2009, Fred Alger
Management reported that, as of December 31, 2008, it
beneficially owned 3,164,669 shares with sole voting and
dispositive power over 3,164,669 of such shares. |
GEOs board of directors held 5 meetings during fiscal year
2008. Each director attended at least 75% of the total number of
meetings of the board of directors and of the meetings held by
all board committees on which such director served.
Pursuant to the corporate governance standards applicable to
companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange
(NYSE), the board of directors must be comprised of
a majority of directors who qualify as independent directors. In
determining independence, each year the board of directors
affirmatively determines whether directors have a material
relationship with GEO. When assessing the
materiality of a directors relationship with
GEO, the board of directors considers all relevant facts and
circumstances, not merely from the directors standpoint,
but also from that of the persons or organizations with which
the director has an affiliation. An independent director is free
from any relationship with GEO that may impair the
directors ability to make independent judgments.
Particular attention is paid to whether the director is
independent from management and, with respect to organizations
affiliated with a director with which GEO does business, the
frequency and regularity of the business conducted, and whether
the business is carried out at arms length on
substantially the same terms to GEO as those prevailing at the
time from unrelated third parties for comparable business
transactions. Material relationships can include commercial,
banking, industrial, consulting, legal, accounting, charitable
and familial relationships.
Applying the NYSEs independence standards, the board of
directors has determined that Norman A. Carlson, Anne N.
Foreman, Richard H. Glanton, John M. Palms, and John M. Perzel
qualify as independent under the NYSEs corporate
governance standards, and that the board of directors is
therefore comprised of a majority of independent directors. The
board of directors determination that each of these
directors is independent was based on the fact that none of the
directors had a material relationship with GEO outside of such
persons position as a director, including a relationship
that would disqualify such director from being considered
independent under the NYSEs listing standards.
Under our corporate governance guidelines, the board of
directors has established eight standing committees. The members
of the board of directors serving on certain of these committees
and the functions of those committees are set forth below.
Richard Glanton, Chairman
John M. Palms
John M. Perzel
Richard H. Glanton, Chairman
Anne N. Foreman
John M. Perzel
Anne N. Foreman, Chairman
Richard H. Glanton
John M. Perzel
George C. Zoley, Chairman
Wayne H. Calabrese
Richard H. Glanton
Anne N. Foreman, Chairman
Norman A. Carlson
John M. Palms
Norman A. Carlson, Chairman
Richard H. Glanton
Anne N. Foreman
Richard H. Glanton, Chairman
Anne N. Foreman
John M. Palms
Norman A. Carlson, Chairman
John M. Perzel
Anne N. Foreman
Richard H. Glanton
John M. Palms
Audit and Finance
The Audit and Finance Committee met six times during fiscal year
2008. The Report of the Audit and Finance Committee is included
later in this proxy statement.
All of the members of the Audit and Finance Committee are
independent (as independence is defined under Exchange Act
Rule 10A-3,
as well as under Section 303A.02 of the NYSEs listing
standards). In addition, the board of directors has determined
that Mr. Glanton is an audit committee financial
expert as that term is defined under Item 407(d)(5)
Regulation S-K
of the SECs rules.
The Audit and Finance Committee has a written charter adopted by
the board of directors. It can be found on our website at
by clicking on the link Corporate on our homepage
and then clicking on the link Corporate Governance.
In addition, the charter is available in print to any
shareholder who requests it by contacting our Director of
Corporate Communications at
Pursuant to the charter, the main functions and responsibilities
of the Audit and Finance Committee include the following:
select, in its sole discretion, our independent auditor, review
and oversee its performance and approve its compensation;
review and approve in advance the terms of our independent
auditors annual engagement, including the proposed fees,
as well as the scope of auditing services to be provided;
review with management, our internal auditor and our independent
auditor, our significant financial risks or exposures and assess
the steps management has taken to monitor and mitigate such
risks or exposures;
review and discuss with management and our independent auditor
the audit of our annual financial statements and our internal
controls over financial reporting, and our disclosure and the
independent auditors reports thereon;
meet privately with our independent auditor on any matters
deemed significant by the independent auditor;
establish procedures for the submission, receipt, retention and
treatment, on an anonymous basis, of complaints and concerns
regarding our accounting, internal accounting controls or
auditing matters;
review with our counsel legal matters that may have a material
impact on our financial statements, our compliance policies and
any material reports or inquiries from regulators or government
agencies; and
address or take action with respect to any other matter
specifically delegated to it from time to time by the board of
The Compensation Committee met five times during fiscal year
2008. The Report of the Compensation Committee is included later
in this proxy statement.
All of the members of the Compensation Committee are independent
(as independence is defined under Section 303A.02 of the
NYSEs listing standards).
The Compensation Committee has a written charter adopted by the
board of directors. It can be found on our website at
by clicking on the link Corporate on our homepage
and then clicking on the link Corporate Governance.
In addition, the charter is available in print to any
shareholder who requests it by contacting our Director of
Corporate Communications at
Pursuant to the charter, the main functions and responsibilities
of the Compensation Committee include the following:
review on a periodic basis and, if appropriate, make
recommendations with respect to, director compensation;
establish our executive compensation philosophy, and review and
approve the compensation of all of our corporate officers,
including salaries, bonuses, stock option grants and other forms
of compensation;
review the general compensation structure for our corporate and
key field employees;
establish annual and long-term performance goals for the
compensation of our CEO and other senior executive officers,
evaluate the CEOs and such other senior executives
performance in light of those goals, and, either as a
committee or together with the other independent members of the
board of directors, determine and approve the CEOs and
such other senior executives compensation level based on
this evaluation;
review our program for succession and management development;
review our incentive-based compensation and equity-based plans
and make recommendations to the board of directors with respect
thereto; and
address or take action with respect to any other matter
specifically delegated to it from time to time by the board of
For further information on the Compensation Committees
processes and procedures for consideration and determination of
executive compensation, see Compensation Discussion and
Analysis elsewhere in this proxy statement.
Nominating and
Corporate Governance
The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee met three
times during fiscal year 2008.
All of the members of the Nominating and Corporate Governance
Committee are independent (as independence is defined under
Section 303A.02 of the NYSEs listing standards).
The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee has a written
charter adopted by the board of directors. It can be found on
our website at
by clicking on the link Corporate on our homepage
and then clicking on the link Corporate Governance.
In addition, the charter is available in print to any
shareholder who requests it by contacting our Director of
Corporate Communications at
Pursuant to the charter, the main functions and responsibilities
of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee include the
identify candidates qualified to become members of the board of
directors and select, or recommend that the full board of
directors select, such candidates for nomination
appointment to the board of directors;
review candidates for the board of directors recommended by
after consultation with the Chairman and CEO, recommend to the
board of directors for approval all assignments of committee
members, including designations of the chairs of the committees;
establish the evaluation criteria for the annual self-evaluation
by the board of directors, including the criteria for
determining whether the board of directors and its committees
are functioning effectively, and implement the process for
annual evaluations;
develop, adopt, review annually and, if appropriate, update,
corporate governance guidelines for GEO and evaluate compliance
with such guidelines;
consider other corporate governance issues that arise from time
to time, and advise the board of directors with respect to such
issues; and
address or take action with respect to any other matter
specifically delegated to it from time to time by the board of
Periodically during fiscal year 2008, members of the Executive
Committee informally discussed various matters relating to
GEOs business. The Executive Committee has full authority
to exercise all the powers of the board of directors between
meetings of the board of directors, except as reserved by the
board of directors. During 2008, the Executive Committee acted
three times through resolutions adopted at duly convened
meetings or by unanimous written consent. All actions taken by
the Executive Committee in 2008 were ratified by the board of
directors at their next quarterly meeting.
The Corporate Planning Committee periodically reviews with
management various corporate strategic initiatives, including
potential merger and acquisition activities, business expansion
issues and corporate finance matters.
Operations and
The Operations and Oversight Committee reviews with management
various issues relating to our operations that may arise from
time to time.
Legal Steering
The Legal Steering Committee reviews with management strategy
issues with respect to material litigation and other discrete
legal issues.
The Independent Committee considers matters that may arise from
time to time that the board of directors designates for
independent director review.
Identification and
The processes for director selection and director qualifications
are set forth in Section 3 of our Corporate Governance
Guidelines. The board of directors, acting on the recommendation
of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee, will
nominate a slate of director candidates for election at each
annual meeting of shareholders and will elect directors to fill
vacancies, including vacancies created as a result of any
increase in the size of the board, between annual meetings.
Nominees for director are selected on the basis of outstanding
achievement in their personal careers, broad experience, wisdom,
integrity, ability to make independent, analytical inquiries,
understanding of the business environment, and willingness to
devote adequate time to the duties of the board of directors.
The board believes that each director should have a basic
understanding of (i) the principal operational and
financial objectives and plans and strategies of GEO,
(ii) the results of operations and financial condition of
GEO and of any significant subsidiaries or business segments,
and (iii) the relative standing of GEO and its business
segments in relation to its competitors. The board is committed
to diversified membership and will not discriminate on the basis
of race, color, national origin, gender, religion or disability
in selecting nominees. The Nominating and Corporate Governance
Committee may, to the extent it deems appropriate, engage a
third party professional search firm to identify and review new
director candidates and their credentials.
The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee will consider
proposed nominees whose names are submitted to it by
shareholders; however, it does not have a formal process for
that consideration. The Nominating and Corporate Governance
Committee has not adopted a formal process because it believes
that the informal consideration process has been adequate to
date. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee intends
to review periodically whether a more formal policy should be
adopted. If a shareholder wishes to suggest a proposed name for
committee consideration, the name of that nominee and related
personal information should be forwarded to the Nominating and
Corporate Governance Committee, in care of the Corporate
Secretary, at least six months before the next annual meeting to
assure time for meaningful consideration by the committee.
Code of Business
Conduct and
The board of directors has adopted a code of business conduct
and ethics applicable to GEOs directors, officers,
employees, agents and representatives, including its
consultants. The code strives to deter wrongdoing and promote
honest and ethical conduct, the avoidance of conflicts of
interest, full, fair, accurate, timely and transparent
disclosure, compliance with the applicable government and
self-regulatory organization laws, rules and regulations, prompt
internal reporting of violations of the code, and accountability
for compliance with the code. The code can be found on our
website at
by clicking on the link Corporate on our homepage
and then clicking on the link Corporate Governance.
In addition, the code is available in print to any shareholder
who requests it by contacting our Director of Corporate
Communications at
Code of Ethics
for CEO, Senior Financial Officers and Other
Pursuant to Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002,
the board of directors has also adopted a code of ethics for the
CEO, its senior financial officers and all other employees. The
text of this code is located in Section 18 of GEOs
code of business conduct and ethics. The code can be found on
our website at
by clicking on the link Corporate on our homepage
and then clicking on the link Corporate Governance.
In addition, the code is available in print to any shareholder
who requests it by contacting our Director of Corporate
Communications at
The board of directors has adopted corporate governance
guidelines to promote the effective functioning of the board of
directors and its committees, and the continued implementation
of good corporate governance practices. The corporate governance
guidelines address matters such as the role and structure of the
board of directors, the selection, qualifications and continuing
education of members of the board of directors, board meetings,
non-employee director executive sessions, board self-evaluation,
board committees, CEO performance review, succession planning,
non-employee director compensation, certain shareholder matters
and certain shareholder rights.
The corporate governance guidelines can be found on our website
by clicking on the link Corporate on our homepage
and then clicking on the link Corporate Governance.
In addition, the corporate governance guidelines are available
in print to any shareholder who requests them by contacting our
Director of Corporate Communications at
Annual Board and
Committee Self-Assessments and Non-Employee Director Executive
The board of directors conducts a self-assessment annually,
which is reported by the Nominating and Corporate Governance
Committee to the board of directors. In addition, the Audit and
Finance Committee, the Compensation Committee and the Nominating
and Corporate Governance Committee also undergo annual
self-assessments of their performance. The non-employee
directors of the board of directors meet in executive session at
least twice per year and such meetings are presided over by a
presiding director who is typically the chairman of the
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee, who is currently
Anne Foreman.
Communications with
The board of directors has adopted a process to facilitate
written communications by shareholders or other interested
parties to the entire board, the independent members of the
board as a group or any individual member of the board,
including the presiding director for non-employee director
executive sessions. Persons wishing to write to the board of
directors of GEO, or to a specified director (including the
presiding director for non-employee director executive sessions)
or committee of the board, should send correspondence to the
Corporate Secretary at 621 NW 53rd Street, Suite 700,
Boca Raton, Florida, 33487.
The Corporate Secretary will forward to the directors all
communications that, in his or her judgment, are appropriate for
consideration by the directors. Examples of communications that
would not be appropriate for consideration by the directors
include commercial solicitations and matters not relevant to the
shareholders, to the functioning of the board, or to the affairs
of GEO.
Board Member
Attendance at Annual
GEO encourages all of its directors to attend the annual meeting
of shareholders. We generally hold a board meeting coincident
with our annual meeting to minimize director travel obligations
and facilitate their attendance at the annual meeting of
shareholders. All of our then current directors attended the
2008 annual meeting of shareholders.
Grant Thornton LLP (Grant Thornton) served as
GEOs independent registered certified public accountants
in fiscal years 2008 and 2007. A member of Grant Thornton will
be present at the annual meeting to make a statement if so
desired and will be available to respond to appropriate
questions. The following sets forth the aggregate fees billed to
GEO by Grant Thornton in fiscal years 2008 and 2007.
Grant Thornton LLP
Grant Thornton LLP
Audit Fees(1)
Audit Related Fees(2)
Tax Fees(3)
All Other Fees(4)
(1) |
Audit fees include fees associated with the annual audit,
reviews of the financial statements included in GEOs
Quarterly Reports on
Form 10-Q,
statutory audits required internationally, filings with the SEC,
compliance with Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and
accounting consultations performed in connection with the annual
audit. Audit fees for 2007 include an aggregate of approximately
$270,880 in fees relating to certain services provided by Grant
Thornton in connection with GEOs acquisition of CentraCore
Properties Trust in January 2007 and GEOs follow-on public
equity offering in March 2007. |
(2) |
Audit-related fees primarily consist of fees for due diligence
pertaining to business combinations. |
(3) |
Tax fees consist of fees for tax compliance and advice primarily
pertaining to GEOs foreign locations. |
(4) |
All Other Fees consist of fees related to the review of
shareholder agreements at one of GEOs foreign subsidiaries. |
The Audit and Finance Committee of the board of directors has
implemented procedures to ensure that all audit and permitted
non-audit services provided to GEO are pre-approved by the Audit
and Finance Committee. All of the audit, audit-related, tax and
all other services provided by Grant Thornton to GEO in 2008 and
2007 were approved by the Audit and Finance Committee pursuant
to these procedures. All non-audit services provided in 2008 and
2007 were reviewed with the Audit and Finance Committee, which
concluded that the provision of such services by Grant Thornton
was compatible with the maintenance of that firms
independence in the conduct of its auditing functions.
Audit and Finance
Committee Pre-Approvals of Audit, Audit-Related, Tax and
Permissible Non-Audit
The Audit and Finance Committee periodically approves the
provision of various audit, audit-related, tax and other
services by Grant Thornton. The Audit and Finance Committee
plans to continue to review and pre-approve such services as
appropriate. In addition, the Audit and Finance Committee has
delegated to its Chairman, Richard H. Glanton, the authority to
grant, on behalf of the Audit and Finance Committee, the
pre-approvals required under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act for the
provision by Grant Thornton to GEO of auditing and permissible
non-audit services; provided, however, that any decision made by
Mr. Glanton with respect to any such pre-approvals must be
presented at the next regularly scheduled full Audit and Finance
Committee meeting that is held after such decision is made.
All of the services provided by Grant Thornton to GEO in 2008
and 2007 were approved by the Audit and Finance Committee
pursuant to these procedures. The Audit and Finance Committee
will continue to review and pre-approve such services as
Role of the
The Compensation Committee of our board of directors establishes
and regularly reviews our compensation philosophy and programs,
exercises authority with respect to the determination and
payment of base and incentive compensation to executive officers
and administers our 2006 stock incentive plan. Our Compensation
Committee consists of three members, each of whom is independent
as that term is defined in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and
the rules and regulations that have been promulgated under that
Act, and in the listing standards of the New York Stock
Exchange. The Compensation Committee operates under a written
charter that was first adopted by our board of directors in
February 2004 and has been amended one time since. The charter
more fully describes the role, responsibilities and functioning
of the Compensation Committee. A current copy of this charter
can be viewed on our website at
Overview of
Our compensation structure for named executive officers has
historically consisted of four basic components a
salary, an annual bonus, an annual equity compensation grant and
certain other benefits and perquisites, as more fully described
In 2004, our Compensation Committee selected and engaged Towers
Perrin, a nationally recognized independent compensation
consulting firm, to conduct a comprehensive review of executive
compensation. This review was undertaken to determine whether
the compensation package afforded to our executive officers was,
at that time, competitive
complete when compared with similarly situated companies.
In the review, Towers Perrin was asked to review the current
compensation packages for our top executive officers and compare
them with packages offered to officers at a targeted universe of
peer group companies. The analysis and development of findings
entailed regular meetings between Towers Perrin and the
committee. Towers Perrin ultimately provided the committee with
its findings and analysis, which the committee has continued to
take into account when determining its policies and the basis
upon which our named executive officers are compensated.
The Compensation Committee retained Towers Perrin directly,
supervised all work assignments performed by them, and reviewed
and approved all work invoices received from them for payment.
In conducting its review, Towers Perrin was at times required to
work with our management in order to obtain compensation
information and data to perform its tasks. Other than as
described above, Towers Perrin was not asked to perform any
other services for us. The Compensation Committee intends to
periodically retain a nationally recognized independent
compensation consulting firm in order to conduct updated reviews
of our named executive officer compensation.
Under its charter, the Compensation Committee has the ability to
retain any advisors it deems necessary or desirable in order for
it to discharge its duties. The Compensation Committee also has
sole authority to terminate the retention of any advisor it has
When making decisions regarding the compensation of named
executive officers, including the Chief Executive Officer, the
Compensation Committee considers the data and analyses prepared
by Towers Perrin that include our companys prior
performance, historical pay to the named executive officers and
the appropriateness of such compensation compared to that of our
peer group companies. The Compensation Committee also considers
the compensation recommendations set forth by the Chief
Executive Officer for named executive officers other than
himself. Additionally, the Chief Executive Officer provides the
Compensation Committee with a compensation recommendation for
himself which the committee takes into account in setting his
compensation. In making recommendations regarding his base
salary, the Chief Executive Officer recommends an annual
increase of at least 5% in accordance with the terms of his
employment agreement. When considering compensation matters
generally, and the compensation packages of the named executive
officers in particular, the Compensation Committee meets in
executive session outside the presence of the named executive
Program Objectives and What the Program is Designed to
Our executive compensation program is designed to attract and
retain our officers and to motivate them to increase shareholder
value on both an annual and a longer term basis primarily by
generating increasing levels of revenue and net income. To that
end, compensation packages include significant incentive forms
of compensation to ensure that an executive officers
interest is aligned with the interests of our shareholders in
generating revenue and net income.
Elements of
Our compensation program for named executive officers consists
of the following components:
Annual cash incentive compensation
Equity compensation
Other benefits and perquisites
Each of these components is reflected in the Summary
Compensation Table set forth below and is also discussed in
further detail below.
Why Each Element
of Compensation is Paid and How the Amount of Each Element is
The following is a brief discussion of each element of our named
executive officer compensation. The Compensation Committee pays
each of these elements in order to ensure that a desirable
overall mix is established between base compensation and
incentive compensation, cash and non-cash compensation and
annual and long-term compensation. The committee also evaluates
on a periodic basis the overall competitiveness of our executive
compensation packages as compared to packages offered in the
marketplace for which we compete for executive talent. Overall,
our committee believes that our executive compensation packages
are currently appropriately balanced and structured to retain
and motivate our named executive officers, who we believe
constitute the most experienced senior management team in our
Salaries. The cash salaries paid to the
named executive officers were established following the Towers
Perrin study in 2004 and have either remained at the same level
or increased by no more than 10% annually since the time of the
study. These salaries have been incorporated into the terms of
existing executive employment agreements with our named
executive officers. Any increases in salaries have been made
either pursuant to the terms of the employment agreements or at
the discretion of the Compensation Committee. Messrs. Zoley
and Calabrese, who also serve as our Chairman and Vice Chairman,
respectively, receive no additional compensation for their board
Annual Cash Incentive
Compensation. Annual cash incentive
compensation for each of our named executive officers is
governed by our Senior Management Performance Award Plan which
was approved by our shareholders at the companys 2005
annual meeting of shareholders. Payments made in accordance with
this plan are tax deductible under Section 162(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The plan is
administered by our Compensation Committee, which has the
authority to make all discretionary determinations necessary or
appropriate under the plan. The plan is governed by the
Compensation Committee and is administered on a day to day basis
by the Chief Executive Officer and the Vice President of Human
Under the plan, each of our named executive officers is eligible
to receive annual cash incentive compensation based on our
relative achievement of budgeted revenue and net income after
tax for the fiscal year. For purposes of the plan, net income
after tax means our net income after all federal, state and
local taxes. Extraordinary items and changes in accounting
principles, as defined by U.S. generally accepted
accounting principles, may be disregarded in determining our net
income after tax. Non-recurring and unusual items not included
or planned for in our annual budget may also be excluded from
net income after tax in the sole and absolute discretion of the
Committee. In determining the amount of annual incentive cash
compensation awarded, our net income after tax is weighted 65%
and our revenue is weighted 35%.
Awards under the plan are made as follows: (i) targets for
budgeted revenue and net income after tax are set at the
beginning of each fiscal year; (ii) the plan includes for
each named executive officer an annual incentive target amount
as a percentage of the officers salary which forms the
basis for computing the officers award under the plan; and
(iii) at the end of the fiscal year, a multiplier set forth
in the plan that is based on our relative achievement of
budgeted revenue and net income after tax for the fiscal year is
applied to each officers annual incentive target amount
referenced in (ii) above. The multiplier is the same for
all named executive officers. Please see Certain Material
Executive Compensation Agreements and Arrangements
Senior Management Performance Award Plan for a further
description of each named executive officers annual
incentive target amount and the multiplier applied to that
amount under the terms of the plan.
In addition to the calculations described above, if the budgeted
goals for revenue and net income after tax are exceeded, the
annual incentive target amounts for the Chief Financial Officer
and the other Senior Vice Presidents may be increased up to an
additional 50% upon the recommendation of the Chief Executive
Officer subject to the approval of the Compensation Committee.
The Chief Executive Officer and the President are not eligible
for discretionary adjustments. Factors typically considered by
the Compensation Committee and the Chief Executive Officer in
determining whether to grant the discretionary award include the
contribution of the particular officer during the fiscal year
and the achievement of previously agreed upon goals and
Under the terms of the plan, no amendment to the plan may alter
the performance goals, increase the maximum amount which can be
awarded to any participant, change the class of eligible
employees or make any other change that would require
shareholder approval under the exemption for performance-based
compensation under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue
Code, in each case, without the prior approval of our
shareholders (to the extent required under the performance-based
compensation exception of Section 162(m) of the Internal
Revenue Code).
Equity Compensation. Our Compensation
Committee has historically granted awards under our equity
compensation plans to our key employees and members of our board
of directors to create a more performance-oriented culture and
to further align the interests of management and our
Our current equity compensation plan is The GEO Group, Inc. 2006
Stock Incentive Plan (the 2006 Plan), which was
approved by our shareholders at our 2006 annual meeting of
shareholders. As of March 3, 2009, awards with respect to a
total of 1,400,000 had previously been authorized for issuance
under the 2006 Plan, awards with respect to a total of
1,331,243 shares of common stock had previously been issued
under the 2006 Plan, and there were awards with respect to an
additional total of 68,757 shares of common stock available
for future issuance under the 2006 Plan. Prior to the
implementation of the 2006 Plan, substantially all of our equity
compensation awards had consisted of stock option grants.
However, since the adoption of the 2006 Plan, we have issued
774,228 shares of restricted stock (excluding cancelled
shares) and stock options representing the right to acquire
685,000 shares of common stock. Of these awards, 508,115
represent shares of restricted stock granted to the named
executive officers, including 258,966 shares to
Mr. Zoley, 150,315 shares to Mr. Calabrese,
36,890 shares to Mr. ORourke, 30,972 shares
to Mr. Bulfin, and 30,972 shares to Mr. Hurley.
Our Compensation Committee has historically granted awards under
our equity compensation plans either at the time of our annual
shareholders meetings or following the end of our fiscal year in
connection with the completion of our annual compensation cycle,
however, in October 2008 we granted stock options to management
and employees. In the future, we may from time to time grant
equity awards throughout the year. Equity compensation awards
are priced as of the close of business on the date of grant.
Our Compensation Committee also from time to time grants equity
compensation awards, including stock options, in connection with
the hiring of new employees. In this case, the new employee may
receive a grant of stock options that is priced as of the close
of business on the date of hire, and is in a quantity generally
consistent with amounts initially granted to similarly situated
employees in the past by the Compensation Committee.
The amounts of awards granted under our equity compensation
plans are determined by the Compensation Committee after taking
into account a number of factors, including the recommendations
of the Chief Executive
Officer, the availability of awards for issuance companywide,
the overall performance of the company and the individual
performances of the grantees.
Under our plan, shares of restricted stock vest at the rate of
25% per year in each of the four years following the date of
grant, subject to vesting acceleration in the case of a change
in control as defined in our plan. Except for stock option
awards to Mr. Zoley prior to 2008, which all vested
immediately on the date of grant, stock options vest 20%
immediately and an additional 20% on each of the four
anniversary dates immediately following the grant date.
We believe that equity compensation awards offer significant
motivation to our officers and employees and serve to align
their interests with those of our shareholders. While the
Compensation Committee will continually evaluate the use of
equity compensation both types and
amounts it intends to continue to use such awards as
part of the companys overall compensation program.
Other Benefits and Perquisites. Our
executive compensation program includes other benefits and
perquisites as more fully reflected on the table set forth below
entitled All Other Compensation. These benefits and
perquisites are reviewed annually by the Compensation Committee
with respect to amounts and appropriateness. Currently, the
benefits and perquisites which the named executive officers are
eligible to receive fall into three general categories:
(i) retirement benefits pursuant to our executive
retirement agreements in the case of Messrs. Zoley,
Calabrese and ORourke, and pursuant to our senior officer
retirement plan in the case of the other named executive
officers; (ii) benefits under certain other deferred
compensation plans; and (iii) value attributable to life
insurance we afford our named executive officers beyond that
which is offered to our other employees generally.
Executive Retirement
Agreements. Messrs. Zoley, Calabrese and
ORourke each have executive retirement agreements that
require us to pay them a lump sum amount on the date that their
employment with GEO ends. The benefits of Messrs. Zoley,
Calabrese and ORourke under the executive retirements
agreements are fully vested and each of these executive officers
will therefore be entitled to receive the amounts called for by
the agreements whenever their employment with GEO is terminated
for any reason, whether by GEO or the officer. Such amount is
determined by each executives age at the time of
retirement with the amount increasing by approximately 4% per
year up to age 71. The retirement agreements also require
the company to
gross-up the
retirement payments for all appropriate taxes related to the
payments. The table below sets forth the amounts we would have
had to pay each executive as of December 28, 2008 had they
each retired as of that date. In addition to the amounts below,
had the executives retired on December 28, 2008, we would
have had to pay tax
relating to the retirement payments equal to $1,876,702,
$1,125,906 and $1,501,591 for Messrs. Zoley, ORourke
and Calabrese, respectively. Amounts owing under the retirement
agreements are payable from the general assets of the company.
Named Executive
Payment Due:
George C. Zoley
John G. ORourke
Wayne H. Calabrese
On February 12, 2009, GEO announced that
Mr. ORourke will retire as GEOs Chief Financial
Officer effective August 2, 2009. In connection with his
retirement, GEO will pay to Mr. ORourke a total of
$3,210,000 which includes his retirement benefit of $2,040,000
plus $1,170,000 of applicable
taxes, in accordance with the terms of
Mr. ORourkes executive retirement agreement.
Senior Officer Retirement
Plan. Messrs. Hurley and Bulfin
participate in our senior officer retirement plan, which is
offered to all of our Senior Vice Presidents other than
Mr. ORourke. The senior officer retirement plan is a
defined benefit plan and, subject to certain maximum and minimum
provisions, provides for the payment to the officer of a monthly
retirement benefit based on a percentage of the officers
final average annual salary earned during the employees
last five years of credited service (excluding bonus) times the
employees years of credited service. A participant will
vest in his or her benefits under the senior officer retirement
plan upon the completion of ten (10) years of service. The
amount of benefit increases for each full year beyond ten
(10) years of service except that there are no further
increases after twenty-five (25) years of service. The
maximum target benefit under the senior officer retirement plan
is 45% of final average salary. Reduced benefits are payable for
lesser service and early retirement. Benefits under the senior
officer retirement plan are offset 100% by social security
benefits received by the officer and are computed on the basis
of a straight-life annuity. The plan also provides for pre-
retirement death and disability benefits. Amounts owing under
the plan are payable from the general assets of the company.
Deferred Compensation Plans. Our named
executive officers are currently excluded from participating in
our 401(k) plan by virtue of their compensation level.
Accordingly, we have established a deferred compensation plan
for certain employees, including the named executive officers,
which permits them to defer up to 100% of their compensation to
provide for their retirement. Under the deferred compensation
plan, the company may make matching contributions on a
discretionary basis. None of the named executive officers
currently participate in the deferred compensation plan.
Excess Group Life Insurance. We pay
rates for the life insurance policies of our named executive
officers above the level that is excludable under applicable tax
rules. Payments in connection with the resulting excess coverage
are treated as imputed income to the officers and are not
deductible by the company.
How Each
Compensation Element Fits into the Overall Compensation
Objectives and Affects Decisions Regarding Other
In establishing compensation packages for executive officers,
numerous factors are considered, including the particular
executives experience, expertise and performance, the
companys overall performance and compensation packages
available in the marketplace for similar positions. In arriving
at amounts for each component of compensation, our Compensation
Committee strives to strike an appropriate balance between base
compensation and incentive compensation, including equity based
compensation and awards under the Senior Management Performance
Award Plan. The committee also endeavors to properly allocate
between cash and non-cash compensation (subject to the
availability of equity compensation awards under our then
current equity compensation plans), and between annual and
long-term compensation.
When considering the marketplace, particular emphasis is placed
upon compensation packages available at a comparable group of
peer companies. The Compensation Committee has consistently
worked to establish a meaningful comparable group of peer
companies. Today, that comparable group principally consists of
two types of companies which are publicly traded and with
respect to which compensation data is therefore publicly
available: direct competitors in the privatized corrections and
detention industry, and diversified government outsourced
services providers with revenues
market capitalizations approaching or exceeding the
$1 billion level.
As noted above, the Compensation Committee has in the past
selected and worked with independent compensation consulting
firms as appropriate to evaluate its executive compensation
program in light of the marketplace to make sure the program is
competitive. The Compensation Committee intends to continue this
practice on a periodic basis in the future.
The following table shows compensation earned by each of the
named executive officers of GEO during 2008, 2007 and 2006, for
services in all capacities while they were employees of GEO, and
the capacities in which the services were rendered. For purposes
of this proxy statement, GEOs named executive officers are
(i) the Chief Executive Officer of GEO, (ii) the Chief
Financial Officer of GEO, and (iii) each of the three most
highly compensated executive officers of GEO other than the
Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer.
Change in
Pension Value
Name and
Incentive Plan
All Other
George C. Zoley
Chairman of the
Board, CEO & Founder
John G. ORourke
Senior Vice President &
Wayne H. Calabrese
Vice Chairman,
President & COO
John M. Hurley
Senior Vice President,
President U.S. Corrections
John J. Bulfin
Senior Vice
President, General Counsel & Secretary
This column reflects the dollar amount expensed for financial
statement reporting purposes with respect to stock and stock
option awards during 2008, 2007 and 2006 for each named
executive officer, as calculated in accordance with
FAS 123(R).
We regard our Senior Management Performance Award Plan as our
annual bonus plan. The column of this table entitled
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation consists
solely of amounts accrued in 2008, 2007 and 2006, and paid in
2009, 2008 and 2007, respectively, under our Senior Management
Performance Award Plan with respect to each of our named
executive officers. Please see Compensation
Discussion & Analysis and Certain Material
Executive Compensation Arrangements for a further
description of our Senior Management Performance Award Plan.
Figures in this column consist of amounts accrued in 2008, 2007
and 2006 with respect to each named executive officers
executive retirement agreement or senior officer retirement
arrangement. For Messrs, Zoley, ORourke and Calabrese,
these amounts include tax
which we would have to pay in connection with their retirement
payments pursuant to the terms of their retirement agreements.
Please see Compensation Discussion &
Analysis and Certain Material Executive Compensation
Arrangements for a further description of our executive
retirement agreements and our senior officer retirement
The following sets forth for each named executive officer the
description and amount of each item comprising each
officers total compensation appearing in the All
Other Compensation column for 2008, 2007 and 2006:
Group Life
Total All
George C. Zoley
John G. ORourke
Wayne H. Calabrese
John M. Hurley
John J. Bulfin
We pay rates for the life insurance policies of our named
executive officers above the level that is excludable under
applicable tax rules. The resulting excess coverage represented
in this column is treated as imputed income to the officers.
The following executive compensation agreements and arrangements
are material to an understanding of the amounts paid
payable to our named executive officers disclosed in the table
During 2008, we had executive employment agreements with
Messrs. Zoley, Calabrese and ORourke (the Prior
Employment Agreements) which we amended and restated on
December 31, 2008. The Prior Employment Agreements for
Messrs. Zoley and Calabrese had initial three-year terms
and thereafter converted into rolling three-year terms. The
Prior Employment Agreement for Mr. ORourke had an
initial two-year term and thereafter converted into a rolling
two-year term. The Prior Employment Agreements provided that
Messrs. Zoley, Calabrese, and ORourke would receive
an annual base salary of $750,000, $525,000 and $255,200,
respectively, subject to annual cost of living increases not
lower than 5% per year, to be established by the board of
directors. These amounts had changed since the execution of the
respective agreements. The Prior Employment Agreements also
provided that each executive was entitled to receive a target
annual incentive bonus in accordance with the terms established
by our board of directors.
Each Prior Employment Agreement provided that upon the
termination of the agreement for any reason other than by us for
cause (as defined in the employment agreement) or by the
executive without good reason (as defined in the employment
agreement), the executive would be entitled to receive a
termination payment equal to the following: (i) two years
of the executives then current annual base salary and
bonus (six months in the case of Mr. ORourke); plus
(ii) either the continuation of the executives
employee benefits (as defined in the employment agreement) for a
period of ten years (three years in the case of
Mr. ORourke), or alternatively, at the
executives election, a cash payment equal to the present
value of our cost of providing such executive benefits for a
period of ten years (three years in the case of
Mr. ORourke); plus (iii) the dollar value of the
sum of the vacation time that would have been
credited to the executive pursuant to our vacation policy and
the paid vacation time that the executive was entitled to take
immediately prior to the termination which was not in fact taken
by the executive. In addition, the prior Employment Agreements
provided that upon such termination of the executive, we would
transfer all of our interest in any automobile used by the
executive pursuant to our employee automobile policy and pay the
balance of any outstanding loans or leases on such automobile so
that the executive would own the automobile outright. In the
event such automobile was leased, the Prior Employment
Agreements provided that we would pay the residual cost of the
lease. The agreements provided that if any payment to the
executive thereunder would be subject to federal excise taxes
imposed on certain employment payments, we would make an
additional payment to the executive to cover any such tax
payable by the executive together with the taxes on such
Upon the termination of the Prior Employment Agreements by us
for cause or by the executive without good reason, the executive
would be entitled to only the amount of salary, bonus, and
employee benefits that would have been due through the effective
date of the termination. Each Prior Employment Agreement
included a non-competition covenant that ran through the
three-year period (two-year period in the case of
Mr. ORourke) following the termination of the
executives employment, and customary confidentiality
Effective December 31, 2008, we entered into new amended
and restated executive employment agreements with
Messrs. Zoley, Calabrese and ORourke (the New
Employment Agreements). The New Employment Agreements will
be in effect for fiscal year 2009. The New Employment Agreements
for Messrs. Zoley, Calabrese and ORourke have
continuously rolling three-year terms. The New Employment
Agreements provide that Messrs. Zoley, Calabrese and
ORourke will receive an annual base salary of $935,000,
$650,000 and $399,000, respectively, subject to annual cost of
living increases not lower than 5% per year, to be established
by the board of directors. The New Employment Agreements also
provide that each executive is entitled to receive a target
annual performance award in accordance with the terms of any
plan governing senior management performance awards then in
effect as established by the board of directors, which is
currently the Senior Management Performance Award Plan.
Mr. Zoley is entitled to receive a target annual
performance award of up to a maximum of 150% of his annual base
salary in accordance with the Senior Management Performance
Award Plan. Mr. Calabrese is entitled to receive a target
annual performance award of up to a maximum of 120% of his
annual base salary in accordance with the Senior Management
Performance Award Plan. Mr. ORourke is entitled to
receive a target annual performance award of up to a maximum of
50% of his annual base salary plus an additional discretionary
increase of up to 50% of such target annual performance award,
in accordance with the Senior Management Performance Award Plan.
Each New Employment Agreement provides that upon the termination
of the agreement for any reason other than by GEO for cause (as
defined in the employment agreement) or by the executive without
good reason (as defined in the employment agreement), the
executive will be entitled to receive a termination payment
equal to the following: (i) in the case of Mr. Zoley,
5 (five) times his annual base salary at the time of such
termination together with any
payments (as defined in the employment agreement), in the case
of Mr. Calabrese, 4.4 (four-point-four) times his annual
base salary at the time of such termination together with any
payments (as defined in the employment agreement), and, in the
case of Mr. ORourke, 75% of his annual base salary at
the time of such termination together with any
payments (as defined in the employment agreement) plus
(ii) the continuation of the executive benefits (as defined
in the employment agreement) for a period of ten years. In
addition, the New Employment Agreements provide that upon such
termination of the executive, GEO will transfer all of its
interest in any automobile used by the executive pursuant to its
employee automobile policy and pay the balance of any
outstanding loans or leases on such automobile so that the
executive owns the automobile outright. In the event such
automobile is leased, the New Employment Agreements provide that
GEO will pay the residual cost of the lease. The New Employment
Agreements provide that if any payment to the executive
thereunder would be subject to federal excise taxes imposed on
certain employment payments, GEO will make an additional payment
to the executive to cover any such tax payable by the executive
together with the taxes on such
Upon the termination of the New Employment Agreements by GEO for
cause or by the executive without good reason, the executive
will be entitled to only the amount of compensation that is due
through the effective date of the termination, including any
performance award that may be due and payable to the executive
under the terms of the Senior Management Performance Award Plan.
Each New Employment Agreement includes a non-competition
covenant that runs through the three-year period following the
termination of the executives employment, and customary
confidentiality provisions.
On February 12, 2009, GEO announced that
Mr. ORourke will retire as GEOs Chief Financial
Officer effective August 2, 2009. Brian R. Evans, currently
GEOs Vice President Finance, Treasurer and
Chief Accounting Officer, will assume the position of Chief
Financial Officer as of August 2, 2009.
Mr. ORourke has entered into a two-year consulting
agreement with GEO, pursuant to which he will be entitled to
receive $20,834 per month during the two years immediately
following the termination of his employment in exchange for
consulting services. Mr. ORourke will not receive a
severance payment in connection with his departure.
We also have executive retirement agreements with
Messrs. Zoley, Calabrese and ORourke. The retirement
agreements provide that upon the later of (i) the date the
executive actually retires from employment with GEO, or
(ii) the executives 55th birthday, GEO will make
a lump sum payment to the executive. See Potential
Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control for the
amounts we would have had to pay each executive as of
December 28, 2008 pursuant to their executive retirement
agreements had they each retired at their current age as of that
date. The executive retirement agreements also require us to
make tax
payments with respect to the retirement payments in aggregate
amounts that ensure that the executives receive the full amount
of their retirement payments on an after tax basis. Had the
executives retired on December 28, 2008, the aggregate
amount of these tax
payments would have been $1,876,702, $1,501,591 and $1,125,906
for Messrs. Zoley, Calabrese and ORourke,
The retirement agreements provide that if the executive should
die after his 55th birthday but before he retires from GEO,
GEO shall immediately pay to the executives
beneficiar(ies) or estate the amount GEO would have paid to the
executive had he retired immediately prior to his death. The
retirement agreements include non-competition provisions that
run for a two-year period after the termination of the
executives employment. Each of Messrs. Zoley,
Calabrese and ORourke has reached the age of 55.
We have senior officer employment agreements with
Messrs. Hurley and Bulfin that were in effect during fiscal
year 2008. As described further below, Mr. Bulfins
employment agreement was amended and restated effective
December 31, 2008. The employment agreements have rolling
two-year terms which continue until each executive reaches
age 67 absent earlier termination. The agreements provide
that Messrs. Hurley and Bulfin will each receive an annual
base salary of $315,000. In accordance with the terms of the
agreements, those salaries have been increased since the
execution of the respective agreements. The amounts of base
salaries that were paid to each of these executives during
fiscal years 2006, 2007 and 2008 are set forth in the Summary
Compensation Table above. The executives are also entitled to
receive a target annual incentive bonus in accordance with the
terms of our Senior Management Performance Award Plan which is
further described below.
The senior officer employment agreements provide that upon the
termination of the agreement for any reason other than by GEO
for cause (as defined in the employment agreement) or by the
voluntary resignation of the executive, the executive will be
entitled to receive a termination payment equal to the
following: (1) two years of the executives then
current annual base salary; plus (2) either the
continuation of the executives employee benefits (as
defined in the employment agreement) for a period of two years,
or in the case of Mr. Hurley, at his election, a cash
payment equal to the present value of GEOs cost of
providing such executive benefits for a period of two years;
plus (3) the dollar value of the sum of paid vacation time
that the executive was entitled to take immediately prior to the
termination which was not in fact taken by the executive. In
addition, the employment agreements provide that upon such
termination of the executive, we will transfer all of our
interest in any automobile used by the executive pursuant to our
employee automobile policy and pay the balance of any
outstanding loans or leases on such automobile so that the
executive owns the automobile outright. In the event such
automobile is leased, the
employment agreements provide that we will pay the residual cost
of the lease. Also, upon such termination, all of the
executives unvested stock options will fully vest
Upon the termination of the employment agreements by us for
cause or by the voluntary resignation of the executive, the
executive will be entitled to only the amount of salary, bonus,
and employee benefits that is due through the effective date of
the termination. Each employment agreement includes a
non-competition covenant that runs through the two-year period
following the termination of the executives employment,
and customary confidentiality provisions.
Effective December 31, 2008, we entered into a new amended
and restated senior officer employment agreement with
Mr. Bulfin (the New Senior Officer Employment
Agreement). The New Senior Officer Employment Agreement
will be in effect for fiscal year 2009. The New Senior Officer
Employment Agreement for Mr. Bulfin has a continuously
rolling two-year term which continues until he reaches
age 67 absent earlier termination. The New Senior Officer
Employment Agreement provides that Mr. Bulfin will receive
an annual base salary of $360,000. The annual base salary may be
increased as determined by the Chief Executive Officer.
Mr. Bulfin is also entitled to receive a target annual
performance award in accordance with the terms of any plan
governing employee performance awards then in effect as
established by the board of directors, which is currently the
Senior Management Performance Award Plan.
The New Senior Officer Employment Agreement provides that upon
the termination of the agreement for any reason other than by
GEO for cause (as defined in the employment agreement) or by the
voluntary resignation of the executive, the executive will be
entitled to receive a termination payment equal to the
following: (1) two years of the executives then
current annual base salary plus (2) the continuation of the
executives employee benefits (as defined in the employment
agreement) for a period of two years. In addition, the New
Senior Officer Employment Agreement provides that upon such
termination of the executive, GEO will transfer all of its
interest in any automobile used by the executive pursuant to its
employee automobile policy and pay the balance of any
outstanding loans or leases on such automobile so that the
executive owns the automobile outright. In the event such
automobile is leased, the New Senior Officer Employment
Agreement provides that GEO will pay the residual cost of the
lease. Also, upon such termination, all of the executives
unvested stock options will fully vest immediately.
Upon the termination of the New Senior Officer Employment
Agreement by GEO for cause or by the voluntary resignation of
the executive, the executive will be entitled to only the amount
of compensation that is due through the effective date of the
termination. The New Senior Officer Employment Agreement
includes a non-competition covenant that runs through the
two-year period following the termination of the
executives employment, and customary confidentiality
GEO maintains a senior officer retirement plan for all of its
Senior Vice Presidents, including Mr. Bulfin and
Mr. Hurley, but excluding Mr. ORourke. The
senior officer retirement plan is a non-qualified defined
benefit plan and, subject to certain maximum and minimum
provisions, provides for the payment to the officer of a monthly
retirement benefit based on a percentage of the officers
final average annual salary earned during the employees
last five years of credited service (excluding bonus) times the
employees years of credited service. A participant will
vest in his or her benefits under the senior officer retirement
plan upon the completion of ten (10) years of service,
provided such participant remains continuously employed by the
company until at least age fifty five (55). The amount of
benefit increases for each full year beyond ten (10) years
of service except that there are no further increases after
twenty-five (25) years of service. The maximum target
benefit under the senior officer retirement plan is 45% of final
average annual salary. Reduced benefits are payable for lesser
service and early retirement. Benefits under the senior officer
retirement plan are offset one hundred percent (100%) by social
security benefits received (or estimated social security
benefits to be received, if applicable) by the officer and are
computed on the basis of a straight-life annuity. The plan also
provides for pre-retirement death and disability benefits.
Amounts owing under the plan are payable from the general assets
of the company.
GEO maintains a Senior Management Performance Award Plan, which
is its annual senior executive bonus plan. All of its named
executive officers, as well as its Senior Vice Presidents who
are not named executive officers, are eligible to participate in
the plan. Payments made in accordance with this plan are tax
deductible under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended. The plan is administered by the
Compensation Committee, which has the discretion to make all
determinations necessary or appropriate under the plan. The plan
is governed by the Compensation Committee and is administered on
a day to day basis by the Chief Executive Officer and the Vice
President of Human Resources.
Under the plan, each of GEOs named executive officers is
eligible to receive annual cash incentive compensation based on
GEOs budgeted revenue and net income after tax for the
fiscal year. For purposes of the plan, net income after tax
means GEOs net income after all federal, state and local
taxes. Extraordinary items and changes in accounting principles,
as defined by U.S. generally accepted accounting
principles, may be disregarded in determining GEOs net
income after tax. Non-recurring and unusual items not included
or planned for in GEOs annual budget may also be excluded
from net income after tax in the sole and absolute discretion of
the Compensation Committee. In determining the amount of annual
incentive cash compensation awarded, net income after tax is
weighted 65% and revenue is weighted 35% (collectively, the
Target Weighting of Revenue and
The following table shows, for each named executive officer, the
annual incentive target amount as a percentage of salary that
the respective officer is eligible to receive under the plan in
2008 and 2009.
Annual Incentive
Target Amount
Named Executive
(As a Percentage
of Salary):
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Financial Officer
Senior Vice Presidents
Under the terms of the plan, each named executive officers
annual incentive cash compensation award is calculated by
applying the following percentage adjustment methodology
separately to the respective Target Weighting of Revenue and
Net-Income-After-Tax results in accordance with the following
Percentage of
Percentage by
which the
Fiscal Year
Targets Achieved
Target Weighting
for Revenue and
Revenue and
Tax is
Less than 80%
No Performance Award
80% 100%
2.5 times the percentage (negative) difference between the
actual achieved percentages of budgeted Revenue and
No Adjustment to Target Weighting
101% 120%
(Amounts over 120% shall not be considered for purposes of this
calculation) 2.5 times the percentage (positive) difference
between the actual achieved percentages of budgeted Revenue (up
to 120%) and Net-Income-After-Tax targets and 100% of the
Revenue and Net-Income-After-Tax targets
In addition to the amounts above, if the budgeted goals for
revenue and net income after tax are exceeded, the annual
incentive target amounts for the Chief Financial Officer and the
other Senior Vice Presidents may be increased up to an
additional 50% of the executives annual incentive target
amount upon the recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer
subject to the approval of the Compensation Committee. The Chief
Executive Officer and the President are not eligible for
discretionary adjustments. Factors typically considered by the
Compensation Committee and the Chief Executive Officer in
determining whether to grant the discretionary award include
the contribution of the particular officer during the fiscal
year and the achievement of previously agreed upon goals and
Under the terms of the plan, if an executive is terminated for
cause, the executive will automatically forfeit any annual
incentive cash compensation with respect to the fiscal year
during which such termination occurs. If an executive
voluntarily terminates employment prior to the end of any fiscal
year (other than as a result of the retirement of the executive
or, in the case of the Chief Executive Officer, President or
Chief Financial Officer, as a result of a termination of
employment by any of them for good reason (as defined in their
respective employment agreements)), the executive will
automatically forfeit any award for such fiscal year unless the
Chief Executive Officer, in his sole and absolute discretion,
grants a prorated annual incentive cash compensation award in an
amount not to exceed the amount the executive would have
received if the executive had remained employed for the entire
fiscal year, based on the actual financial results of GEO as
determined following the end of such fiscal year.
In the event (i) an executive is terminated by GEO without
cause, (ii) an executives employment is terminated
due to death or disability, (iii) in the case of the Chief
Executive Officer, President or Chief Financial Officer, any of
them terminates their employment for good reason (as defined in
their respective employment agreements), or (iv) in the
case of the retirement of an executive which occurs effective as
of a date following the 90th day of the applicable fiscal
year of GEO, then the executive is entitled to receive a
prorated portion of the annual incentive cash compensation award
the executive would have received under the plan if the
executive had remained employed by GEO for the entire fiscal
year, based on the actual financial results of GEO as determined
following the end of such fiscal year.
Under the terms of the plan, no amendment to the plan may alter
the performance goals, increase the maximum amount which can be
awarded to any participant, change the class of eligible
employees or the target performance awards (% of salary) or make
any other change that would require shareholder approval under
the exemption for performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code, in each case,
without the prior approval of GEOs shareholders (to the
extent required under the performance-based compensation
exception of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code).
The following table sets forth certain information with respect
to grants of awards to the named executive officers under our
non-equity and equity compensation plans in 2008:
All Other
All Other
Grant Date
Estimated Future
Payouts Under
Payouts Under
Stock Awards:
Number of
or Base
Fair Value
Equity Incentive
Number of
Price of
of Stock
Incentive Plan
Shares of
and Option
Stock or
George C. Zoley
John G. ORourke
Wayne H. Calabrese
John M. Hurley
John J. Bulfin
(1) |
This column reflects the threshold, target and maximum amounts
that our named executive officers were eligible to receive under
our Senior Management Performance Award Plan with respect to
fiscal year 2008. For a description of how these amounts have
been calculated, please see Certain Material Executive
Compensation Agreements and Arrangements Senior
Management Performance Award Plan. For information on the
amounts that our named executive officers actually received
under our Senior Management Performance Award Plan for 2008,
please see the Non-Equity Incentive Compensation column of the
Summary Compensation table above. For the purposes of the
maximum calculations in this column, we have assumed that our
Senior Vice Presidents would have received the maximum
discretionary adjustments for which they are eligible. |
(2) |
The following table sets forth the vesting schedule for all of
the stock options presented in this table: |
Grant Date
End of Year 1
End of Year 2
End of Year 3
End of Year 4
(3) |
This column reflects the fair value of stock option awards
granted to the named executive officers in 2008, as estimated on
the grant date using the Black-Scholes stock option pricing
model in accordance with FAS 123(R). |
(4) |
All of these awards were granted pursuant to our 2006 stock
incentive plan. |
The following table sets forth certain information regarding
equity-based awards held by our named executive officers as of
December 28, 2008.
Plan Awards:
Plan Awards:
Market or
Plan Awards:
Number of
Payout Value
Number of
Number of
Number of
Market Value
Of Unearned
of Securities
Shares or
of Shares
Shares, Units
Shares, Units
Units of
or Units
or Other
Or Other
Stock That
of Stock
Rights That
Rights That
Have Not
That Have
Have Not
Have Not
Not Vested
George C. Zoley
John G. ORourke
Wayne H. Calabrese
John M. Hurley
John J. Bulfin
(1) |
These stock options are scheduled to vest in two equal
2,958 share increments on March 2, 2009 and
March 2, 2010, respectively. |
(2) |
These remaining unvested stock options are scheduled to vest in
four equal 25% increments on October 30, 2009,
October 30, 2010, October 30, 2011 and
October 30, 2012, respectively. The grant date fair value
of these awards was $6.08 per share. |
(3) |
All shares in this column consist of restricted stock awards,
which vest in four equal 25% increments per year over the
four-year period immediately following the grant dates of
May 4, 2006 and May 9, 2007. |
(4) |
Amounts in this column have been calculated using an assumed
stock price of $18.13, the closing price of our common stock on
December 26, 2008, the last business day of our fiscal year
2008. |
The following table sets forth certain information regarding
stock option exercises by, and the vesting of stock-based awards
of, each of the named executive officers of GEO during 2008.
Number of
Number of
Acquired on
Realized on
Acquired on
Realized on
George C. Zoley
John G. ORourke
Wayne H. Calabrese
John M. Hurley
John J. Bulfin
The following table sets forth certain information with respect
to each plan that provides for payments to each of the named
executive officers of GEO at, following, or in connection with
retirement from GEO.
Number of
Value of
During Last
Fiscal Year
George C. Zoley
Executive Retirement Agreement
John G. ORourke
Executive Retirement Agreement
Wayne H. Calabrese
Executive Retirement Agreement
John M. Hurley
Senior Officer Retirement Plan
John J. Bulfin
Senior Officer Retirement Plan
The benefits of Messrs. Zoley,
Calabrese and ORourke under their executive retirement
agreements are triggered upon the attainment of the retirement
age of 55 years old without regard to years of credited
service. Each of Messrs. Zoley, Calabrese and ORourke
are 55 or older and therefore all of their benefits under their
executive retirement agreements are fully vested.
This column reflects amounts
relating to each named executive officers retirement
agreement or retirement plan. In the case of Messrs. Zoley,
Calabrese and ORourke, the amounts shown include
$1,876,702, $1,501,591 and $1,125,906, respectively, in tax
payments that we would be required to make on their behalf in
connection with their retirement payments pursuant to the terms
of their executive retirement agreements. The assumptions used
in GEOs actuarial calculation of pension costs are based
on payments in the form of a life annuity using market
information and GEOs historical rates for employment
compensation. Such actuarial assumptions are based using
mortality tables for healthy participants and include a discount
rate of 5.75% and a rate of compensation increase of 5.00%.
Please see Certain Material Executive Compensation
Agreements and Arrangements for a description of our
executive and senior officer retirement agreements and
The following table sets forth for each named executive officer
the payments that we would have been required to make as of
December 28, 2008 (i) pursuant to the officers
employment agreement, in connection with the termination of the
officers employment as of that date by GEO without cause
or by the officer for good reason (as such terms are defined in
each officers employment agreement), (ii) pursuant to
the officers employment agreement, in connection with the
termination of the officers employment as of that date by
GEO for cause (as defined in each officers employment
agreement) or by the officer upon the officers
resignation, and (iii) pursuant to the officers
retirement agreement or arrangement, in connection with the
termination of the officers employment as of that date for
any reason (including due to the retirement, death or disability
of the officer). All of the payments in the table would have
been payable pursuant to the employment and retirement
agreements and arrangements described more fully above under
Certain Material Executive Compensation Agreements and
Arrangements. All amounts in the table would have been
payable in lump sums from the general assets of GEO.
Payment Due
Payment Due
Pursuant to
Pursuant to
Payment Due
Pursuant to
Agreement upon
Agreement upon
Termination by
Agreement or
by Company
Company With
Cause or by
or Resignation
a Termination
for Good
for Any Reason
George C. Zoley
John G. ORourke
Wayne H. Calabrese
John M. Hurley
John J. Bulfin
Our current employment agreements with our named executive
officers do not provide for any payments in connection with a
change in control. Each officer would only have received the
amount set forth in this column in connection with a change in
control on December 28, 2008 if such officer was terminated
by GEO without cause or the officer terminated his employment
for good reason, in each case, in connection with the change in
control. Currently, only the employment agreements with
Messrs. Zoley, Calabrese and ORourke contain a right
of the officer to terminate employment for good reason.
In the event of a termination for any reason of any named
executive officer on December 28, 2008, such officer would
also have been entitled to receive the amounts set forth in the
column of this table entitled Payment Due Pursuant to
Officers Retirement Agreement or Arrangement Upon a
Termination For Any Reason pursuant to the officers
retirement agreement or arrangement.
All amounts are calculated using each named executive
officers annual salary base effective December 28,
2008. Although our executive employment agreements with
Messrs. Zoley and Calabrese also require us to make tax
payments for certain excise taxes that may be triggered in
connection with a change in control, we do not believe that any
such taxes would have been applicable to a termination without
cause in connection with a change in control as of
December 28, 2008.
On February 12, 2009, GEO announced that
Mr. ORourke will retire as GEOs Chief Financial
Officer effective August 2, 2009. In connection with his
retirement, GEO will pay to Mr. ORourke a total of
$3,210,000, which includes his retirement benefit of $2,040,000
plus $1,170,000 of applicable
taxes, in accordance with the terms of
Mr. ORourkes executive retirement agreement.
Mr. ORourke also entered into a two-year consulting
agreement with GEO, pursuant to which he will be entitled to
receive $20,834 per month during the two years immediately
following the termination of his employment in exchange for
consulting services. Mr. ORourke will not receive a
severance payment in connection with his departure.
Although no named executive officer is eligible to receive a
payment in connection with a termination for cause or a
resignation pursuant to the officers employment agreement,
each officer is entitled to receive all accrued and unpaid
amounts under the officers employment agreement through
the date of termination.
The benefits of Messrs. Zoley, Calabrese, ORourke and
Hurley under their retirements agreements are fully vested and
those officers would therefore have been entitled to receive the
amounts set forth in this column if their employment with GEO
had been terminated for any reason on December 28, 2008,
whether by GEO or the officer, regardless of whether cause or
good reason existed, and including in the event of a termination
due to the retirement, death or disability of the officer.
Mr. Bulfin has not yet vested under our senior officer
retirement plan as of December 28, 2008 due to the fact
that he had not accumulated ten years of service as of that
date. Please see Certain Material Executive Compensation
Agreements and Arrangements for a description of our
executive and senior officer retirement agreements and
The pension amounts shown with respect to Messrs. Zoley,
Calabrese and ORourke include tax
payments of $1,876,702, $1,501,591 and $1,125,906 respectively,
that we would have had to make on their behalf pursuant to the
terms of their executive retirement agreements had the officers
retired on December 28, 2008. Please see Certain
Material Executive Compensation Agreements and
Arrangements for a description of our executive and senior
officer retirement agreements and arrangements.
The following table shows the compensation earned by each
director who is not an officer during fiscal year 2008.
Change in
Pension Value
Fees Earned
or Paid
All Other
Norman A. Carlson
Anne N. Foreman
Richard H. Glanton
John M. Palms
John M. Perzel
These amounts consist of: (i) an annual retainer fee which
was paid at a rate of $60,000 per year; (ii) a payment of
$5,000 for each committee with respect to which a director
served as chairperson; (iii) a payment of $1,500 for each
board meeting attended by each director (minimum four per year);
and (iv) a payment of $1,200 for each committee meeting
attended by each board member.
This column reflects the dollar amount expensed for financial
statement reporting purposes with respect to stock awards during
2008 for each director who is not a named executive officer, as
calculated in accordance with FAS 123(R).
The table below sets forth the aggregate number of shares of
common stock subject to stock awards and option awards held by
each director who is not a named executive officer outstanding
as of the end of fiscal year 2008.
Norman A. Carlson
Anne N. Foreman
Richard H. Glanton
John M. Palms
John M. Perzel
This column reflects the dollar amount expensed for financial
statement reporting purposes with respect to option awards
during 2008 for each director who is not a named executive
officer, as calculated in accordance with FAS 123(R). Each
director was awarded 5,000 stock options on October 30,
2008 at a per share price of $16.67, the closing price of our
common stock on the grant date of the award. The grant date fair
value of these awards was $6.08 per share. These stock options
vest 20% immediately and an additional 20% on each of the four
anniversary dates immediately following the grant date.
In accordance with the powers and duties of the Compensation
Committee as set forth in its charter, the committee hereby
reports the following:
The Compensation Committee has reviewed and discussed with
management, the Compensation Discussion and Analysis required by
Item 402(b) of
Regulation S-K
set forth elsewhere in this proxy statement; and
Based on the review and discussion referred to in the preceding
paragraph, the Compensation Committee recommended to the board
of directors that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis be
included in this proxy statement.
By the Compensation Committee:
Richard H. Glanton (Chairman)
Anne N. Foreman
John M. Perzel
In accordance with the powers and duties of the Audit and
Finance Committee as set forth in its charter, the committee
hereby reports the following:
The Audit and Finance Committee has reviewed and discussed the
audited financial statements for the fiscal year with management;
The Audit and Finance Committee has discussed with the
independent accountants the matters required to be discussed by
SAS 61 (Codification of Statements on Auditing Standards, AU Sec
380) as then modified or supplemented;
The Audit and Finance Committee has received the written
disclosures and the letter from the independent accountant
required by applicable requirements of the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board regarding the independent
accountants communications with the audit committee
concerning independence, and has discussed with the independent
accountant the independent accountants independence;
Based on the review and discussions referred to in
paragraphs 1.) through 3.), above, the Audit and Finance
Committee recommends to the Board of Directors that the audited
financial statements be included in the companys Annual
Report on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year for filing with The Securities and Exchange
The Audit and Finance Committee has reviewed all fees, both
audit related and non-audit related, of the independent
accountant and considers the provision of non-audit services to
be compatible with the maintenance of the independent
accountants independence; and
All members of the Audit and Finance Committee are independent
as independence is defined in Sections 303 of the
NYSEs current listing standards.
By the Audit and Finance Committee:
Richard H. Glanton (Chairman)
John M. Palms
John M. Perzel
In 2008, we purchased $134,137 in construction services from an
entity named H.A. Contracting Corporation. H.A. Contracting is
50% owned by Nicholas Angelo, who is the
of George Zoley, our Chairman, CEO and Founder. This
relationship did not require any separate approvals under our
applicable policies and procedures. In
2008, we also purchased $161,196 in personnel uniforms from an
entity named JA Uniforms, Inc. JA Uniforms is owned by Menchu
Dominicis, who is the sister of Jorge Domincis, our Senior Vice
President of Residential Treatment Services and President of GEO
Care, Inc. Except for these relationships, there were no
material relationships or related party transactions during
fiscal year 2008 requiring disclosure pursuant to Item 404
Regulation S-K.
Under its charter, our Audit and Finance Committee has the
authority to review and approve certain transactions involving
more than $100,000 between GEO and any director, officer or
employee of GEO.
During 2008, Richard H. Glanton, Anne N. Foreman and John M.
Perzel served on our Compensation Committee. None of the members
of the Compensation Committee served as an officer or employee
of GEO or any of GEOs subsidiaries during fiscal year 2008
or any prior year. There were no material transactions between
GEO and any of the members of the Compensation Committee during
fiscal year 2008.
Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
requires that GEOs directors, executive officers and
persons who beneficially own 10% or more of GEOs common
stock file with the SEC initial reports of ownership and reports
of changes in ownership of our stock and our other equity
securities. To GEOs knowledge, based solely on a review of
the copies of such reports furnished to GEO and written
representations that no other reports were required, during the
year ended December 28, 2008, all such filing requirements
applicable to GEOs directors, executive officers and
greater than 10% beneficial owners were complied with except
Richard H. Glanton did not timely file a Form 4 for one
transaction that occurred on October 30, 2008.
Proposal 2
Ratification of
Independent Registered Certified Public Accountants
The Audit and Finance Committee of our board of directors has
appointed Grant Thornton LLP as our independent registered
certified public accountants for the 2009 fiscal year. The Audit
and Finance Committee is responsible for the appointment,
oversight and termination of our independent registered
certified public accountants. We are seeking the ratification of
our shareholders of this appointment, although our Audit and
Finance Committee is not bound by any shareholder action on this
If the appointment of Grant Thornton LLP as our independent
registered certified public accountants is not ratified by our
shareholders, the Audit and Finance Committee will reconsider
its appointment, but may nevertheless retain Grant Thornton LLP.
Also, even if the appointment of Grant Thornton LLP as our
independent registered certified public accountants is ratified
by our shareholders, the Audit and Finance Committee may direct
the appointment of a different independent auditor at any time
during the year if the Audit and Finance Committee determines,
in its discretion, that such a change would be in our best
interests. Grant Thornton LLP has advised GEO that no partner or
employee of Grant Thornton LLP has any direct financial interest
or any material indirect interest in GEO other than receiving
payment for its services as independent certified public
Recommendation of
the Board of Directors
The board of directors unanimously recommends a vote
FOR the ratification of Grant Thornton LLP as
our independent registered certified public accountants for the
2009 fiscal year.
Proposal 3
To Approve
Certain Amendments to The GEO Group, Inc. 2006 Stock Incentive
We are proposing to make several amendments to The GEO Group,
Inc. 2006 Stock Incentive Plan, which we refer to as the 2006
Plan. First, we are proposing to increase the number of shares
of common stock subject to awards under the 2006 Plan by
1,000,000, from 1,400,000 to 2,400,000. We are proposing that of
the 1,000,000 new shares
of common stock subject to awards if this proposal is approved,
up to 333,000 of such shares be made available for grants other
than stock options and stock appreciation rights, including
restricted stock grants. This change would increase the total
number of shares of restricted stock and other non-stock option
awards issuable under the 2006 Plan from 750,000 to 1,083,000.
The board of directors believes that the increase in the number
of shares of common stock subject to the 2006 Plan will advance
the long-term success of our company by encouraging stock
ownership among key employees and members of our board of
directors who are not employees.
We are also proposing to make the following amendment to the
2006 Plan:
Section (d) of the Change in Control definition
in Annex A of the plan would be amended to include the
phrase and such liquidation occurs after the second
occurrence of the company name.
The amended text would be as follows:
(d) the shareholders of GEO approve a plan of complete
liquidation of GEO, and such liquidation occurs, or the
consummation of the sale or disposition by GEO, of all or
substantially all of GEOs assets other than (x) the
sale or disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of
GEO to a person or persons who beneficially own, directly or
indirectly, at least fifty percent (50%) or more of the combined
voting power of the outstanding voting securities of GEO at the
time of the sale or (y) pursuant to a spin-off type
transaction, directly or indirectly, of such assets to the
shareholders of GEO.
We are proposing the above change to the 2006 Plan so that a
plan of liquidation adopted by GEO would not cause a change in
control under the 2006 Plan unless the liquidation actually
occurs. Currently, a liquidation approved by GEOs
shareholders could be interpreted to cause a change in control
under the 2006 Plan without regard to whether the liquidation
Lastly, we are also proposing to make other amendments to the
2006 Plan to reflect what we believe are appropriate changes to
certain numerical thresholds in the plan as a result of the
increased awards issuable under the plan as compared to when it
was originally adopted. These changes include:
increasing the total number of shares of common stock issuable
pursuant to incentive stock options under the plan to 1,200,000
(currently 450,000),
increasing the total number of shares of common stock issuable
pursuant to stock options or stock appreciation rights to any
one individual in any one year under the plan to 450,000
(currently 150,000), and
increasing the total number of shares of common stock issuable
pursuant to performance shares, restricted stock and other
common stock awards to any one individual in any one year under
the plan to 450,000 (currently 150,000).
Annex A to this proxy statement contains the 2006 Plan, as
amended and restated to reflect the proposed amendments to the
2006 Plan described in this proxy statement (the Amended
and Restated Plan). The Amended and Restated Plan also
reflects amendments to the 2006 Plan that have been adopted and
approved by GEOs shareholders since the initial adoption
of the 2006 Plan.
Background of the
The Compensation Committee has historically granted awards under
our equity compensation plans to our key employees and members
of our board of directors to create a more performance-oriented
culture and to further align the interests of management and our
shareholders. In mid-2004, we exhausted all available awards
under our then active stock option plans. As a result, during
the period from September 2004 to May 2006, we only issued to
employees an aggregate of stock options to purchase
22,200 shares of common stock under our equity compensation
plans, which we believe limited our ability to attract and
retain key employees through equity compensation.
To address this concern, in 2006, our board of directors and
shareholders approved the 2006 Plan. The board of directors
limited the total aggregate number of shares available for grant
under the 2006 Plan to 900,000 shares, or approximately 3%
of our total outstanding shares. In 2007, our board of directors
and shareholders approved an amendment to the 2006 Plan
increasing the number of shares of common stock subject to
awards by 500,000 from 900,000 to 1,400,000.
Since the adoption of the 2006 Plan, we have issued awards with
respect to a total of 1,331,243 shares of common stock,
including 712,643 shares of restricted stock and stock
options representing the right to acquire 618,600 shares of
common stock. As a result, as of March 3, 2009, we have
only 68,757 shares of common stock available for issuance
pursuant to the 2006 Plan. Moreover, even after giving effect to
the 3,223,168 aggregate shares of common stock subject to
currently outstanding awards under all of our equity
compensation plans, our equity compensation grants total only
6.3% of our shares of common stock outstanding. Accordingly, we
are seeking an increase in the number of shares of common stock
subject to the 2006 Plan from 1,400,000 to 2,400,000 in order to
provide us with flexibility in motivating, rewarding and
recruiting key employees with long-term incentives.
Key Features of
the 2006
The following are several key features of the 2006 Plan:
Share Usage and Annual Run Rate. The
2006 Plan provides for a fixed reserve of shares, which we are
proposing to increase from 1,400,000 to 2,400,000. The 2006 Plan
also limits the number of shares awarded annually under the 2006
Plan, or the annual run rate, to a maximum of 3% of GEOs
total number of outstanding shares of common stock at any time
during a fiscal year. In managing the annual run rate, the
Compensation Committee will consider the potential negative
impact on dilution of the granting of awards under the 2006
Plan. Any shares of common stock that we may repurchase from
time to time will be factored into the Compensation
Committees determination of awards under the 2006 Plan.
Controlled Use of Full Value
Awards. The 2006 Plan currently limits the
number of full value awards (e.g., restricted stock, performance
shares and performance share units, etc.) that can be granted on
a share for share basis to 750,000 total shares of common stock.
We are proposing to increase that number to 1,083,000. This
provision will limit the potential dilutive impact of full value
awards issued under the 2006 Plan.
Discounted Stock Option and Stock Appreciation Rights
Prohibited. The 2006 Plan prohibits stock
appreciation rights or stock option awards with an exercise
price less than the fair market value of our common stock on the
date of grant.
Re-pricing Without Shareholder Approval
Prohibited. Without shareholder approval, the
2006 Plan prohibits the re-pricing of options and stock
appreciation rights, the cancellation of such awards in exchange
for new awards with a lower exercise price or the repurchase of
such awards which have an exercise price that is higher than the
then current fair market value of GEOs common stock,
except in the event of stock splits, certain other
recapitalizations and a change in control.
Inclusion of Minimum Vesting
Provisions. With respect to awards that are
subject only to a future service requirement, unless the
Compensation Committee provides otherwise in an award agreement,
(i) options and stock appreciation rights granted pursuant
to the 2006 Plan will be subject to a four-year vesting schedule
as follows: 20% of such options or stock appreciation rights
will vest immediately and the remaining 80% of such options or
stock appreciation rights will vest in equal annual increments
over a four-year period following the date of grant, and
(ii) all other awards that have vesting periods will vest
in equal annual increments over a four-year period following the
date of grant.
Shares Terminated Under Prior Plans will Not Increase the
Plan Reserve. Shares subject to awards under
the Prior Plans that are cancelled, forfeited, or expired will
not be available for re-grant in the 2006 Plan. There will be no
transfer of unused shares reserved for other plans into the 2006
Plan share reserve. Upon approval of the 2006 Plan, GEO will not
grant any new awards under any of the Prior Plans.
Shares Surrendered to Pay Taxes or Exercise Price for
Stock Options Will Not Increase the Plan
Reserve. Shares tendered to us for taxes or
to pay the exercise price will not provide us with additional
shares for the 2006 Plan.
Stock Appreciation Rights Settled in Shares Will Not be
Counted on a Net Basis. Each stock-settled
stock appreciation right will count as a full share against the
2006 Plan share reserve limit rather than the net gain realized
upon exercise.
Independent Plan Administrator. The
2006 Plan will be administered by the Compensation Committee,
composed exclusively of independent non-employee directors.
Fixed Plan Term. The 2006 Plan will
expire ten years after shareholders approve the 2006 Plan.
However, awards granted under the 2006 Plan may survive the
termination of the Plan.
Limit on Stock Option Period. Stock
appreciation rights and stock options will have a maximum term
of ten years.
Recommendation of
the Board of Directors
The board of directors unanimously recommends a vote
FOR the amendments to The GEO Group Inc. 2006
Stock Incentive Plan.
Compensation Plan Information
In connection with your consideration of our proposal to approve
the amendments to The GEO Group Inc. 2006 Stock Incentive Plan,
the following table sets forth information about our common
stock that may be issued upon the exercise of options, warrants
and rights under all of our equity compensation plans as of
December 28, 2008, including our 1994 Second Stock Option
Plan, our 1999 Stock Option Plan, our 2006 Stock Incentive Plan
and our 1995 Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan. Our
shareholders have approved all of these plans.
Number of
Available for
Number of
Future Issuance
to be Issued
Exercise of
Exercise Price
Reflected in
Warrants and
Warrants and
Equity compensation plans approved by security holders
Equity compensation plans not approved by security holders
Proposal 4
Proposal Requesting Semi-Annual Disclosure of Political
The Mercy Investment Program, 205 Avenue C, #10E, New York,
New York 10009, the beneficial owner of 360 shares of GEO
stock, and the LKCM Aquinas Funds, 301 Commerce Street,
Suite 1600, Ft. Worth, TX 76102, the beneficial owner
of 2,100 shares of GEO stock, have filed the following
shareholder proposal:
Resolved: that the shareholders of The GEO Group
hereby request that our Company provide a report, updated
semi-annually, disclosing our Companys:
Policies and procedures for political contributions and
expenditures, both direct and indirect, made with corporate
Monetary and non-monetary political contributions and
expenditures not deductible under section 162(e)(1)(B) of
the Internal Revenue Code, including but not limited to
contributions to or expenditures on behalf of political
candidates, political parties, political committees and other
political entities organized and operating under 26 USC
Sec. 527 of the Internal Revenue Code and any portion of any
dues or similar payments made to any tax exempt organization
that is used for an expenditure or contribution if made directly
by the corporation would not be
deductible under section 162(e)(1)(B) of the Internal
Revenue Code. The report shall include the following:
An accounting of our Companys funds that are used for
political contributions or expenditures as described above;
Identification of the person or persons in our Company who
participated in making the decisions to make political
contribution or expenditure; and
The internal guidelines or policies, if any, governing our
Companys political contributions and expenditures.
This report shall be presented to the Board of Directors
audit committee or other relevant oversight committee and posted
on our Companys website to reduce costs to shareholders.
As long-term shareholders of the GEO Group, we support
transparency and accountability to corporate spending on
political activities. A significant number of investors agree.
In 2008, more than 26% of shares voted supported our position.
The activities, for which we seek transparency and
accountability, include direct and indirect political
contributions to candidates, political parties or political
organizations; independent expenditures; or electioneering
communications on behalf of a federal, state or local candidate.
Disclosure is consistent with public policy, in the best
interest of the company and its shareholders, and critical for
compliance with recent federal ethics legislation. Absent a
system of accountability, company assets can be used for policy
objectives that may be inimical to the long-term interests of
and may pose risks to the company and its shareholders.
Relying on publicly available data does not provide a complete
picture of the Companys political expenditures. For
example, the Companys payments to trade associations used
for political activities are undisclosed and unknown. In many
cases, even management does not know how trade associations use
their companys money politically. The proposal asks the
Company to disclose all political contributions, including
payments to trade associations and other tax-exempt
organizations. This would bring our Company in line with a
growing number of leading companies, including Pfizer, Aetna and
American Electric Power that support political disclosure and
accountability and present this information on their websites.
The Companys Board and shareholders need complete
disclosure to be able to fully evaluate the political use of
corporate assets. We urge your support for this critical
governance reform.
Recommendation of
the Board of Directors
GEOs board
of directors recommends a vote AGAINST the adoption
of this proposal for the following
The GEO board believes that this proposal is unnecessary and
duplicative because various federal, state and local campaign
finance laws already require us to disclose political
contributions made by GEO, and GEO fully complies with these
disclosure and reporting requirements. As a result, the board
believes that ample public information exists and is available
regarding GEOs political contributions adequate to
alleviate the concerns cited in this proposal. Additionally, GEO
already has adequate internal controls to ensure that political
contributions are approved by senior management because GEO
policies require any contributions over $500 to be approved by
GEOs CEO or President. Also, with respect to political
contributions by GEO, we note that current law prohibits
corporate contributions to federal candidates or their political
committees. However, GEO is able to make corporate contributions
to state and local candidates or initiatives where permitted by
law. Various members of GEOs management decide which
candidates, campaigns, committees and initiatives GEO will
support based on a nonpartisan effort to advance and protect the
interests of GEO and our shareholders and employees.
GEO also sponsors non-partisan political action committees (the
GEO PACs). The GEO PACs allow our employees to pool
their financial resources to support federal, state and local
candidates, political party committees and political action
committees. The political contributions made by the GEO PACs are
funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of our employees.
No corporate funds are used. A committee comprised of
appropriate members of GEOs management decides which
candidates, campaigns, committees and initiatives the GEO PACs
will support based on a nonpartisan effort to advance and
protect the interests of GEO and our shareholders and employees.
The GEO PACs file reports of recipients and disbursements with
the Federal Election Commission (the FEC), and
appropriate state reporting authorities, as well as pre-election
and post-election reports. These detailed, publicly available
reports identify the names of candidates supported and itemize
amounts contributed by the GEO PACs, including any political
contributions over $200. Given these existing reporting
requirements, we do not believe that posting the requested
information on our website would provide shareholders with
additional meaningful information. Instead, we believe that it
would impose unnecessary costs and administrative burdens on us
while often requiring duplicative disclosure of already public
The board also believes that the expanded disclosure requested
in this proposal would place GEO at a competitive disadvantage.
GEO is involved on an ongoing basis with a number of legislative
and political initiatives at the federal, state and local levels
that could significantly affect its business and operations.
While the public disclosure of contributions relating to these
efforts is often required on a
basis, reporting them in one medium on GEOs website could
reveal valuable information regarding GEOs long-term
business strategies, business development initiatives and
business priorities. Because third parties with adverse
interests also participate in the political process for their
own business reasons, any unilateral expanded disclosure by GEO
which is not required of such third parties could benefit these
parties to the detriment of GEO.
In short, we believe that this proposal is unnecessary,
burdensome and duplicative because a comprehensive system of
reporting and accountability for political contributions already
exists. In addition, we believe that, if adopted, the proposal
would cause GEO as a reporter of the requested information to be
exposed to potential competitive harm, without commensurate
benefit to our shareholders. For these reasons, the board of
directors recommends that you vote AGAINST
this proposal.
Shareholder proposals intended to be presented at the year 2010
annual meeting of shareholders must be received by GEO for
inclusion in GEOs proxy statement and form of proxy
relating to that meeting by December 1, 2009. Additionally,
GEO must have notice of any shareholder proposal to be submitted
at the 2010 annual meeting of shareholders (but not required to
be included in GEOs proxy statement) by February 13,
2010, or such proposal will be considered untimely pursuant to
Rule 14a-5(e)
under the Exchange Act and persons named in the proxies
solicited by management may exercise discretionary voting
authority with respect to such proposal.
The board of directors knows of no other matters to come before
the shareholders meeting. However, if any other matters
properly come before the meeting or any of its adjournments, the
person or persons voting the proxies will vote them in
accordance with their best judgment on such matters.
By order of the
Board of Directors,
John J. Bulfin
Senior Vice President, General Counsel
and Corporate Secretary
March 30, 2009
A copy of GEOs Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year ended December 28, 2008, including the
financial statements and the schedules thereto, but excluding
exhibits thereto, which has been filed with the SEC will be made
available without charge to interested shareholders upon written
request to Director, Corporate Relations, The GEO Group, Inc.,
621 NW 53rd Street, Suite 700, Boca Raton, Florida
April 29, 2009
The GEO Group, Inc., a Florida corporation originally
established The GEO Group, Inc. 2006 Stock Incentive Plan,
effective May 4, 2006, authorizing the issuance of
300,000 shares of Common Stock. Since the adoption of the
Plan, through amendments to the Plan and two stock splits
effectuated by GEO, the Plan has been amended to authorize the
issuance of 1,400,000 shares of Common Stock. Subject to
the approval by the shareholders of GEO in accordance with the
laws of the State of Florida on April 29, 2009, the Plan is
hereby amended and restated to authorize an additional
1,000,0000 shares of Common Stock to be issued pursuant to
the Plan and to make certain other amendments to the Plan,
including a clarification the definition of a Change in Control
to reflect how such term has been interpreted by the Committee.
Unless earlier terminated pursuant to Section 15(k) hereof,
the Plan shall terminate on the tenth anniversary of the
Effective Date. Capitalized terms used herein are defined in
Annex A attached hereto.
The purpose of the Plan is to enable GEO to attract, retain,
reward and motivate Eligible Individuals by providing them with
an opportunity to acquire or increase a proprietary interest in
GEO and to incentivize them to expend maximum effort for the
growth and success of the Company, so as to strengthen the
mutuality of the interests between the Eligible Individuals and
the shareholders of GEO.
Awards may be granted under the Plan to any Eligible Individual,
as determined by the Committee from time to time, on the basis
of their importance to the business of the Company pursuant to
the terms of the Plan.
(a) Committee. The Plan
shall be administered by the Committee, which shall have the
full power and authority to take all actions, and to make all
determinations not inconsistent with the specific terms and
provisions of the Plan deemed by the Committee to be necessary
or appropriate to the administration of the Plan, any Award
granted or any Award Agreement entered into hereunder. The
Committee may correct any defect or supply any omission or
reconcile any inconsistency in the Plan or in any Award
Agreement in the manner and to the extent it shall deem
expedient to carry the Plan into effect as it may determine in
its sole discretion. The decisions by the Committee shall be
final, conclusive and binding with respect to the interpretation
and administration of the Plan, any Award or any Award Agreement
entered into under the Plan.
(b) Delegation to Officers or
Employees. The Committee may designate
officers or employees of the Company to assist the Committee in
the administration of the Plan. The Committee may delegate
authority to officers or employees of the Company to grant
Awards and execute Award Agreements or other documents on behalf
of the Committee in connection with the administration of the
Plan, subject to whatever limitations or restrictions the
Committee may impose and in accordance with applicable law.
(c) Designation of
Advisors. The Committee may designate
professional advisors to assist the Committee in the
administration of the Plan. The Committee may employ such legal
counsel, consultants, and agents as it may deem desirable for
the administration of the Plan and may rely upon any advice and
any computation received from any
such counsel, consultant, or agent. The Company shall pay all
expenses and costs incurred by the Committee for the engagement
of any such counsel, consultant, or agent.
(d) Participants Outside the
U.S. In order to conform with the
provisions of local laws and regulations in foreign countries in
which the Company operates, the Committee shall have the sole
discretion to (i) modify the terms and conditions of the
Awards granted under the Plan to Eligible Individuals located
outside the United States; (ii) establish subplans with
such modifications as may be necessary or advisable under the
circumstances present by local laws and regulations; and
(iii) take any action which it deems advisable to comply
with or otherwise reflect any necessary governmental regulatory
procedures, or to obtain any exemptions or approvals necessary
with respect to the Plan or any subplan established hereunder.
(e) Liability and
Indemnification. No Covered Individual
shall be liable for any action or determination made in good
faith with respect to the Plan, any Award granted hereunder or
any Award Agreement entered into hereunder. The Company shall,
to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law and the
Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of GEO, indemnify and hold
harmless each Covered Individual against any cost or expense
(including reasonable attorney fees reasonably acceptable to the
Company) or liability (including any amount paid in settlement
of a claim with the approval of the Company), and amounts
advanced to such Covered Individual necessary to pay the
foregoing at the earliest time and to the fullest extent
permitted, arising out of any act or omission to act in
connection with the Plan, any Award granted hereunder or any
Award Agreement entered into hereunder. Such indemnification
shall be in addition to any rights of indemnification such
individuals may have under applicable law or under the Articles
of Incorporation or Bylaws of GEO. Notwithstanding anything else
herein, this indemnification will not apply to the actions or
determinations made by a Covered Individual with regard to
Awards granted to such Covered Individual under the Plan or
arising out of such Covered Individuals own fraud or bad
(a) Shares Available for
Awards. The Common Stock that may be
issued pursuant to Awards granted under the Plan shall be
treasury shares or authorized but unissued shares of the Common
Stock. The total number of shares of Common Stock that may be
issued pursuant to Awards granted under the Plan shall be the
sum of Two Million Four Hundred Thousand (2,400,000) shares.
(b) Maximum Shares Issuable During a Fiscal
Year. The maximum number of shares of
Common Stock that may be issued under all Awards granted in a
fiscal year shall not exceed three percent (3%) of GEOs
maximum authorized and outstanding shares of Common Stock at any
time during said fiscal year; provided, however, that
(i) such limitation shall not include any substitute grants
made in settlement of any awards under any other plan sponsored
by GEO or substitute grants or equity assumed in connection with
a corporate transaction, and (ii) any shares of Common
Stock repurchased or redeemed by GEO after any Awards have been
made which have been authorized by the Board shall nevertheless
be deemed to be outstanding for purposes of calculating whether
there has been a violation of this Section 5(b).
(c) Certain Limitations on Specific Types of
Awards. The granting of Awards under this
Plan shall be subject to the following limitations:
With respect to the shares of Common Stock reserved pursuant to
this Section, a maximum of One Million Two Hundred Thousand
(1,200,000) of such shares may be subject to grants of Incentive
Stock Options;
With respect to the shares of Common Stock reserved pursuant to
this Section, a maximum of One Million Eighty Three Thousand
(1,083,000) of such shares may be issued in connection with
Awards, other than Stock Options and Stock Appreciation Rights,
that are settled in Common Stock;
With respect to the shares of Common Stock reserved pursuant to
this Section, a maximum of Four Hundred Fifty Thousand (450,000)
of such shares may be subject to grants of Options or Stock
Appreciation Rights to any one Eligible Individual during any
one fiscal year;
With respect to the shares of Common Stock reserved pursuant to
this Section, a maximum of Four Hundred Fifty Thousand (450,000)
of such shares may be subject to grants of Performance Shares,
Restricted Stock, and Awards of Common Stock to any one Eligible
Individual during any one fiscal year; and
The maximum value at Grant Date of grants of Performance Units
which may be granted to any one Eligible Individual during any
one fiscal year shall be $1,000,000.
(d) Reduction of Shares Available for
Awards. Upon the granting of an Award,
the number of shares of Common Stock available under this
Section hereof for the granting of further Awards shall be
reduced as follows:
In connection with the granting of an Option or Stock
Appreciation Right, the number of shares of Common Stock shall
be reduced by the number of shares of Common Stock subject to
the Option or Stock Appreciation Right;
In connection with the granting of an Award that is settled in
Common Stock, other than the granting of an Option or Stock
Appreciation Right, the number of shares of Common Stock shall
be reduced by the number of shares of Common Stock subject to
the Award; and
Awards settled in cash shall not count against the total number
of shares of Common Stock available to be granted pursuant to
the Plan.
(e) Cancelled, Forfeited, or Surrendered
Awards. Notwithstanding anything to the
contrary in this Plan, if any Award is cancelled, forfeited or
terminated for any reason prior to exercise or becoming vested
in full, the shares of Common Stock that were subject to such
Award shall, to the extent cancelled, forfeited or terminated,
immediately become available for future Awards granted under the
Plan as if said Award had never been granted; provided, however,
that any shares of Common Stock subject to an Award which is
cancelled, forfeited or terminated in order to pay the Exercise
Price, purchase price or any taxes or tax withholdings on an
Award shall not be available for future Awards granted under the
(f) Recapitalization. If
the outstanding shares of Common Stock are increased or
decreased or changed into or exchanged for a different number or
kind of shares or other securities of GEO by reason of any
recapitalization, reclassification, reorganization, stock split,
reverse split, combination of shares, exchange of shares, stock
dividend or other distribution payable in capital stock of GEO
or other increase or decrease in such shares effected without
receipt of consideration by GEO occurring after the Effective
Date, an appropriate and proportionate adjustment shall be made
by the Committee to (i) the aggregate number and kind of
shares of Common Stock available under the Plan (including, but
not limited to, the aggregate limits of the number of shares of
Common Stock described in Sections 5(c)(i) and (ii),
(ii) the limits on the number of shares of Common Stock
that may be granted to an Eligible Employee in any one fiscal
year, (iii) the calculation of the reduction of shares of
Common Stock available under the Plan, (iv) the number and
kind of shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise (or
vesting) of outstanding Awards granted under the Plan;
(v) the Exercise Price of outstanding Options granted under
the Plan,
(vi) the number of shares of Common Stock subject to Awards
granted to Non-Employee Directors under Section 10. No
fractional shares of Common Stock or units of other securities
shall be issued pursuant to any such adjustment under this
Section 5(f), and any fractions resulting from any such
adjustment shall be eliminated in each case by rounding downward
to the nearest whole share or unit. Any adjustments made under
this Section 5(f) with respect to any Incentive Stock
Options must be made in accordance with Code Section 424.
(a) Grant of
Options. Subject to the terms and
conditions of the Plan, the Committee may grant to such Eligible
Individuals as the Committee may determine, Options to purchase
such number of shares of Common Stock and on such terms and
conditions as the Committee shall determine in its sole and
absolute discretion. Each grant of an Option shall satisfy the
requirements set forth in this Section.
(b) Type of Options. Each
Option granted under the Plan may be designated by the
Committee, in its sole discretion, as either (i) an
Incentive Stock Option, or (ii) a Non-Qualified Stock
Option. Options designated as Incentive Stock Options that fail
to continue to meet the requirements of Code Section 422
shall be re-designated as Non-Qualified Stock Options
automatically on the date of such failure to continue to meet
such requirements
without further action by the Committee. In the absence of any
designation, Options granted under the Plan will be deemed to be
Non-Qualified Stock Options.
(c) Exercise Price. Subject
to the limitations set forth in the Plan relating to Incentive
Stock Options, the Exercise Price of an Option shall be fixed by
the Committee and stated in the respective Award Agreement,
provided that the Exercise Price of the shares of Common Stock
subject to such Option may not be less than Fair Market Value of
such Common Stock on the Grant Date, or if greater, the par
value of the Common Stock.
(d) Limitation on
Repricing. Unless such action is approved
by GEOs shareholders in accordance with applicable law:
(i) no outstanding Option granted under the Plan may be
amended to provide an Exercise Price that is lower than the
then-current Exercise Price of such outstanding Option (other
than adjustments to the Exercise Price pursuant to
Sections 5(d) and 12); (ii) the Committee may not
cancel any outstanding Option and grant in substitution
therefore new Awards under the Plan covering the same or a
different number of shares of Common Stock and having an
Exercise Price lower than the then-current Exercise Price of the
cancelled Option (other than adjustments to the Exercise Price
pursuant to Sections 5(f) and 12); and (iii) the
Committee may not authorize the repurchase of an outstanding
Option which has an Exercise Price that is higher than the
then-current fair market value of the Common Stock (other than
adjustments to the Exercise Price pursuant to Sections 5(f)
and 12).
(e) Limitation on Option
Period. Subject to the limitations set
forth in the Plan relating to Incentive Stock Options, Options
granted under the Plan and all rights to purchase Common Stock
thereunder shall terminate no later than the tenth anniversary
of the Grant Date of such Options, or on such earlier date as
may be stated in the Award Agreement relating to such Option. In
the case of Options expiring prior to the tenth anniversary of
the Grant Date, the Committee may in its discretion, at any time
prior to the expiration or termination of said Options, extend
the term of any such Options for such additional period as it
may determine, but in no event beyond the tenth anniversary of
the Grant Date thereof.
(f) Limitations on Incentive Stock
Options. Notwithstanding any other
provisions of the Plan, the following provisions shall apply
with respect to Incentive Stock Options granted pursuant to the
Limitation on Grants. Incentive
Stock Options may only be granted to Section 424 Employees.
The aggregate Fair Market Value (determined at the time such
Incentive Stock Option is granted) of the shares of Common Stock
for which any individual may have Incentive Stock Options which
first become vested and exercisable in any calendar year (under
all incentive stock option plans of the Company) shall not
exceed $100,000. Options granted to such individual in excess of
the $100,000 limitation, and any Options issued subsequently
which first become vested and exercisable in the same calendar
year, shall automatically be treated as Non-Qualified Stock
Minimum Exercise Price. In no
event may the Exercise Price of a share of Common Stock subject
an Incentive Stock Option be less than 100% of the Fair Market
Value of such share of Common Stock on the Grant Date.
Percent Shareholder. Notwithstanding
any other provision of the Plan to the contrary, in the case of
Incentive Stock Options granted to a Section 424 Employee
who, at the time the Option is granted, owns (after application
of the rules set forth in Code Section 424(d)) stock possessing
more than ten percent of the total combined voting power of all
classes of stock of GEO, such Incentive Stock Options
(i) must have an Exercise Price per share of Common Stock
that is at least 110% of the Fair Market Value as of the Grant
Date of a share of Common Stock, and (ii) must not be
exercisable after the fifth anniversary of the Grant Date.
(g) Vesting Schedule and
Conditions. No Options may be exercised
prior to the satisfaction of the conditions and vesting schedule
provided for in the Award Agreement relating thereto. Except as
otherwise provided by the Committee in an Award Agreement in its
sole and absolute discretion, subject to Sections 10, 12
and 13 of the Plan, Options covered by any Award under this Plan
that are subject solely to a future service requirement shall
vest as follows: (i) 20% of the Options subject to an Award
shall vest immediately upon the Grant Date; and (ii) the
remaining 80% of the Options subject to an Award shall vest over
the four-year period immediately following the Grant Date in
equal annual increments of 20%, with one increment vesting on
each anniversary date of the Grant Date.
(h) Exercise. When the
conditions to the exercise of an Option have been satisfied, the
Participant may exercise the Option only in accordance with the
following provisions. The Participant shall deliver to GEO a
written notice stating that the Participant is exercising the
Option and specifying the number of shares of Common Stock which
are to be purchased pursuant to the Option, and such notice
shall be accompanied by payment in full of the Exercise Price of
the shares for which the Option is being exercised, by one or
more of the methods provided for in the Plan. Said notice must
be delivered to GEO at its principal office and addressed to the
attention of John J. Bulfin, General Counsel, The GEO Group
Inc., 621 NW 53rd Street, Suite 700, Boca Raton,
Florida 33487. An attempt to exercise any Option granted
hereunder other than as set forth in the Plan shall be invalid
and of no force and effect.
(i) Payment. Payment of the
Exercise Price for the shares of Common Stock purchased pursuant
to the exercise of an Option shall be made by one of the
following methods:
by cash, certified or cashiers check, bank draft or money
through the delivery to GEO of shares of Common Stock which have
been previously owned by the Participant for the requisite
period necessary to avoid a charge to GEOs earnings for
financial reporting purposes; such shares shall be valued, for
purposes of determining the extent to which the Exercise Price
has been paid thereby, at their Fair Market Value on the date of
exercise; without limiting the foregoing, the Committee may
require the Participant to furnish an opinion of counsel
acceptable to the Committee to the effect that such delivery
would not result in GEO incurring any liability under
Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act; or
by any other method which the Committee, in its sole and
absolute discretion and to the extent permitted by applicable
law, may permit, including, but not limited to, any of the
following: (A) through a cashless exercise sale and
remittance procedure pursuant to which the Participant
shall concurrently provide irrevocable instructions (1) to
a brokerage firm approved by the Committee to effect the
immediate sale of the purchased shares and remit to GEO, out of
the sale proceeds available on the settlement date, sufficient
funds to cover the aggregate Exercise Price payable for the
purchased shares plus all applicable federal, state and local
income, employment, excise, foreign and other taxes required to
be withheld by the Company by reason of such exercise and
(2) to GEO to deliver the certificates for the purchased
shares directly to such brokerage firm in order to complete the
sale; or (B) by any other method as may be permitted by the
(j) Termination of Employment, Disability or
Death. Unless otherwise provided in an
Award Agreement, upon the termination of the employment or other
service of a Participant with Company for any reason, all of the
Participants outstanding Options (whether vested or
unvested) shall be subject to the rules of this paragraph. Upon
such termination, the Participants unvested Options shall
expire. Notwithstanding anything in this Plan to the contrary,
the Committee may provide, in its sole and absolute discretion,
that following the termination of employment or other service of
a Participant with the Company for any reason (i) any
unvested Options held by the Participant that vest solely upon a
future service requirement shall vest in whole or in part, at
any time subsequent to such termination of employment or other
service, and or (ii) a Participant or the
Participants estate, devisee or heir at law (whichever is
applicable), may exercise an Option, in whole or in part, at any
time subsequent to such termination of employment or other
service and prior to the termination of the Option pursuant to
its terms. Unless otherwise determined by the Committee,
temporary absence from employment because of illness, vacation,
approved leaves of absence or military service shall not
constitute a termination of employment or other service.
Termination for Reason Other Than Cause, Disability or
Death. If a Participants
termination of employment or other service is for any reason
other than death, Disability, Cause or a voluntary termination
within ninety (90) days after occurrence of an event which
would be grounds for termination of employment or other service
by the Company for Cause, any Option held by such Participant,
may be exercised, to the extent exercisable at termination, by
the Participant at any time within a period not to exceed ninety
(90) days from the date of such termination, but in no
event after the termination of the Option pursuant to its terms.
Disability. If a
Participants termination of employment or other service
with the Company is by reason of a Disability of such
Participant, the Participant shall have the right at any time
within a
period not to exceed one (1) year after such termination,
but in no event after the termination of the Option pursuant to
its terms, to exercise, in whole or in part, any vested portion
of the Option held by such Participant at the date of such
termination; provided, however, that if the Participant dies
within such period, any vested Option held by such Participant
upon death shall be exercisable by the Participants
estate, devisee or heir at law (whichever is applicable) for a
period not to exceed one (1) year after the
Participants death, but in no event after the termination
of the Option pursuant to its terms.
Death. If a Participant dies
while in the employment or other service of the Company, the
Participants estate or the devisee named in the
Participants valid last will and testament or the
Participants heir at law who inherits the Option has the
right, at any time within a period not to exceed one
(1) year after the date of such Participants death,
but in no event after the termination of the Option pursuant to
its terms, to exercise, in whole or in part, any portion of the
vested Option held by such Participant at the date of such
Participants death.
Termination for Cause. In the
event the termination is for Cause or is a voluntary termination
within ninety (90) days after occurrence of an event which
would be grounds for termination of employment or other service
by the Company for Cause (without regard to any notice or cure
period requirement), any Option held by the Participant at the
time of such termination shall be deemed to have terminated and
expired upon the date of such termination.
(a) Grant of Stock Appreciation
Rights. Subject to the terms and
conditions of the Plan, the Committee may grant to such Eligible
Individuals as the Committee may determine, Stock Appreciation
Rights, in such amounts and on such terms and conditions as the
Committee shall determine in its sole and absolute discretion.
Each grant of a Stock Appreciation Right shall satisfy the
requirements as set forth in this Section.
(b) Terms and Conditions of Stock Appreciation
Rights. Unless otherwise provided in an
Award Agreement, the terms and conditions (including, without
limitation, the limitations on the Exercise Price, exercise
period, repricing and termination) of the Stock Appreciation
Right shall be substantially identical (to the extent possible
taking into account the differences related to the character of
the Stock Appreciation Right) to the terms and conditions that
would have been applicable under Section 6 above were the
grant of the Stock Appreciation Rights a grant of an Option.
(c) Exercise of Stock Appreciation
Rights. Stock Appreciation Rights shall
be exercised by a Participant only by written notice delivered
to the General Counsel of GEO, specifying the number of shares
of Common Stock with respect to which the Stock Appreciation
Right is being exercised.
(d) Payment of Stock Appreciation
Right. Unless otherwise provided in an
Award Agreement, upon exercise of a Stock Appreciation Right,
the Participant or Participants estate, devisee or heir at
law (whichever is applicable) shall be entitled to receive
payment, in cash, in shares of Common Stock, or in a combination
thereof, as determined by the Committee in its sole and absolute
discretion. The amount of such payment shall be determined by
multiplying the excess, if any, of the Fair Market Value of a
share of Common Stock on the date of exercise over the Fair
Market Value of a share of Common Stock on the Grant Date, by
the number of shares of Common Stock with respect to which the
Stock Appreciation Rights are then being exercised.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Committee may limit in any
manner the amount payable with respect to a Stock Appreciation
Right by including such limitation in the Award Agreement.
(a) Grant of Restricted
Stock. Subject to the terms and
conditions of the Plan, the Committee may grant to such Eligible
Individuals as the Committee may determine, Restricted Stock, in
such amounts and on such terms and conditions as the Committee
shall determine in its sole and absolute discretion. Each grant
of Restricted Stock shall satisfy the requirements as set forth
in this Section.
(b) Restrictions. The
Committee shall impose such restrictions on any Restricted Stock
granted pursuant to the Plan as it may deem advisable including,
without limitation; time based vesting restrictions, or the
attainment of Performance Goals. Except as otherwise provided by
the Committee in an Award Agreement in its sole and absolute
discretion, subject to Sections 10, 12 and 13 of the Plan,
Restricted Stock covered by any Award under this Plan that are
subject solely to a future service requirement shall vest over
the four-year period immediately following the Grant Date in
equal annual increments of 25%, with one increment vesting on
each anniversary date of the Grant Date. Shares of Restricted
Stock subject to the attainment of Performance Goals will be
released from restrictions only after the attainment of such
Performance Goals has been certified by the Committee in
accordance with Section 9(c).
(c) Certificates and Certificate
Legend. With respect to a grant of
Restricted Stock, the Company may issue a certificate evidencing
such Restricted Stock to the Participant or issue and hold such
shares of Restricted Stock for the benefit of the Participant
until the applicable restrictions expire. The Company may legend
the certificate representing Restricted Stock to give
appropriate notice of such restrictions. In addition to any such
legends, each certificate representing shares of Restricted
Stock granted pursuant to the Plan shall bear the following
The sale or other transfer of the shares of stock
represented by this certificate, whether voluntary, involuntary,
or by operation of law, are subject to certain terms,
conditions, and restrictions on transfer as set forth in The GEO
Group, Inc. 2006 Stock Incentive Plan (the Plan),
and in an Agreement entered into by and between the registered
owner of such shares and The GEO Group, Inc. (the
Company), dated ,
(the Award Agreement). A copy of the Plan and the
Award Agreement may be obtained from the Secretary of the
(d) Removal of
Restrictions. Except as otherwise
provided in the Plan, shares of Restricted Stock shall become
freely transferable by the Participant upon the lapse of the
applicable restrictions. Once the shares of Restricted Stock are
released from the restrictions, the Participant shall be
entitled to have the legend required by paragraph (c) above
removed from the share certificate evidencing such Restricted
Stock and the Company shall pay or distribute to the Participant
all dividends and distributions held in escrow by the Company
with respect to such Restricted Stock.
(e) Shareholder
Rights. Unless otherwise provided in an
Award Agreement, until the expiration of all applicable
restrictions, (i) the Restricted Stock shall be treated as
outstanding, (ii) the Participant holding shares of
Restricted Stock may exercise full voting rights with respect to
such shares, and (iii) the Participant holding shares of
Restricted Stock shall be entitled to receive all dividends and
other distributions paid with respect to such shares while they
are so held. If any such dividends or distributions are paid in
shares of Common Stock, such shares shall be subject to the same
restrictions on transferability and forfeitability as the shares
of Restricted Stock with respect to which they were paid.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, at the discretion of
the Committee, all such dividends and distributions may be held
in escrow by the Company (subject to the same restrictions on
forfeitability) until all restrictions on the respective
Restricted Stock have lapsed.
(f) Termination of
Service. Unless otherwise provided in a
Award Agreement, if a Participants employment or other
service with the Company terminates for any reason, all unvested
shares of Restricted Stock held by the Participant and any
dividends or distributions held in escrow by GEO with respect to
such Restricted Stock shall be forfeited immediately and
returned to the Company. Notwithstanding this paragraph, all
grants of Restricted Stock that vest solely upon the attainment
of Performance Goals shall be treated pursuant to the terms and
conditions that would have been applicable under
Section 9(c) as if such grants of Restricted Stock were
Awards of Performance Shares. Notwithstanding anything in this
Plan to the contrary, the Committee may provide, in its sole and
absolute discretion, that following the termination of
employment or other service of a Participant with the Company
for any reason, any unvested shares of Restricted Stock held by
the Participant that vest solely upon a future service
requirement shall vest in whole or in part, at any time
subsequent to such termination of employment or other service.
(a) Grant of Performance Shares and Performance
Units. Subject to the terms and
conditions of the Plan, the Committee may grant to such Eligible
Individuals as the Committee may determine, Performance Shares
Performance Units, in such amounts and on such terms and
conditions as the Committee shall determine in its sole and
absolute discretion. Each grant of a Performance Share or a
Performance Unit shall satisfy the requirements as set forth in
this Section.
(b) Performance
Goals. Performance Goals will be based on
one or more of the following criteria, as determined by the
Committee in its absolute and sole discretion: (i) the
attainment of certain target levels of, or a specified increase
in, GEOs enterprise value or value creation targets;
(ii) the attainment of certain target levels of, or a
percentage increase in, GEOs after-tax or pre-tax profits
including, without limitation, that attributable to GEOs
and/or other
operations; (iii) the attainment of certain target levels
of, or a specified increase relating to, GEOs operational
cash flow or working capital, or a component thereof;
(iv) the attainment of certain target levels of, or a
specified decrease relating to, GEOs operational costs, or
a component thereof (v) the attainment of a certain level
of reduction of, or other specified objectives with regard to
limiting the level of increase in all or a portion of bank debt
or other of GEOs long-term or short-term public or private
debt or other similar financial obligations of GEO, which may be
calculated net of cash balances
and/or other
offsets and adjustments as may be established by the Committee;
(vi) the attainment of a specified percentage increase in
earnings per share or earnings per share from GEOs
continuing operations; (vii) the attainment of certain
target levels of, or a specified percentage increase in,
GEOs net sales, revenues, net income or earnings before
income tax or other exclusions; (viii) the attainment of
certain target levels of, or a specified increase in, GEOs
return on capital employed or return on invested capital;
(ix) the attainment of certain target levels of, or a
percentage increase in, GEOs after-tax or pre-tax return
on shareholder equity; (x) the attainment of certain target
levels in the fair market value of GEOs Common Stock;
(xi) the growth in the value of an investment in the Common
Stock assuming the reinvestment of dividends;
(xii) the attainment of certain target levels of, or a
specified increase in, EBITDA (earnings before income tax,
depreciation and amortization). In addition, Performance Goals
may be based upon the attainment by a subsidiary, division or
other operational unit of GEO of specified levels of performance
under one or more of the measures described above. Further, the
Performance Goals may be based upon the attainment by GEO (or a
subsidiary, division, facility or other operational unit of GEO)
of specified levels of performance under one or more of the
foregoing measures relative to the performance of other
corporations. To the extent permitted under Code
Section 162(m) of the Code (including, without limitation,
compliance with any requirements for shareholder approval), the
Committee may, in its sole and absolute discretion:
(i) designate additional business criteria upon which the
Performance Goals may be based; (ii) modify, amend or
adjust the business criteria described herein; or
(iii) incorporate in the Performance Goals provisions
regarding changes in accounting methods, corporate transactions
(including, without limitation, dispositions or acquisitions)
and similar events or circumstances. Performance Goals may
include a threshold level of performance below which no Award
will be earned, levels of performance at which an Award will
become partially earned and a level at which an Award will be
fully earned.
(c) Terms and Conditions of Performance Shares and
Performance Units. The applicable Award
Agreement shall set forth (i) the number of Performance
Shares or the dollar value of Performance Units granted to the
Participant; (ii) the Performance Period and Performance
Goals with respect to each such Award; (iii) the threshold,
target and maximum shares of Common Stock or dollar values of
each Performance Share or Performance Unit and corresponding
Performance Goals, and (iv) any other terms and conditions
as the Committee determines in its sole and absolute discretion.
The Committee shall establish, in its sole and absolute
discretion, the Performance Goals for the applicable Performance
Period for each Performance Share or Performance Unit granted
hereunder. Performance Goals for different Participants and for
different grants of Performance Shares and Performance Units
need not be identical. Unless otherwise provided in an Award
Agreement, the Participants rights as a shareholder in
Performance Shares shall be substantially identical to the terms
and conditions that would have been applicable under
Section 8 above if the Performance Shares were Restricted
Stock. Unless otherwise provided in an Award Agreement, a holder
of Performance Units is not entitled to the rights of a holder
of Common Stock.
(d) Determination and Payment of Performance Units
or Performance Shares Earned. As soon as
practicable after the end of a Performance Period, the Committee
shall determine the extent to which Performance Shares or
Performance Units have been earned on the basis of the
Companys actual performance in relation to the established
Performance Goals as set forth in the applicable Award Agreement
and shall certify these results in writing. As soon as
practicable after the Committee has determined that an amount is
payable or should be distributed with respect to a Performance
Share or a Performance Unit, the Committee shall cause the
amount of such Award to be paid or
distributed to the Participant or the Participants estate,
devisee or heir at law (whichever is applicable). Unless
otherwise provided in an Award Agreement, the Committee shall
determine in its sole and absolute discretion whether payment
with respect to the Performance Share or Performance Unit shall
be made in cash, in shares of Common Stock, or in a combination
thereof. For purposes of making payment or a distribution with
respect to a Performance Share or Performance Unit, the cash
equivalent of a share of Common Stock shall be determined by the
Fair Market Value of the Common Stock on the day the Committee
designates the Performance Shares or Performance Units to be
(e) Termination of
Employment. Unless otherwise provided in
an Award Agreement, if a Participants employment or other
service with the Company terminates for any reason, all of the
Participants outstanding Performance Shares and
Performance Units shall be subject to the rules of this Section.
Termination for Reason Other Than Death or
Disability. If a Participants
employment or other service with the Company terminates prior to
the expiration of a Performance Period with respect to any
Performance Units or Performance Shares held by such Participant
for any reason other than death or Disability, the outstanding
Performance Units or Performance Shares held by such Participant
for which the Performance Period has not yet expired shall
terminate upon such termination and the Participant shall have
no further rights pursuant to such Performance Units or
Performance Shares.
Termination of Employment for Death or
Disability. If a Participants
employment or other service with the Company terminates by
reason of the Participants death or Disability prior to
the end of a Performance Period, the Participant, or the
Participants estate, devisee or heir at law (whichever is
applicable) shall be entitled to a payment of the
Participants outstanding Performance Units and Performance
Share at the end of the applicable Performance Period, pursuant
to the terms of the Plan and the Participants Award
Agreement; provided, however, that the Participant shall be
deemed to have earned only that proportion (to the nearest whole
unit or share) of the Performance Units or Performance Shares
granted to the Participant under such Award as the number of
full months of the Performance Period which have elapsed since
the first day of the Performance Period for which the Award was
granted to the end of the month in which the Participants
termination of employment or other service, bears to the total
number of months in the Performance Period, subject to the
attainment of the Performance Goals associated with the Award as
certified by the Committee. The right to receive any remaining
Performance Units or Performance Shares shall be canceled and
Notwithstanding the minimum vesting provisions in
Section 6(g) and 8(b) of the Plan, any Award granted to a
Non-Employee Director in lieu of cash compensation shall not be
subject to any minimum vesting requirements.
Awards of shares of Common Stock, phantom stock, restricted
stock units and other awards that are valued in whole or in part
by reference to, or otherwise based on, Common Stock, may also
be made, from time to time, to Eligible Individuals as may be
selected by the Committee. Such Common Stock may be issued in
satisfaction of awards granted under any other plan sponsored by
the Company or compensation payable to an Eligible Individual.
In addition, such awards may be made alone or in addition to or
in connection with any other Award granted hereunder. The
Committee may determine the terms and conditions of any such
award. Each such award shall be evidenced by an Award Agreement
between the Eligible Individual and the Company which shall
specify the number of shares of Common Stock subject to the
award, any consideration therefore, any vesting or performance
requirements and such other terms and conditions as the
Committee shall determine in its sole and absolute discretion.
With respect to the Awards that may be issued solely pursuant to
this Section 11 and not pursuant to any other provision of
the Plan, a maximum number of shares of Common Stock with
respect to which such Awards may be issued, shall not exceed
five percent (5%) of the total number of shares of Common Stock
that may be issued under the Plan, as described in
Section 5(a).
Unless otherwise provided in an Award Agreement, upon the
occurrence of a Change in Control of GEO, the Committee may in
its sole and absolute discretion, provide on a case by case
basis that (i) some or all outstanding Awards may become
immediately exercisable or vested, without regard to any
limitation imposed pursuant to this Plan, (ii) that all
Awards shall terminate, provided that Participants shall have
the right, immediately prior to the occurrence of such Change in
Control and during such reasonable period as the Committee in
its sole discretion shall determine and designate, to exercise
any vested Award in whole or in part, (iii) that all Awards
shall terminate, provided that Participants shall be entitled to
a cash payment equal to the Change in Control Price with respect
to shares subject to the vested portion of the Award net of the
Exercise Price thereof (if applicable), (iv) provide that,
in connection with a liquidation or dissolution of GEO, Awards
shall convert into the right to receive liquidation proceeds net
of the Exercise Price (if applicable) and (v) any
combination of the foregoing. In the event that the Committee
does not terminate or convert an Award upon a Change in Control
of GEO, then the Award shall be assumed, or substantially
equivalent Awards shall be substituted, by the acquiring, or
succeeding corporation (or an affiliate thereof).
Unless otherwise provided in an Award Agreement or otherwise
determined by the Committee, in the event that an entity or
business unit which was previously a part of the Company is no
longer a part of the Company, as determined by the Committee in
its sole discretion, the Committee may, in its sole and absolute
discretion: (i) provide on a case by case basis that some
or all outstanding Awards held by a Participant employed by or
performing service for such entity or business unit may become
immediately exercisable or vested, without regard to any
limitation imposed pursuant to this Plan; (ii) provide on a
case by case basis that some or all outstanding Awards held by a
Participant employed by or performing service for such entity or
business unit may remain outstanding, may continue to vest,
and/or may
remain exercisable for a period not exceeding one (1) year,
subject to the terms of the Award Agreement and this Plan;
(ii) treat the employment or other services of a
Participant employed by such entity or business unit as
terminated if such Participant is not employed by GEO or any
entity that is a part of the Company immediately after such
(a) Violations of Law. The
Company shall not be required to sell or issue any shares of
Common Stock under any Award if the sale or issuance of such
shares would constitute a violation by the individual exercising
the Award, the Participant or the Company of any provisions of
any law or regulation of any governmental authority, including
without limitation any provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and
any other federal or state securities laws or regulations. Any
determination in this connection by the Committee shall be
final, binding, and conclusive. The Company shall not be
obligated to take any affirmative action in order to cause the
exercise of an Award, the issuance of shares pursuant thereto or
the grant of an Award to comply with any law or regulation of
any governmental authority.
(b) Registration. At the
time of any exercise or receipt of any Award, the Company may,
if it shall determine it necessary or desirable for any reason,
require the Participant (or Participants heirs, legatees
or legal representative, as the case may be), as a condition to
the exercise or grant thereof, to deliver to the Company a
written representation of present intention to hold the shares
for their own account as an investment and not with a view to,
or for sale in connection with, the distribution of such shares,
except in compliance with applicable federal and state
securities laws with respect thereto. In the event such
representation is required to be delivered, an appropriate
legend may be placed upon each certificate delivered to the
Participant (or Participants heirs, legatees or legal
representative, as the case may be) upon the Participants
exercise of part or all of the Award or receipt of an Award and
a stop transfer order may be placed with the transfer agent.
Each Award shall also be subject to the requirement that, if at
any time the Company determines, in its discretion, that the
listing, registration or qualification of the shares subject to
the Award upon any securities exchange or under any state or
federal law, or the consent or approval of any governmental
regulatory body, is necessary or desirable as a condition of or
in connection with, the issuance or purchase of the shares
thereunder, the Award may not be exercised in whole or in part
and the restrictions on an Award may not be removed unless such
listing, registration, qualification, consent or approval shall
have been
effected or obtained free of any conditions not acceptable to
the Company in its sole discretion. The Participant shall
provide the Company with any certificates, representations and
information that the Company requests and shall otherwise
cooperate with the Company in obtaining any listing,
registration, qualification, consent or approval that the
Company deems necessary or appropriate. The Company shall not be
obligated to take any affirmative action in order to cause the
exercisability or vesting of an Award, to cause the exercise of
an Award or the issuance of shares pursuant thereto, or to cause
the grant of Award to comply with any law or regulation of any
governmental authority.
(c) Withholding. The
Committee may make such provisions and take such steps as it may
deem necessary or appropriate for the withholding of any taxes
that the Company is required by any law or regulation of any
governmental authority, whether federal, state or local,
domestic or foreign, to withhold in connection with the grant or
exercise of an Award, or the removal of restrictions on an Award
including, but not limited to: (i) the withholding of
delivery of shares of Common Stock until the holder reimburses
the Company for the amount the Company is required to withhold
with respect to such taxes; (ii) the canceling of any
number of shares of Common Stock issuable in an amount
sufficient to reimburse the Company for the amount it is
required to so withhold; (iii) withholding the amount due
from any such persons wages or compensation due to such
person; or (iv) requiring the Participant to pay the
Company cash in the amount the Company is required to withhold
with respect to such taxes.
(d) Governing Law. The Plan
shall be governed by, and construed and enforced in accordance
with, the laws of the State of Florida.
(a) Award Agreements. All
Awards granted pursuant to the Plan shall be evidenced by an
Award Agreement. Each Award Agreement shall specify the terms
and conditions of the Award granted and shall contain any
additional provisions as the Committee shall deem appropriate,
in its sole and absolute discretion (including, to the extent
that the Committee deems appropriate, provisions relating to
confidentiality, non-competition, non-solicitation and similar
matters). The terms of each Award Agreement need not be
identical for Eligible Individuals provided that all Award
Agreements comply with the terms of the Plan.
(b) Purchase Price. To the
extent the purchase price of any Award granted hereunder is less
than par value of a share of Common Stock and such purchase
price is not permitted by applicable law, the per share purchase
price shall be deemed to be equal to the par value of a share of
Common Stock.
(c) Dividends and Dividend
Equivalents. Except as provided by the
Committee in its sole and absolute discretion or as otherwise
provided in Section 5(d) and subject to Section 8(e)
of the Plan, a Participant shall not be entitled to receive,
currently or on a deferred basis, cash or stock dividends,
Dividend Equivalents, or cash payments in amounts equivalent to
cash or stock dividends on shares of Commons Stock covered by an
Award which has not vested or an Option. The Committee in its
absolute and sole discretion may credit a Participants
Award with Dividend Equivalents with respect to any Awards. To
the extent that dividends and distributions relating to an Award
are held in escrow by the Company, or Dividend Equivalents are
credited to an Award, a Participant shall not be entitled to any
interest on any such amounts. The Committee may not grant
Dividend Equivalents to an Award subject to performance-based
vesting to the extent that the grant of such Dividend
Equivalents would limit the Companys deduction of the
compensation payable under such Award for federal tax purposes
pursuant to Code Section 162(m).
(d) Deferral of Awards. The
Committee may from time to time establish procedures pursuant to
which a Participant may elect to defer, until a time or times
later than the vesting of an Award, receipt of all or a portion
of the shares of Common Stock or cash subject to such Award and
to receive Common Stock or cash at such later time or times, all
on such terms and conditions as the Committee shall determine.
The Committee shall not permit the deferral of an Award unless
counsel for GEO determines that such action will not result in
adverse tax consequences to a Participant under
Section 409A of the Code. If any such deferrals are
permitted, then notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein,
a Participant who elects to defer receipt of Common Stock shall
not have any rights as a shareholder with respect to deferred
shares of Common Stock unless and until shares of Common Stock
are actually delivered to the Participant with respect thereto,
except to the extent otherwise determined by the Committee.
(e) Prospective
Employees. Notwithstanding anything to
the contrary, any Award granted to a Prospective Employee shall
not become vested prior to the date the Prospective Employee
first becomes an employee of the Company.
(f) Issuance of Certificates; Shareholder
Rights. GEO shall deliver to the
Participant a certificate evidencing the Participants
ownership of shares of Common Stock issued pursuant to the
exercise of an Award as soon as administratively practicable
after satisfaction of all conditions relating to the issuance of
such shares. A Participant shall not have any of the rights of a
shareholder with respect to such Common Stock prior to
satisfaction of all conditions relating to the issuance of such
Common Stock, and, except as expressly provided in the Plan, no
adjustment shall be made for dividends, distributions or other
rights of any kind for which the record date is prior to the
date on which all such conditions have been satisfied.
(g) Transferability of
Awards. A Participant may not Transfer an
Award other than by will or the laws of descent and
distribution. Awards may be exercised during the
Participants lifetime only by the Participant. No Award
shall be liable for or subject to the debts, contracts, or
liabilities of any Participant, nor shall any Award be subject
to legal process or attachment for or against such person. Any
purported Transfer of an Award in contravention of the
provisions of the Plan shall have no force or effect and shall
be null and void, and the purported transferee of such Award
shall not acquire any rights with respect to such Award.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the Committee may in
its sole and absolute discretion permit the Transfer of an Award
to a Participants family member as such term
is defined in the Form 8 Registration Statement under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended, under such terms and
conditions as specified by the Committee. In such case, such
Award shall be exercisable only by the transferee approved of by
the Committee. To the extent that the Committee permits the
Transfer of an Incentive Stock Option to a family
member, so that such Option fails to continue to satisfy
the requirements of an incentive stock option under the Code
such Option shall automatically be re-designated as a
Non-Qualified Stock Option.
(h) Buyout and Settlement
Provisions. Except as prohibited in
Section 6(d) of the Plan, the Committee may at any time on
behalf of GEO offer to buy out any Awards previously granted
based on such terms and conditions as the Committee shall
determine which shall be communicated to the Participants at the
time such offer is made.
(i) Use of Proceeds. The
proceeds received by GEO from the sale of Common Stock pursuant
to Awards granted under the Plan shall constitute general funds
of GEO.
(j) Modification or Substitution of an
Award. Subject to the terms and
conditions of the Plan, the Committee may modify outstanding
Awards. Notwithstanding the following, no modification of an
Award shall adversely affect any rights or obligations of the
Participant under the applicable Award Agreement without the
Participants consent. The Committee in its sole and
absolute discretion may rescind, modify, or waive any vesting
requirements or other conditions applicable to an Award.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, without the approval of the
shareholders of GEO in accordance with applicable law, an Award
may not be modified to reduce the exercise price thereof nor may
an Award at a lower price be substituted for a surrender of an
Award, provided that (i) the foregoing shall not apply to
adjustments or substitutions in accordance with Section 5
or Section 12, and (ii) if an Award is modified,
extended or renewed and thereby deemed to be in issuance of a
new Award under the Code or the applicable accounting rules, the
exercise price of such Award may continue to be the original
Exercise Price even if less than Fair Market Value of the Common
Stock at the time of such modification, extension or renewal.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this
Section 15(j), unless provided for elsewhere in the Plan,
there shall be no modification or substitution of an Award
pursuant to this Section 15(j), to the extent such
modification or substitution adversely affects the GEO unless
such modification or substitution is: (A) approved by
GEOs shareholders; (B) required by any law or
regulation of any governmental authority; (C) is in
connection with death or Disability of a Participant;
(D) is in connection with termination of employment or
other service of a Participant; (E) in connection with
Change in Control of GEO; or (F) in connection with an
event described in Section 5(f) of the Plan.
(k) Amendment and Termination of
Plan. The Board may, at any time and from
time to time, amend, suspend or terminate the Plan as to any
shares of Common Stock as to which Awards have not been granted;
provided, however, that the approval of the shareholders
of GEO in accordance with applicable law and the Articles of
Incorporation and Bylaws of GEO shall be required for any
amendment: (i) that changes the class of individuals
eligible to receive
Awards under the Plan: (ii) that increases the maximum
number of shares of Common Stock in the aggregate that may be
subject to Awards that are granted under the Plan (except as
permitted under Section 5 or Section 12 hereof):
(iii) the approval of which is necessary to comply with
federal or state law (including without limitation
Section 162(m) of the Code and
Rule 16b-3
under the Exchange Act) or with the rules of any stock exchange
or automated quotation system on which the Common Stock may be
listed or traded; or (iv) that proposed to eliminate a
requirement provided herein that the shareholders of GEO must
approve an action to be undertaken under the Plan. Except as
permitted under Section 5 or Section 12 hereof, no
amendment, suspension or termination of the Plan shall, without
the consent of the holder of an Award, alter or impair rights or
obligations under any Award theretofore granted under the Plan.
Awards granted prior to the termination of the Plan may extend
beyond the date the Plan is terminated and shall continue
subject to the terms of the Plan as in effect on the date the
Plan is terminated.
(l) Section 409A of the
Code. With respect to Awards subject to
Section 409A of the Code, this Plan is intended to comply
with the requirements of such Section, and the provisions hereof
shall be interpreted in a manner that satisfies the requirements
of such Section and the related regulations, and the Plan shall
be operated accordingly. If any provision of this Plan or any
term or condition of any Award would otherwise frustrate or
conflict with this intent, the provision, term or condition will
be interpreted and deemed amended so as to avoid this conflict.
(m) Notification of 83(b)
Election. If in connection with the grant
of any Award, any Participant makes an election permitted under
Code Section 83(b), such Participant must notify GEO in
writing of such election within ten (10) days of filing
such election with the Internal Revenue Service.
(n) Detrimental
Activity. All Awards shall be subject to
cancellation by the Committee in accordance with the terms of
this Section 15(n) if the Participant engages in any
Detrimental Activity. To the extent that a Participant engages
in any Detrimental Activity at any time prior to, or during the
one year period after, any exercise or vesting of an Award but
prior to a Change in Control, the Company shall, upon the
recommendation of the Committee, in its sole and absolute
discretion, be entitled to (i) immediately terminate and
cancel any Awards held by the Participant that have not yet been
(ii) with respect to Awards of the Participant that have
been previously exercised, recover from the Participant at any
time within two (2) years after such exercise but prior to
a Change in Control (and the Participant shall be obligated to
pay over to the Company with respect to any such Award
previously held by such Participant): (A) with respect to
any Options exercised, an amount equal to the excess of the Fair
Market Value of the Common Stock for which any Option was
exercised over the Exercise Price paid (regardless of the form
by which payment was made) with respect to such Option;
(B) with respect to any Award other than an Option, any
shares of Common Stock granted and vested pursuant to such
Award, and if such shares are not still owned by the
Participant, the Fair Market Value of such shares on the date
they were issued, or if later, the date all vesting restrictions
were satisfied; and (C) any cash or other property (other
than Common Stock) received by the Participant from the Company
pursuant to an Award. Without limiting the generality of the
foregoing, in the event that a Participant engages in any
Detrimental Activity at any time prior to any exercise of an
Award and the Company exercises its remedies pursuant to this
Section 15(n) following the exercise of such Award, such
exercise shall be treated as having been null and void, provided
that the Company will nevertheless be entitled to recover the
amounts referenced above.
(o) Disclaimer of
Rights. No provision in the Plan, any
Award granted hereunder, or any Award Agreement entered into
pursuant to the Plan shall be construed to confer upon any
individual the right to remain in the employ of or other service
with the Company or to interfere in any way with the right and
authority of the Company either to increase or decrease the
compensation of any individual, including any holder of an
Award, at any time, or to terminate any employment or other
relationship between any individual and the Company. The grant
of an Award pursuant to the Plan shall not affect or limit in
any way the right or power of the Company to make adjustments,
reclassifications, reorganizations or changes of its capital or
business structure or to merge, consolidate, dissolve or
liquidate, or to sell or transfer all or any part of its
business or assets.
(p) Unfunded Status of
Plan. The Plan is intended to constitute
an unfunded plan for incentive and deferred
compensation. With respect to any payments as to which a
Participant has a fixed and vested interest but which are not
yet made to such Participant by the Company, nothing contained
herein shall give any such Participant any rights that are
greater than those of a general creditor of the Company.
(q) Nonexclusivity of
Plan. The adoption of the Plan shall not
be construed as creating any limitations upon the right and
authority of the Board to adopt such other incentive
compensation arrangements (which arrangements may be applicable
either generally to a class or classes of individuals or
specifically to a particular individual or individuals) as the
Board in its sole and absolute discretion determines desirable.
(r) Other Benefits. No
Award payment under the Plan shall be deemed compensation for
purposes of computing benefits under any retirement plan of the
Company or any agreement between a Participant and the Company,
nor affect any benefits under any other benefit plan of the
Company now or subsequently in effect under which benefits are
based upon a Participants level of compensation.
(s) Headings. The section
headings in the Plan are for convenience only; they form no part
of this Agreement and shall not affect its interpretation.
(t) Pronouns. The use of
any gender in the Plan shall be deemed to include all genders,
and the use of the singular shall be deemed to include the
plural and vice versa, wherever it appears appropriate from the
(u) Successors and
Assigns. The Plan shall be binding on all
successors of the Company and all successors and permitted
assigns of a Participant, including, but not limited to, a
Participants estate, devisee, or heir at law.
(v) Severability. If any
provision of the Plan or any Award Agreement shall be determined
to be illegal or unenforceable by any court of law in any
jurisdiction, the remaining provisions hereof and thereof shall
be severable and enforceable in accordance with their terms, and
all provisions shall remain enforceable in any other
(w) Notices. Any
communication or notice required or permitted to be given under
the Plan shall be in writing, and mailed by registered or
certified mail or delivered by hand, to GEO, to its principal
place of business, attention: John J. Bulfin, General Counsel,
The GEO Group Inc., and if to the holder of an Award, to the
address as appearing on the records of the Company.
Award means any Common Stock, Option,
Performance Share, Performance Unit, Restricted Stock, Stock
Appreciation Right or any other award granted pursuant to the
Award Agreement means a written
agreement entered into by GEO and a Participant setting forth
the terms and conditions of the grant of an Award to such
Board means the board of directors of
Cause means, with respect to a
termination of employment or other service with the Company, a
termination of employment or other service due to a
Participants dishonesty, fraud, insubordination, willful
misconduct, refusal to perform services (for any reason other
than illness or incapacity) or materially unsatisfactory
performance of the Participants duties for the Company;
provided, however, that if the Participant and the
Company have entered into an employment agreement or consulting
agreement which defines the term Cause, the term Cause shall be
defined in accordance with such agreement with respect to any
Award granted to the Participant on or after the effective date
of the respective employment or consulting agreement. The
Committee shall determine in its sole and absolute discretion
whether Cause exists for purposes of the Plan.
Change in Control shall be deemed to
occur upon:
any person as such term is used in
Sections 13(d) and 14(d) of the Exchange Act (other than
GEO, any trustee or other fiduciary holding securities under any
employee benefit plan of the Company, or any company owned,
directly or indirectly, by the shareholders of GEO in
substantially the same proportions as their ownership of common
stock of GEO), is or becomes the beneficial owner
(as defined in
Rule 13d-3
under the Exchange Act), directly or indirectly, of securities
of GEO representing thirty percent (30%) or more of the combined
voting power of GEOs then outstanding securities;
during any period of two (2) consecutive years, individuals
who at the beginning of such period constitute the Board, and
any new director (other than a director designated by a person
who has entered into an agreement with the Company to effect a
transaction described in paragraph (a), (c), or (d) of this
Section) whose election by the Board or nomination for election
by GEOs shareholders was approved by a vote of at least
two-thirds of the directors then still in office who either were
directors at the beginning of the two-year period or whose
election or nomination for election was previously so approved,
cease for any reason to constitute at least a majority of the
a merger, consolidation, reorganization, or other business
combination of GEO with any other entity, other than a merger or
consolidation which would result in the voting securities of GEO
outstanding immediately prior thereto continuing to represent
(either by remaining outstanding or by being converted into
voting securities of the surviving entity) more than fifty
percent (50%) of the combined voting power of the voting
securities of GEO or such surviving entity outstanding
immediately after such merger or consolidation; provided,
however, that a merger or consolidation effected to implement a
recapitalization of GEO (or similar transaction) in which no
person acquires more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the
combined voting power of GEOs then outstanding securities
shall not constitute a Change in Control; or
the shareholders of GEO approve a plan of complete liquidation
of GEO, and such liquidation occurs, or the consummation of the
sale or disposition by GEO of all or substantially all of
GEOs assets other than (x) the sale or disposition of
all or substantially all of the assets of GEO to a person or
persons who beneficially own, directly or indirectly, at least
fifty percent (50%) or more of the combined voting power of the
outstanding voting securities of GEO at the time of the sale or
(y) pursuant to a spin-off type transaction, directly or
indirectly, of such assets to the shareholders of GEO.
However, to the extent that Section 409A of the Code would
cause an adverse tax consequence to a Participant using the
above definition, the term Change in Control shall
have the meaning ascribed to the phrase Change in the
Ownership or Effective Control of a Corporation or in the
Ownership of a Substantial Portion of the Assets of a
Corporation under Treasury Department Proposed
Regulation 1.409A-3(g)(5),
as revised from time to time in either subsequent proposed or
final regulations, and in the event that such regulations are
withdrawn or such phrase (or a substantially similar phrase)
ceases to be defined, as determined by the Committee.
Change in Control Price means the
price per share of Common Stock paid in any transaction related
to a Change in Control of GEO.
Code means the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended, and the regulations promulgated thereunder.
Committee means a committee or
sub-committee of the Board consisting of two or more members of
the Board, none of whom shall be an officer or other salaried
employee of the Company, and each of whom shall qualify in all
respects as a non-employee director as defined in
Rule 16b-3
under the Exchange Act, and as an outside director
for purposes of Code Section 162(m). If no Committee
exists, the functions of the Committee will be exercised by the
Board; provided, however, that a Committee shall be
created prior to the grant of Awards to a Covered Employee and
that grants of Awards to a Covered Employee shall be made only
by such Committee. Notwithstanding the foregoing, with respect
to the grant of Awards to non-employee directors, the Committee
shall be the Board.
Common Stock means the common stock,
par value $0.01 per share, of GEO.
Company means The GEO Group, Inc., a
Florida corporation, the subsidiaries of The GEO Group, Inc.,
and all other entities whose financial statements are required
to be consolidated with the financial statements of The GEO
Group, Inc. pursuant to United States generally accepted
accounting principles, and any other entity determined to be an
affiliate of The GEO Group, Inc. as determined by the Committee
in its sole and absolute discretion.
Covered Employee means covered
employee as defined in Code Section 162(m)(3).
Covered Individual means any current
or former member of the Committee, any current or former officer
or director of the Company, or any individual designated
pursuant to Section 4(c).
Detrimental Activity means any of the
following: (i) the disclosure to anyone outside the
Company, or the use in other than the Companys business,
without written authorization from the Company, of any
confidential information or proprietary information, relating to
the business of the Company, acquired by a Participant prior to
a termination of the Participants employment or service
with the Company; (ii) activity while employed or providing
services that is classified by the Company as a basis for a
termination for Cause; (iii) the Participants
Disparagement, or inducement of others to do so, of the Company
or its past or present officers, directors, employees or
services; or (iv) any other conduct or act determined by
the Committee, in its sole discretion, to be injurious,
detrimental or prejudicial to the interests of the Company. For
purposes of subparagraph (i) above, the Chief Executive
Officer and the General Counsel of the Company shall each have
authority to provide the Participant with written authorization
to engage in the activities contemplated thereby and no other
person shall have authority to provide the Participant with such
Disability means a permanent and
total disability within the meaning of Code
Section 22(e)(3); provided, however, that if a
Participant and the Company have entered into an employment or
consulting agreement which defines the term Disability for
purposes of such agreement, Disability shall be defined pursuant
to the definition in such agreement with respect to any Award
granted to the Participant on or after the effective date of the
respective employment or consulting agreement. The Committee
shall determine in its sole and absolute discretion whether a
Disability exists for purposes of the Plan.
Disparagement means making any
comments or statements to the press, the Companys
employees, clients or any other individuals or entities with
whom the Company has a business relationship, which could
adversely affect in any manner: (i) the conduct of the
business of the Company (including, without limitation, any
products or business plans or prospects), or (ii) the
business reputation of the Company or any of its products, or
its past or present officers, directors or employees.
Dividend Equivalents means an amount
equal to the cash dividends paid by the Company upon one share
of Common Stock subject to an Award granted to a Participant
under the Plan.
Effective Date shall mean May 4,
2006 (the date that the Plan was originally approved by the
shareholders of GEO in accordance with applicable law) or such
later date as provided in the resolutions adopting the Plan.
Eligible Individual means any
employee, officer, director (employee or non-employee director)
or consultant of the Company and any Prospective Employee to
whom Awards are granted in connection with an offer of future
employment with the Company.
Exchange Act means the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
Exercise Price means the purchase
price per share of each share of Common Stock subject to an
Fair Market Value means, unless
otherwise required by the Code, as of any date, the last sales
price reported for the Common Stock on the day immediately prior
to such date (i) as reported by the national securities
exchange in the United States on which it is then traded, or
(ii) if not traded on any such national securities
exchange, as quoted on an automated quotation system sponsored
by the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., or if
the Common Stock shall not have been reported or quoted on such
date, on the first day prior thereto on which the Common Stock
was reported or quoted; provided, however, that the
Committee may modify the definition of Fair Market Value to
reflect any changes in the trading practices of any exchange or
automated system sponsored by the National Association of
Securities Dealers, Inc. on which the Common Stock is listed or
traded. If the Common Stock is not readily traded on a national
securities exchange or any system sponsored by the National
Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., the Fair Market Value
shall be determined in good faith by the Committee.
GEO means The GEO Group, Inc., a
Florida corporation.
Grant Date means the date on which the
Committee approves the grant of an Award or such later date as
is specified by the Committee and set forth in the applicable
Award Agreement.
Incentive Stock Option means an
incentive stock option within the meaning of Code
Section 422.
Non-Employee Director means a director
of GEO who is not an active employee of the Company.
Non-Qualified Stock Option means an
Option which is not an Incentive Stock Option.
Option means an option to purchase
Common Stock granted pursuant to Sections 6 of the Plan.
Participant means any Eligible
Individual who holds an Award under the Plan and any of such
individuals successors or permitted assigns.
Performance Goals means the specified
performance goals which have been established by the Committee
in connection with an Award.
Performance Period means the period
during which Performance Goals must be achieved in connection
with an Award granted under the Plan.
Performance Share means a right to
receive a fixed number of shares of Common Stock, or the cash
equivalent, which is contingent on the achievement of certain
Performance Goals during a Performance Period.
Performance Unit means a right to
receive a designated dollar value, or shares of Common Stock of
the equivalent value, which is contingent on the achievement of
Performance Goals during a Performance Period.
Person shall mean any person,
corporation, partnership, joint venture or other entity or any
group (as such term is defined for purposes of
Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act), other than a Parent or
Plan means this Amended and Restated
The GEO Group, Inc. 2006 Stock Incentive Plan.
Prospective Employee means any
individual who has committed to become an employee of the
Company within sixty (60) days from the date an Award is
granted to such individual.
Restricted Stock means Common Stock
subject to certain restrictions, as determined by the Committee,
and granted pursuant to Section 8 hereunder.
Section 424 Employee means an
employee of GEO or any subsidiary corporation or
parent corporation as such terms are defined in and
in accordance with Code Section 424. The term
Section 424 Employee also includes employees of
a corporation issuing or assuming any Options in a transaction
to which Code Section 424(a) applies.
Stock Appreciation Right means the
right to receive all or some portion of the increase in value of
a fixed number of shares of Common Stock granted pursuant to
Section 7 hereunder.
Transfer means, as a noun, any direct
or indirect, voluntary or involuntary, exchange, sale, bequeath,
pledge, mortgage, hypothecation, encumbrance, distribution,
transfer, gift, assignment or other disposition or attempted
disposition of, and, as a verb, directly or indirectly,
voluntarily or involuntarily, to exchange, sell, bequeath,
pledge, mortgage, hypothecate, encumber, distribute, transfer,
give, assign or in any other manner whatsoever dispose or
attempt to dispose of.
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