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                           INVISION TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
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                                                      INVISION TECHNOLOGIES INC.
                                                         MODERATOR: LAURA GRAVES
                                                   MARCH 15, 2004/12:00 P.M. CST

                           INVISION TECHNOLOGIES INC.

                                 MARCH 15, 2004
                                 12:00 P.M. EST

(Poor audio made transcription difficult.)

R. Van Ark            ...Can't really hear very well. Secondly, we have about
                      150 people and some of them in classes phoned in on this
                      particular conference call that's on the deck here, so
                      many people out in the field, customer ops people and so
                      on have phoned into the conference call this morning as
                      well. To all of you, welcome, and thanks for coming. Our
                      address this morning will be done by Don Mattson, our
                      Chief Operating Officer, and I'll hand it over to Don.

D. Mattson            Thank you. Good morning, everybody. Also, good morning to
                      most of you at Inovec and Quantum. For those of you in the
                      room here, we have a communications bridge open to the
                      other facilities; and as Roelof said, we've already talked
                      to Europe and the sales force and they are all aware.

                      As you might suspect, it's been a rather long, few days.
                      We've spent a lot of hours here; many of you have seen us
                      and wondered what was going on. I appreciate your patience
                      and the fact that you weren't bugging me saying, What's
                      happening, what's coming, who's doing what?" Yes, I know
                      there have been rumors and as you might suspect, we cannot
                      respond until, as Yogi Bearra used to say, "It ain't over
                      `til it's over." Having said that, it's not

                      totally over, but the important thing is that there is now
                      a signed agreement. The agreement was signed last night at
                      midnight and we received the permission to announce this
                      morning at 5:00 a.m., went out on the wire at 5:00 a.m.

                      Some of you have asked me, "Aren't you supposed to be
                      somewhere else?" The answer is yes, and the good news is,
                      for me anyway, I'll be going to Hawaii this afternoon to
                      participate in my daughter's wedding. Thank you ... for
                      getting this done.

                      I'd like to thank all of you for joining us with such
                      short notice and apologize. The communications is always
                      difficult, but to repeat, you understand that we've signed
                      an agreement late last night for InVision to join with
                      General Electric infrastructure business. This means that
                      GE agreed to acquire InVision in a cash transaction valued
                      at approximately $900 million or $50 per share. Those of
                      you that have looked on the Internet have probably seen
                      the stock is now in the, last I looked, $49.3.

                      This morning we wanted to pull everybody together and to
                      give you a few of the details and give you a chance to ask
                      any questions that you may have. We'll do our best to
                      answer, but having said that, there are a lot of things
                      that are still up in the air and happening, and we'll do
                      our best to let you know what's going on.

                      Anyway, why does this make sense for us? This is a logical
                      and an exciting move for InVision and it will make sure
                      that we are truly at the heart of the Homeland Security
                      industry moving forward. For this agreement, GE has
                      already built its own security business into a $1 billion
                      dollar organization. They've done this over the last 18
                      months. They are clearly dedicated to being an important
                      player in this consolidating field.

                      For the NDT side, our non-destructive testing and Yxlon,
                      GE is already a significant player in that business, and
                      due to anti-trust issues, they will not be able to bring
                      our NDT business into their organization. For this reason,
                      InVision will now begin a process working with ...
                      Management do divest the NDT business in Germany.

                      Back to the security business, becoming part of GE's
                      security business will result in a much more powerful
                      organization, which will enhance our chances to become the
                      major supplier of the full spectrum of security solutions
                      into the new areas of Homeland Security. GE has
                      world-leading customer relationships, distribution
                      channels and strengths in its brand name and reputation.
                      GE already possesses a strong portfolio of security
                      products and shares the same culture of products and
                      innovation. We've always said that the future solutions in
                      homeland security will be integrated solutions utilizing a
                      number of proven technologies.

                      InVision CT technology, Yxlon detraction and what we now
                      call the security group in Hamburg and Quantum's ...
                      resonance are complementary to GE's trace detection
                      technology. This will offer us better opportunity to
                      develop solutions for customers, which will result in
                      screening systems that are easier to use and more
                      effective than those available today. As you may recall,
                      GE purchased Ion Track, so Ion Track is the trace
                      detection brand name that they supply.

                      We believe that there will be other positive synergy,
                      which will emerge and which will offer the combined group,
                      a more successful future. Even as we enter this agreement,
                      for example, we are working to determine how we can offer
                      our major customers enhanced service offerings for the
                      full range of their maintenance needs.

                      Now, talking about the process and how the merger will go,
                      the merger will take a considerable period of time. It
                      could take most of the year to

                      work out. The good news at the end of this, many of you
                      who are stockholders is that GE will then be purchasing
                      your shares for a price of $50 each. Option holders, your
                      options will all 100% be vested and you will receive
                      payment for those. Until then, we all need to continue
                      with what we do so well. The plants are staying open and
                      the offices will run, and it's business as usual.

                      I'm going to steal a little bit of Roelof's thunder, I'm
                      sure he would like to tell you this because ....

(Speaker gets cut off.)

W                     Ladies and gentlemen, I appreciate that you're interested,
                      but if you could keep quiet, we're trying to hear some
                      tones for the phones here for your other fellow employees.

M                     Sorry, the people who have phoned in remotely, something
                      was wrong with the phone. We're back online again, can we
                      go to the next question?

D. Mattson            For those of you offline, Quantum and Inovec, I will be
                      calling both Allan and Lowell and if a question that you
                      had wasn't asked, if you'd like an answer, I will be
                      talking to them and do my best to get an answer to you
                      over the next hour. Anyway, anybody else?

(Hard to hear speaker.)

W                     I have a question. said that it was business as
                      usual....are employees still able to join the plan at this
                      point, ...

D. Mattson            Michael ... said it best, it is business as usual on our

(Hard to hear speaker)

W                     ...

D. Mattson            The question is on the ... in the open enrollment, can
                      people join. Only to the extent that the shares then are
                      allocated, we have a limit in total shares. We've been
                      here once before and we're going to have to look at how we

                      do that and to make it fair for everybody. You'll hear
                      more later. We'll work on that.

(Hard to hear speaker)

M                     On the ... are we going to retain some of that
             as ... process or ...?

D. Mattson            The question is, the Yxlon company, what will we retain,
                      any of that business? I'll let Roelof tell you what he is

R. Van Ark            This is all new for everybody. Don, in a way, has answered
                      this in his speech. The Xylon security business will be
                      retained. So, the security business includes the
                      defraction business, which we are busy integrating with
                      the rest of the security, so that definitely remains with
                      the GE InVision group.

D. Mattson            The question is how much longer will senior management
                      stay around. Sorry you can't get rid of me. Frankly, we
                      don't know what will happen long term. Again, as I said,
                      it's business as usual. We will continue to run the
                      business as we've been running it, and you won't see me
                      for nine days, but you'll see me back here.

M                     Nine or ninety?

D. Mattson            Nine days and I'll be on e-mail and phone. But, no, in the
                      end, you don't know what happens and such; but again, they
                      bought us for what we've done and what we have, and we'll
                      build and continue to build the business and it will go
                      where it goes.

                      Does the money we have in the bank, and it's actually a
                      lot more than you'd think, does it stay within the
                      company? Almost $280 million and that does go with the
                      company. The $900 million is net return to the company, so
                      that money kind of goes with the deal.

R. Van Ark            I'm not sure whether that answers your question exactly.
                      It goes with the deal, what happens to it afterwards is
                      obviously the new shareholders prerogative because each of
                      the ... Then afterwards, they will surely invest that
                      money into the future as well.

(Question cannot be heard.)

M                     ...

D. Mattson            The question was, the easier question, when did GE
                      first come to us. They came to us through a bank in
                      December, maybe late November. I personally visited their
                      facility in late December, and we made the presentation to
                      them. It was just before Christmas. And as I said in my
                      prepared remarks, they came to us; we had not gone out

                      The second question is when and what will happen with
                      merit reviews. That was not tied to the receipt of the TSA
                      order. It's really tied to profitability of the
                      organization. One of the tough things that we have to do
                      as management sometimes is to hold off on such things, to
                      make sure that we are producing the profitability on the
                      bottom line, and rather than do other means of adjustment,
                      we held off on merit reviews. It's still paramount in our
                      minds; we know it's important to you and we'll keep you
                      posted when and if or as we are able to tell you what we
                      might do next. At this point, we've told senior management
                      within the organization, that it's our intention to,
                      again, run the process in July or late June.

M                     So, is that a no?

D. Mattson            If the question is, are we going to process merit reviews
                      now because of the ... the answer is no.

(Cannot hear speaker)

M                     ...

D. Mattson            Likely, I won't use the word ....

R. Van Ark            ...most of you reporting to my organization like to go
                      back to what we discussed here before is .... Remember,
                      this is still a lean year. It hasn't changed. The TSA
                      order was part of our budget and, yes, we are very happy
                      that we have it and now that I'm an ...I wanted to thank
                      you again. I want to thank you people for that order
                      because if we didn't get that, we would have had real
                      problems within the organization. But that is part of our
                      budget and we needed that order and we're very proud and
                      very happy to have received it, as Don said, but we're
                      meeting our budget at the moment.

                      With that order, we can recall, and perhaps I've shown it
                      here in the line-ups review in the ... review. We're still
                      at that low, lean year volume. It means that that volume
                      is still going to be a lot less than last year's was. If
                      we have any further upsides, we as management will
                      definitely reconsider if we can do something earlier; but
                      that budget that we've got already incorporated the TSA
                      order. I just want you to understand that hasn't changed,
                      and sending the company to another shareholder doesn't
                      change that either.

                      We are still running this business and we have to make
                      that bottom line happen; and we all need to ... one
                      together and I thank you for that. But we're going to make
                      it happen and while I'm at it, we need to now insure get
                      those machines out of the store, we've got lots to do this
                      quarter; it's business as usual. When I spoke to a lot of
                      people in the factory this morning, I was fortunate enough
                      to get the feeling that there already people there that
                      are behind getting those machines out with us, and we need
                      to get them out, so that we can make this year a good one.
                      As management sees that develop, they're going to make the
                      right decisions for us. You are central to our

                      organization, we definitely will make the right decision
                      as soon as we can, as soon as we can see that we might be
                      achieving better than what our budget is at the moment.

M                     Part of the pricing on this transaction is predicated on a
                      certain level of performance, which is reflected in our
                      budgets for right now. So the TSA order is really going to
                      be part of that commitment. We've still got to continue to
                      run this company as effectively as we ever had. Any
                      change, any material change in our performance could be an
                      undoing factor that we all want to work to make sure it
                      doesn't happen. So, just to echo what Roelof has said, is
                      that we have to run this business as we have been running
                      it and look forward to a very bright future.

(Hard to hear speaker)

M                     First of all, congratulations .... Two questions, what
                      does GE see as cost savings ....

D. Mattson            First question, what does GE see as the cost savings? In a
                      deal like this, there's always synergy and there are lots
                      of different ways that money can be saved, supply base, if
                      we can buy from the same suppliers and get better prices.
                      At this point, I can't tell you, I can't give you any
                      specifics because there aren't any. Going forward, we're
                      just going to have to go into this as they come in, the
                      integration team, work with us.

                      The second one was when will the deal close. What we said
                      in our announcement, it could take nine months, but it
                      could also take a lot less than that. A lot depends on
                      what regulatory reviews are signaled or required and it
                      depends how much they come in. An element of it, I know
                      there will be more in writing over the next week or so
                      that we'll be sharing with you.

                      There needs to be a shareholder meeting and the
                      shareholders must approve this deal and likely, that
                      meeting will not happen for at least two months, I would
                      guess, in

                      early June. After that we don't know, again, it depends on
                      how much digging the SEC does or others.

                      The question is, how do we relate with the medical
                      division. It's a different business organization for GE. I
                      don't know how easy it is to have two businesses work; but
                      there is a development laboratory and a research center
                      that is being set up and, we'll be able to participate
                      through that with knowledge and understanding in what is
                      done. But the medical end is a different organization and
                      different division and a few steps removed from us. As
                      best I know, there's no regular routine tie between the
                      two organizations.

(Cannot hear speaker)
M                     ...

D. Mattson            The question is when will integration teams start and how
                      much information do we give them? It will start fairly
                      quickly. There will be some people in here, we don't know
                      exactly when, but I wouldn't be surprised if we won't
                      have, at least, an individual or two here next week.

                      What do we tell them? We tell them everything at this
                      point. There's nothing that we withhold. We are they and
                      such...the deal is closed. There are some limitations as
                      to what they can do. They cannot drive our business, they
                      cannot call on our customers; they cannot get involved in
                      company/customer relationships and such; but internally,
                      in the beginning, it will be understanding what we do, how
                      we do. So far they've just heard mostly from myself, more
                      recently Roelof and I participated in a Q&A session in the
                      city, and they asked us a lot of questions, but now they
                      want to see did we really know what we were talking about.
                      What else?

(Cannot hear question)

M                     ...are there any other major keys or goals ...

M                     As Ross said, we need to continue to drive our business as
                      budgeted. Is there anything they are looking for?
                      Obviously, we can't go out and commit large sums of money
                      without their approval; but it doesn't mean we might not
                      go and try or pass some things onto them. But the main
                      thing is that we need to deliver our budget and can keep
                      working on all of the projects and tasks as outlined to
                      you previously.

M                     There are, in fact, some minor operating covenants in the
                      merger agreement, which we will communicate to you as is
                      appropriate; but the idea is just basically continue to
                      run the business as we're running it right now. That means
                      we don't go out and acquire a $500 million company during
                      this period of time, but other than that, it's business as

R. Van Ark            What effects us all is what we need to do on a day to day
                      basis. They are as interested as we are, that our company
                      is profitable, runs well, that we have the TSA order; that
                      we supply the equipment; that we get more international
                      business; that we certify more machines; that we do the
                      things that we have planned to do. We had a very busy
                      schedule lined up for the year 2004. We're going to
                      continue with that very busy schedule and they've all ...
                      participate here and ... on that. There have been no areas
                      that they really told us that they do not want us to

                      They are looking forward to the successes that we have set
                      ourselves for the year, and they want us to continue to
                      succeed in exactly that direction. So, we have a lot of
                      targets and many of them are happening in the next few
                      months and they want us to achieve those in the next
                      months as well. We continue and we must achieve again,
                      things like certifications, testing, deliveries on time,
                      quarterly reports or quarterly achievements, we need all
                      of those. So, we look forward to doing that together in
                      this year.

D. Mattson            Any more?

(Cannot hear question)

M                     ...

D Mattson             The question is how much does the TSA know about the
                      acquisition and did they give their approval? They know
                      about it. One, we have no requirement to go them to get
                      approval for it. We have informed them of what we were
                      doing, but they were not an early informant. We were not
                      able to tell a lot of this, but our expectation is that it
                      should be business as usual.

                      I remember that Norman and Ed back after 9-11, started
                      talking about General Electric being a player in this
                      area, so I know at least at this level, a strong interest
                      in having General Electric be a participant. We don't know
                      of any problems and don't expect any. Anything else?

                      We'll close with this. I'll let Roelof say a couple more
                      words and Ross and Michael, if you have something. Again,
                      we appreciate your patience as we move forward, the
                      process we will make as smooth as we can. We will keep you
                      informed as we go forward and just let you know what's
                      happening. The integration team will work through me and
                      so, I will be a major participant in the go-forward plan.
                      Roelof, Ross.

R. Mulholland         I just want to say that GE is clearly a superior company
                      in global economy, and they bought a superior company; and
                      that means they're impressed with the technology and the
                      people of Inovec, the technology and the technology
                      development capabilities of Quantum, as well as ...
                      efficient. You guys are the best and that's why they
                      bought us, and I think we're going to have a very exciting
                      future with them going forward here.

R. Van Ark            We have a very strong partner in GE. We should look
                      forward to a more expanded possibility view of this market
                      of security. The market is definitely growing. We would
                      have had big hurdles in the way as a smaller organization
                      to get really deep into that business worldwide. We must
                      seize the opportunities that are being opened up for us
                      and the best way that we can prove to our new partners
                      that we can do is to perform. We know how well you people
                      have performed in the past, and I'm convinced that
                      together we are going to perform again in the future. I
                      can promise you, as we perform, they're going to like the
                      way that we perform and they're going to support us. We
                      could use their support to make more business for us and
                      more successes for us in the future.

                      So, I really look forward to all of you is get ... to this
                      order to get those ... machines out before the end of the
                      month for the TSA. We need them and let's make and
                      continue to make this business a success for us all, even
                      with our new shareholder. With that, I'll thank you all
                      for attending and Michael will have the last words.

Michael               Let's look at the practical side for a minute. Your
                      benefits remain the same. You all know that we have open
                      enrollment coming up in the month of May, April/May. So,
                      you will all need to participate in open enrollment just
                      as if we go forward. Your 401(k) plan and the matching
                      still continues just the way it is. When we work with the
                      integration team, they will decide whether we keep our
                      benefits, or we roll into somebody else's benefits. That
                      will be decided down the road, but in the meantime, so
                      nobody makes a mistake of saying something else is going
                      to happen, we will do our normal open enrollment.

                      We still participate in the ESP, we still participate in
                      the 401(k) and I'll make the $0.02 pitch, remember the
                      401(k) people will be here tomorrow for individual and
                      small consultations. so if you want to figure out how to
                      use that and move

                      money around in it, tomorrow with Johnson and Dugan is a
                      good time to show up and you can check with Joy or Holly
                      if you hadn't already signed up. The benefits still go
                      forward. So we don't all have to rush our and make ear,
                      nose, throat, eye and physical appointments in the next
                      couple of weeks. Flex plans still goes through the year.
                      So, all of those benefits roll forward.

D. Mattson            Last, I want to thank all of you, especially Quantum and
                      Inovec for calling in and not to forget you. I don't want
                      you to think that I didn't know you're also there. Sales
                      service engineers, you are a major, major part of this
                      organization going forward, and it is a strength of our
                      business and I want you to all know that you are a real

                      It was one of the things as we talked with GE and they
                      were most impressed with the way our field service
                      organization, the way our call center works, the way our
                      field service has been deployed. I thank all of you for
                      that. It's been a long, hard journey as we've been
                      building that organization; but you've done a great job
                      and I want to thank you and thank everybody and thank you
                      and we'll ... any questions, catch us as we walk around.
                      Thank you.


        In connection with the proposed merger, InVision intends to file a proxy
statement and other relevant materials with the Securities and Exchange
ABOUT THE PROPOSED MERGER. The proxy statement and other relevant materials, and
any other documents filed by InVision with the SEC, may be obtained free of
charge at the SEC's website at In addition, stockholders of
InVision may obtain free copies of the documents filed with the SEC by
contacting InVision Investor Relations at (510) 739-2511 or InVision
Technologies, Inc., 7151 Gateway Boulevard, Newark, CA 94560. You may also read
and copy any reports, statements and other information filed by InVision with
the SEC at the SEC public reference room at 450 Fifth Street, N.W. Room 1200,
Washington, D.C. 20549. Please call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330 or visit the SEC's
website for further information on its public reference room.

        InVision and its executive officers and directors may be deemed to be
participants in the solicitation of proxies from the InVision stockholders in
favor of the proposed Merger. Certain executive officers and directors of
InVision have interests in the merger that may differ from the interests of
stockholders generally, including acceleration of vesting of stock options and
continuation of director and officer insurance and indemnification. These
interests will be described in the proxy statement when it becomes available.

        InVision and its executive officers and directors may be deemed to be
participants in the solicitation of proxies from the InVision stockholders in
favor of the proposed Merger. Certain executive officers and directors of

InVision have interests in the merger that may differ from the interests of
stockholders generally, including acceleration of vesting of stock options and
continuation of director and officer insurance and indemnification. These
interests will be described in the proxy statement when it becomes available.
