158 ROUTE 206 NORTH
                          GLADSTONE, NEW JERSEY 07934

                      TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2006

To Our Shareholders:

         NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN that the  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  of
Peapack-Gladstone  Financial Corporation will be held at Fiddler's Elbow Country
Club, 811 Rattlesnake Bridge Road, Bedminster Township,  New Jersey, on Tuesday,
April 25,  2006,  at 2:00 p.m.  local time for the  purpose of  considering  and
voting upon the following matters:

1.       Election of thirteen  directors to serve until the  expiration of their
         terms  and  thereafter  until  their  successors  shall  have been duly
         elected and qualified.

2.       The  approval  of  the  Peapack-Gladstone  Financial  Corporation  2006
         Long-Term Stock Incentive Plan,  which generally  provides the Board of
         Directors  the  authority to grant stock  options,  stock  appreciation
         rights and  restricted  stock for a maximum of 400,000 shares of common
         stock to selected officers, key employees,  independent contractors and
         non-employee  directors  of  Peapack-Gladstone  and any  subsidiary  of

3.       Such other  business  as may  properly  come  before the meeting or any
         adjournment thereof.

         Only shareholders of record at the close of business on March 13, 2006,
are entitled to receive notice of, and to vote at, the meeting.

         You are urged to read carefully the attached proxy  statement  relating
to the meeting.

         Shareholders  are  cordially  invited to attend the  meeting in person.
Whether or not you expect to attend  the  meeting,  we urge you to date and sign
the enclosed  proxy form and return it in the  enclosed  envelope as promptly as
possible.  You may revoke your proxy by filing a later-dated  proxy or a written
revocation of the proxy with the Corporate Secretary of Peapack-Gladstone  prior
to the meeting. If you attend the meeting, you may revoke your proxy by filing a
later-dated  proxy  or  written  revocation  of the  proxy  with  the  Corporate
Secretary of the meeting prior to the voting of such proxy.

                       By Order of the Board of Directors

                               ANTOINETTE ROSELL,
                               CORPORATE SECRETARY

Gladstone, New Jersey
March 24, 2006


                               158 ROUTE 206 NORTH
                           GLADSTONE, NEW JERSEY 07934

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                              DATED MARCH 24, 2006


         This   proxy   statement   is   furnished   to  the   shareholders   of
Peapack-Gladstone Financial Corporation ("Peapack-Gladstone") in connection with
the solicitation by the Board of Directors of  Peapack-Gladstone  of proxies for
use at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders to be held at Fiddler's Elbow Country
Club, 811 Rattlesnake Bridge Road,  Bedminster Township,  New Jersey on Tuesday,
April 25, 2006 at 2:00 p.m.  local  time.  This proxy  statement  is first being
mailed to shareholders on approximately March 24, 2006.

                               VOTING INFORMATION

Outstanding Securities and Voting Rights

         The record date for determining shareholders entitled to notice of, and
to vote at, the meeting is March 13, 2006. Only shareholders of record as of the
record date will be entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the meeting.

         On the record  date,  8,271,605  shares of  Peapack-Gladstone's  common
stock, no par value,  were  outstanding and eligible to be voted at the meeting.
Each share of Peapack-Gladstone's common stock is entitled to one vote.

Required Vote

         The election of directors  requires the affirmative vote of a plurality
of  Peapack-Gladstone's  common  stock voted at the  meeting,  whether  voted in
person or by proxy. The approval of Peapack-Gladstone Financial Corporation 2006
Long-Term Stock  Incentive Plan requires the  affirmative  vote of a majority of
Peapack-Gladstone's  common stock voted at the meeting,  whether voted in person
or by proxy.  At the meeting,  inspectors of election will tabulate both ballots
cast by  shareholders  present  and voting in  person,  and votes cast by proxy.
Under  applicable  New  Jersey  law  and   Peapack-Gladstone's   certificate  of
incorporation  and by-laws,  abstentions  and broker  non-votes  are counted for
purpose of establishing a quorum but otherwise do not count.

         All shares  represented  by valid  proxies  received  pursuant  to this
solicitation  will be voted FOR the election of the 13 nominees for director who
are named in this proxy  statement  and FOR the  approval  of  Peapack-Gladstone
Financial   Corporation   2006  Long-Term  Stock  Incentive  Plan,   unless  the
shareholder  specifies a  different  choice by means of the proxy or revokes the
proxy prior to the time it is exercised.  Should any other matter  properly come
before the  meeting,  the persons  named as proxies  will vote upon such matters
according to their discretion.

Revocability of Proxy

         Any  shareholder  giving a proxy has the right to attend and to vote at
the meeting in person.  A proxy may be revoked  prior to the meeting by filing a
later-dated  proxy  or a  written  revocation  if it is  sent  to the  Corporate
Secretary  of  Peapack-Gladstone,  Antoinette  Rosell,  at 158 Route 206  North,
Gladstone, New Jersey, 07934, and is received by Peapack-Gladstone in advance of
the meeting. A proxy may be revoked at the meeting by filing a later-dated proxy
or a written revocation with the Corporate Secretary of the meeting prior to the
voting of such proxy.

Solicitation of Proxies

         This proxy solicitation is being made by the Board of Peapack-Gladstone
and the  costs  of the  solicitation  will be  borne  by  Peapack-Gladstone.  In
addition to the use of the mails,  proxies  may be  solicited  personally  or by
telephone, e-mail or facsimile transmission by directors, officers and employees
of Peapack-Gladstone  and its Subsidiaries who will not be specially compensated
for such solicitation activities.  Peapack-Gladstone will also make arrangements
with brokers,  dealers,  nominees,  custodians and  fiduciaries to forward proxy
soliciting  materials to the beneficial  owners of shares held of record by such
persons, and  Peapack-Gladstone may reimburse them for their reasonable expenses
incurred in forwarding the materials.

                       PROPOSAL 1 - ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
                              DIRECTOR INFORMATION

         Peapack-Gladstone's  certificate of incorporation and by-laws authorize
a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 25  directors,  but leave the exact number to be
fixed by resolution  of  Peapack-Gladstone's  Board of Directors.  The Board has
currently  fixed  the  number  of  directors  at 13 and the  Board is  presently
comprised of 13 members.  Directors are elected annually by the shareholders for
one-year terms.  Peapack-Gladstone's Nominating Committee has recommended to the
Board the 13  current  directors  for  reelection  to serve for  one-year  terms
expiring at  Peapack-Gladstone's  2007 Annual Meeting of Shareholders  and until
their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified. If, for any reason,
any of the nominees become unavailable for election,  the proxy solicited by the
Board will be voted for a substitute  nominee  selected by the Board.  The Board
has no reason to believe that any of the named nominees is not available or will
not serve if elected.

         Unless a shareholder  indicates  otherwise on the proxy, the proxy will
be voted for the persons named in the table below to serve until the  expiration
of their terms, and thereafter until their successors have been duly elected and

         The  following  table  sets  forth the  names  and ages of the  Board's
nominees for election,  the nominees' position with  Peapack-Gladstone (if any),
the  principal  occupation or employment of each nominee for the past five years
and  the  period  during  which  each  nominee  has  served  as  a  director  of
Peapack-Gladstone.  The  nominee's  prior service as a director  includes  prior
service  as a  director  of  Peapack-Gladstone  Bank (the  "Bank")  prior to the
formation of the holding company.

                                                NOMINEES FOR ELECTION AS DIRECTORS
      Name and Position                      Director                             Principal Occupation or
    With Peapack-Gladstone          Age       Since                            Employment for Past Five Years
Anthony J. Consi, II                60        2000           Senior Vice President of Finance and Operations, Weichert Realtors

Pamela Hill                         68        1991           President of Ferris Corp., a real estate management company

T. Leonard Hill                     94        1944           Chairman Emeritus of the Board of Peapack-Gladstone and the Bank;
                                                             previously Chairman of Peapack-Gladstone and the Bank; Chairman of
                                                             Ferris Corp., a real estate management company.

Frank A. Kissel                     55        1989           Chairman and CEO of Peapack-Gladstone and the Bank; previously
Chairman and CEO                                             President and CEO of Peapack-Gladstone and the Bank.

John D. Kissel                      53        1987           Real Estate Broker, Turpin Real Estate, Inc.

James R. Lamb                       63        1993           Principal of James R. Lamb, P.C., Attorney at Law.

Edward A. Merton                    65        1981           President of Merton Excavating and Paving Co.

F. Duffield Meyercord               59        1991           Partner of Carl Marks Advisory Group, LLC; President, Meyercord
                                                             Advisors, Inc.

John R. Mulcahy                     67        1981           Retired, previously President of Mulcahy Realty and Construction.

Robert M. Rogers,                   47        2002           President and COO of Peapack-Gladstone and the Bank; previously
President and COO                                            Executive Vice President and COO of Peapack-Gladstone and the Bank

Philip W. Smith, III                50        1995           President, Phillary Management, Inc., a real estate management company.

Craig C. Spengeman,                 50        2002           President, PGB Trust and Investments, a division of the Bank and
President, PGB Trust and                                     Executive Vice President of Peapack-Gladstone; previously Executive
Investments                                                  Vice President and Senior Trust Officer of Peapack-Gladstone and the

Jack D. Stine                       84        1976           Retired.  Trustee, Proprietary House Association.

T. Leonard Hill is the father of Pamela Hill. Frank A. Kissel and John D. Kissel
are brothers.


Recommendation and Vote Required on Proposal 1

         Directors  will be  elected  by a  plurality  of the votes  cast at the
Annual  Meeting,  whether  in  person  or  by  proxy.  THE  BOARD  OF  DIRECTORS

                              CORPORATE GOVERNANCE

         The business  and affairs of  Peapack-Gladstone  are managed  under the
direction of the Board of  Directors.  Members of the Board are kept informed of
Peapack-Gladstone's   business   through   discussions  with  the  Chairman  and
Peapack-Gladstone's  other officers, by reviewing materials provided to them and
by participating in meetings of the Board and its committees. All members of the
Board  also  served  as  directors  of   Peapack-Gladstone's   subsidiary  bank,
Peapack-Gladstone Bank, during 2005. The Board of Directors of Peapack-Gladstone
held six meetings during 2005.  During 2005, all directors of  Peapack-Gladstone
attended   no  fewer   than   75%  of  the   total   number   of   meetings   of
Peapack-Gladstone's  Board and  meetings of  committees  on which such  director
served. It is Peapack-Gladstone's policy to encourage director attendance at the
Annual  Meeting absent a compelling  reason such as illness.  Last year, all but
one director attended the Annual Meeting.

         Our  Board  of  Directors   believes  that  the  purpose  of  corporate
governance is to maximize  shareholder  value in a manner  consistent with legal
requirements.  The Board has adopted corporate governance principles,  which the
Board and senior management believe promote this purpose. We periodically review
these  governance  principles,  the rules and listing  standards of the American
Stock Exchange (the "AMEX") and Securities and Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC")

Director Independence

         The Board has  determined  that a  majority  of the  directors  and all
current  members  of the  Nominating,  Compensation,  and Audit  Committees  are
"independent" for purposes of Section 121 of the American Stock Exchange Company
Guide,  and that the members of the Audit Committee are also  "independent"  for
purposes of Section 10A(m)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Section
803 of the  American  Stock  Exchange  Company  Guide.  The  Board  based  these
determinations  primarily  on a review of the  responses  of the  directors  and
executive officers to questions  regarding  employment and transaction  history,
affiliations  and family and other  relationships  and on  discussions  with the
directors.  The independent  directors are Anthony J. Consi,  II, James R. Lamb,
Edward A. Merton, F. Duffield Meyercord,  John R. Mulcahy, Philip W. Smith, III,
and Jack D. Stine.

         To assist it in making  determinations  of independence,  the Board has
concluded that the following  transactions or  relationships  are immaterial and
that a director whose only transactions or relationships with  Peapack-Gladstone
fall within these categories is independent:

         o  A loan made by the Bank to a director,  his or her immediate  family
            member  or an  entity  affiliated  with  a  director  or  his or her
            immediate  family member,  or a loan  personally  guaranteed by such
            persons if such loan (i) complies with state and federal regulations
            on insider loans,  where  applicable;  and (ii) is not classified by
            the Bank's credit  committee or by any bank regulatory  agency which
            supervised the Bank as substandard, doubtful or loss.

         o  A deposit,  trust,  insurance  brokerage,  securities  brokerage  or
            similar  customer  relationship  between  Peapack-Gladstone  or  its
            Subsidiaries  and a director,  his or her immediate family member or
            an  affiliate  of  his  or  her  immediate  family  member  if  such
            relationship is on customary and usual market terms and conditions.

         o  The  employment  by  Peapack-Gladstone  or its  Subsidiaries  of any
            immediate family member of the director if the employee serves below
            the level of a senior vice president.

         o  Annual contributions by Peapack-Gladstone or its Subsidiaries to any
            charity  or  non-profit   corporation   with  which  a  director  is
            affiliated  if the  contributions  do not  exceed  an  aggregate  of
            $20,000 in any  calendar  year and the  contribution  is made in the
            name of Peapack-Gladstone.


         o  Purchases  of goods or services by  Peapack-Gladstone  or any of its
            Subsidiaries  from a  business  in  which a  director  or his or her
            immediate family member is a partner, shareholder or officer, if the
            director or his or her  immediate  family member own five percent or
            less of the equity interests of that business and do not serve as an
            executive officer of the business.

         o  Purchases of goods or services by  Peapack-Gladstone,  or any of its
            Subsidiaries, from a director or a business in which the director or
            his or her  immediate  family  member is a partner,  shareholder  or
            officer if the annual aggregate  purchases of goods or services from
            the director, his or her immediate family member or such business in
            the last calendar year does not exceed the greater of $60,000 or two
            percent of the gross revenues of the business.

         o  Fixed  retirement  benefits  paid or payable  to a  director  either
            currently or on retirement.

Executive Sessions of Non-Management Directors

         Our Corporate Governance Principles require the Board to provide for at
least semi-annual  executive sessions to include  non-management  directors.  At
least  once a  year,  the  Board  holds  an  executive  session  including  only
independent  directors.  Peapack-Gladstone's  Board has  chosen  to  rotate  the
presiding  director  for  each  meeting  among  the  Chairperson  of the  Audit,
Compensation, and Nominating Committees.

Shareholder Communication with Directors

         The Board of Directors has  established  the following  procedures  for
shareholder communications with the Board of Directors:

         o  Shareholders  wishing  to  communicate  with the Board of  Directors
            should   send   any    communication    to   Board   of   Directors,
            Peapack-Gladstone  Financial  Corporation,  c/o  Antoinette  Rosell,
            Corporate Secretary, at 158 Route 206 North, Gladstone,  New Jersey,
            07934.  Any such  communication  should  state the  number of shares
            owned by the shareholder.

         o  The Corporate Secretary will forward such communication to the Board
            of Directors or as appropriate to the particular Committee Chairman,
            unless the  communication  is a personal  or  similar  grievance,  a
            shareholder  proposal  or  related  communication,   an  abusive  or
            inappropriate  communication,  or a communication not related to the
            duties or responsibilities of the Board of Directors,  in which case
            the   Corporate   Secretary  has  the  authority  to  disregard  the
            communication.  All such communications will be kept confidential to
            the extent possible.

         o  The Corporate  Secretary  will maintain a log of, and copies of, all
            communications,  for inspection and review by any Board member,  and
            shall regularly review all such communications with the Board or the
            appropriate Committee Chairman.

         The Board of Directors has also  established  the following  procedures
for  shareholder  communications  with the  rotating  chairman of the  executive
sessions of the non-management directors of the Board:

         o  Shareholders  wishing to communicate with the presiding  director of
            executive  sessions should send any  communication  to the presiding
            director  of   executive   sessions,   Peapack-Gladstone   Financial
            Corporation,  c/o Antoinette  Rosell,  Corporate  Secretary,  at 158
            Route 206 North,  P.O. Box 178,  Gladstone,  New Jersey,  07934. Any
            such  communication  should  state the number of shares owned by the

         o  The Corporate  Secretary will forward such communication to the then
            presiding  director,  unless  the  communication  is a  personal  or
            similar grievance,  a shareholder proposal or related communication,
            an abusive or inappropriate  communication,  or a communication  not
            related  to the  duties or  responsibilities  of the  non-management
            directors,  in which case the Corporate  Secretary has the authority
            to disregard the communication. All such communications will be kept
            confidential to the extent possible.

         o  The Corporate  Secretary  will maintain a log of, and copies of, all
            communications,  for inspection and review by the presiding director
            of  executive   sessions,   and  shall  regularly  review  all  such
            communications with the presiding director at the next meeting.


Committees of the Board of Directors

         In 2005,  the  Board of  Directors  maintained  an Audit  Committee,  a
Nominating Committee and a Compensation Committee.

Audit Committee

         Mr. Consi serves as Chair of the Audit Committee.  Other members of the
Audit Committee are Messrs.  Stine,  Mulcahy and Smith.  The Audit Committee met
nine times during 2005.

         The Board of Directors has  determined  that at least one member of the
Audit Committee meets the American Stock Exchange  standard of being financially
sophisticated. The Board of Directors has also determined that Mr.
Consi meets the SEC criteria of an "audit committee financial expert."

         The Audit Committee operates pursuant to a charter.  The charter can be
viewed at the Investor Relations link on our website The charter
gives the Audit Committee the authority and  responsibility for the appointment,
retention,  compensation  and oversight of our independent  auditors,  including
pre-approval  of  all  audit  and  non-audit  services  to be  performed  by our
independent auditors.  Other responsibilities of the Audit Committee pursuant to
the  charter  include:  reviewing  the scope and  results  of the audit with our
independent  auditors;  reviewing with management and our  independent  auditors
Peapack-Gladstone's  interim and  year-end  operating  results  including  press
releases;  considering  the  appropriateness  of  the  internal  accounting  and
auditing  procedures of  Peapack-Gladstone;  considering  our outside  auditors'
independence;   reviewing  examination  reports  by  bank  regulatory  agencies;
reviewing  audit  reports  prepared by the  accounting  firm which  conducts the
internal audit  functions for  Peapack-Gladstone;  and reviewing the response of
management  to those  reports.  The Audit  Committee  reports  to the full Board
concerning pertinent matters coming before it.

Nominating Committee

         Peapack-Gladstone's  Nominating  Committee  consists  of Messrs.  Smith
(Chair),  Consi,  Lamb,  Merton,  Meyercord,  Mulcahy and Stine.  The Nominating
Committee  operates  under a  written  charter  setting  out the  functions  and
responsibilities  of this  committee.  The charter can be viewed at the Investor
Relations link on our website  The Nominating Committee reviews
qualifications  of and  recommends  to the  Board  candidates  for  election  as
director of  Peapack-Gladstone  and the Bank,  considers the  composition of the
Board, recommends committee assignments, and discusses management succession for
the Chairman and the CEO positions.  The Nominating Committee develops corporate
governance  principles  which include  director  qualifications  and  standards;
director  responsibilities;   director  orientation  and  continuing  education;
limitations  concerning  service on other boards;  director access to management
and records,  criteria for annual  self-assessment of the Board, its committees,
management and the  effectiveness  of their  functioning.  The committee is also
charged  with  reviewing  the  Board's  adherence  to the  Corporate  Governance
Principles and the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. The Nominating Committee
reviews  recommendations  from shareholders  regarding corporate  governance and
director  candidates.  The procedure for submitting  recommendations of director
candidates is set forth below under the caption  "Nomination of Directors."  The
Nominating Committee met three times during 2005.

Compensation Committee

         Peapack-Gladstone's   Compensation   Committee   consists   of  Messrs.
Meyercord (Chair),  Stine, Merton and Consi. The Compensation Committee operates
under a written charter setting out the functions and  responsibilities  of this
committee.  The  charter  can be viewed at the  Investor  Relations  link on our
website  The Compensation Committee determines CEO compensation,
sets  general  compensation  levels  for all  officers  and  employees  and sets
specific  compensation  for executive  officers.  It also  administers our stock
option  plans and makes  awards  under those  plans.  The Board has approved its
charter,  which delegates to the Compensation  Committee the  responsibility  to
recommend Board  compensation.  During 2005, the Compensation  Committee met six


Nomination of Directors

         Nominations  for director may be made only by the Board of Directors or
a committee of the Board or by a  shareholder  of record  entitled to vote.  The
Board of Directors has established minimum criteria for members of the Board.

         These include:

         o  Directors  are  encouraged  to live and/or  work in the  communities
            served by Peapack-Gladstone's subsidiary bank.

         o  Directors  shall  beneficially  own or  agree  to  acquire  at least
            $25,000 (market value) of Peapack-Gladstone stock.

         o  Directors  shall be  experienced  in business,  shall be financially
            literate and shall be respected members of their communities.

         o  Directors  shall be of high  ethical  and moral  standards  and have
            sound personal finances.

         o  A Director may not serve on the Board of directors of any other bank
            that serves the same market area as  Peapack-Gladstone  and may only
            serve on the boards of three other publicly-traded companies.

         o  If there is a vacancy,  the Nominating  Committee shall evaluate the
            qualifications  of persons who may be recommended to it as potential
            candidates based on information the Committee may deem relevant.

         The Nominating  Committee has adopted a policy regarding  consideration
of director  candidates  recommended by shareholders.  The Nominating  Committee
will consider  nominations made by  shareholders.  In order for a shareholder to
make a  nomination,  the  shareholder  must  provide  a  notice  along  with the
additional  information and supporting  materials to our Corporate Secretary not
less than 120 days nor more than 150 days prior to the first  anniversary of the
date of the preceding year's annual meeting.  The shareholder wishing to propose
a candidate for consideration by the Nominating  Committee must have significant
stake in  Peapack-Gladstone.  To qualify  for  consideration  by the  Nominating
Committee,  the shareholder submitting the candidate must demonstrate that he or
she has been the beneficial owner of at least one percent of Peapack-Gladstone's
outstanding  shares  for a minimum of one year  prior to the  submission  of the
request.  In addition,  the  Nominating  Committee  has the right to require any
additional  background or other  information from any director  candidate or the
recommending shareholder, as it may deem appropriate.  For our annual meeting in
the year 2007, we must receive this notice on or after November 27, 2006, and on
or before December 27, 2006. The following factors, at a minimum, are considered
by the Nominating Committee as part of its review of all director candidates and
in recommending potential director candidates to the Board:

         o  appropriate mix of educational  background,  professional background
            and business  experience to make a significant  contribution  to the
            overall composition of the Board;

         o  if the Committee deems it applicable, whether the candidate would be
            able to read and  understand  fundamental  financial  statements and
            considered to be financially  sophisticated as described in the AMEX
            rules,  or considered to be an audit committee  financial  expert as
            defined pursuant to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002;

         o  if the Committee deems it applicable, whether the candidate would be
            considered   independent  under  the  AMEX  rules  and  the  Board's
            additional  independence guidelines set forth in Peapack-Gladstone's
            Corporate Governance Principles;

         o  demonstrated   character   and   reputation,   both   personal   and
            professional, consistent with that required for a bank director;

         o  willingness to apply sound and independent business judgment;

         o  ability to work productively with the other members of the Board;

         o  availability for the substantial  duties and  responsibilities  of a
            Peapack-Gladstone director; and

         o  meets  the  additional  criteria  set  forth in  Peapack-Gladstone's
            Corporate Governance Principles.


         You  can  obtain  a copy  of the  full  text  of our  policy  regarding
shareholder  nominations by writing to Antoinette Rosell,  Corporate  Secretary,
158 Route 206 North, P.O. Box 178, Gladstone, New Jersey 07934.

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and Corporate Governance Principles

         Peapack-Gladstone  has adopted a Code of  Business  Conduct and Ethics,
which applies to  Peapack-Gladstone's  principal  executive  officer,  principal
financial   officer,   principal   accounting   officer   and   to   all   other
Peapack-Gladstone  directors,  officers  and  employees.  The  Code of  Business
Conduct  and  Ethics  is  available  in  the  Investor   Relations   section  of
Peapack-Gladstone's  website  located at  The Code of  Business
Conduct and Ethics is also  available in print to any  shareholder  who requests
it. Peapack-Gladstone will disclose any substantive amendments to or waiver from
provisions  of the Code of Business  Conduct  and Ethics made with  respect to a
director or executive  officer on our website and to the extent required by AMEX
and SEC rules, in a Current Report on Form 8-K.

         We  have  also  adopted  Corporate  Governance  Principles,  which  are
intended to provide  guidelines for the governance of  Peapack-Gladstone  by the
Board and its committees.  The Corporate Governance  Principles are available at
the  Investor  Relations  section  of  Peapack-Gladstone's  website  located  at

                              DIRECTOR COMPENSATION

         Peapack-Gladstone  pays its  directors  an $8,000  annual  retainer for
service on the Board,  and $500 for each regular Bank Board  meeting they attend
and $400 for each  committee  meeting  they attend.  Committee  Chairs and Audit
Committee  members  receive an  additional  $2,000  annual  retainer.  The Audit
Committee Chair receives an additional $16,000 annual retainer. The Compensation
Committee  Chair  receives  an  additional   $10,000  annual  retainer  and  the
Compensation  Committee  members receive an additional  $1,000 annual  retainer.
Frank A.  Kissel,  Robert  M.  Rogers  and  Craig  C.  Spengeman,  as  full-time
employees, were not compensated for services rendered as directors.

         The 1998 and 2002 Stock Option Plans for Outside  Directors provide for
the award of  non-qualified  stock options to each  non-employee  director.  The
plans  provide  that  grants  are  made  based  upon  recommendations  from  the
Compensation  Committee  to the Board and a vote from the full  Board.  In 2005,
there were no awards to the outside directors.

         Under each of the plans,  the exercise  price for the option shares may
not be less than the fair market  value of the common stock on the date of grant
of  the  option.  The  options  granted  under  these  plans  are,  in  general,
exercisable  not earlier than one year after the date of grant, at a price equal
to the fair market  value of the common  stock on the date of grant,  and expire
not more than ten years after the date of grant.  On December 8, 2005, the Board
of Directors  accelerated  the vesting of 79,200 of the unvested  stock  options
awarded to outside directors under the Corporation's  1998 and 2002 Stock Option
Plans for Outside Directors.

         Peapack-Gladstone  has a  retirement  plan  for  eligible  non-employee
directors of  Peapack-Gladstone  and/or its  Subsidiaries.  The plan  provides 5
years of annual  benefits to directors  with 10 or more years of service,  which
commence  after a director  has retired  from the Board.  The annual  benefit is
equal to 25 percent of the  director's  final  compensation  and  increases by 5
percent for each year of service in excess of 10. The maximum benefit is limited
to 50 percent of final compensation.  No director was credited with more than 10
years of service  when the plan  became  effective,  regardless  of how long the
person had served as director as of the  effective  date.  If a director with 10
years of service ceases to be a director as a result of death or disability,  or
a director with 5 years of service ceases to be a director following a change in
control,  the director  will be credited with a total of 15 years of service for
plan  purposes.  In the event  that the  director  dies  prior to receipt of all
benefits, the payments continue to the director's beneficiary or estate.

         Peapack-Gladstone  has a nonqualified  deferred  compensation  plan for
non-employee  directors covering retainer fees and the aggregate of all fees for
service  and  attendance  at Board  and  committee  meetings.  Participation  is
optional. As of January 1, 2005, the plan is frozen and no further contributions
may be made.  Interest  is paid on the  deferred  fees equal to that which would
have been credited if such deferred fees were invested in the  Peapack-Gladstone
Money Market  Account,  which  yields 3.27 percent as of February 28, 2006.  The
provisions of the deferred compensation plan are designed to comply with certain
rulings of the Internal Revenue Service under which the deferred amounts are not
taxed until received.  Under the deferred  compensation  plan, the directors who
elect to defer their fees receive the fees either (i) in a lump sum on the first
day of the calendar quarter following  termination of service as director, or on
the first day of a calendar  quarter that is at least 5 years following the date
of the  original  deferral  election,  or (ii)  in  substantially  equal  annual
installments  over a period of between 2 to 10 years,  commencing  in January of
the calendar year  following the calendar year during which the director  ceases
serving as director.  In the event the director dies, within a reasonable period
of time  following  his or her death,  the  amount  credited  to the  director's
deferred  compensation  account  shall be paid in a lump  sum to the  director's
beneficiary or estate.



Certain Beneficial Owners

         The  following  table  sets  forth  as of  February  28,  2006  certain
information as to beneficial ownership of each person known to Peapack-Gladstone
to own  beneficially  more than 5 percent  of the  outstanding  common  stock of
Peapack-Gladstone.  The beneficial  owner in the table below has sole voting and
investment power as to all his shares.

                                      Number of Shares
Name of Beneficial Owner             Beneficially Owned        Percent of Class
James M. Weichert                         801,435                   9.69%

Stock Ownership of Directors and Executive Officers

         The  following  table sets forth as of February  28, 2006 the number of
shares of  Peapack-Gladstone's  common stock  beneficially  owned by each of the
directors/nominees,   the  executive  officers  of  Peapack-Gladstone  for  whom
individual  information is required to be set forth in this proxy statement (the
"named executive  officers")  pursuant to the regulations of the SEC, and by all
directors and executive officers as a group.

                                        Number of Shares
Name of Beneficial Owner            Beneficially Owned (1)  Percent of Class (2)
Arthur F. Birmingham                        44,774  (3)              *
Garrett P. Bromley                          45,389  (4)              *
Anthony J. Consi, II                        73,503  (5)              *
Pamela Hill                                 87,455  (6)            1.05%
T. Leonard Hill                            165,479  (7)            1.99%
Frank A. Kissel                            143,448  (8)            1.72%
John D. Kissel                              61,158  (9)              *
James R. Lamb                               43,423  (10)             *
Edward A. Merton                            47,806  (11)             *
F. Duffield Meyercord                       43,444  (12)             *
John R. Mulcahy                             41,553  (13)             *
Robert M. Rogers                            57,267  (14)             *
Philip W. Smith, III                        48,486  (15)             *
Craig C. Spengeman                          60,190  (16)             *
Jack D. Stine                               44,128  (17)             *
All directors and executive officers     1,007,083                11.55%
as a group (15 persons)



*     Less than one percent

      (1)   Beneficially owned shares include shares over which the named person
            exercises  either  sole or  shared  voting  power or sole or  shared
            investment  power.  It also  includes  shares owned (i) by a spouse,
            minor  children  or by  relatives  sharing  the same  home,  (ii) by
            entities  owned or controlled by the named person and (iii) by other
            persons if the named  person has the right to  acquire  such  shares
            within  60 days by the  exercise  of any  right  or  option.  Unless
            otherwise  noted,  all shares are owned of record or beneficially by
            the named person.

      (2)   The  number  of  shares  of common  stock  used in  calculating  the
            percentage  of the class  owned  includes  shares  of  common  stock
            outstanding as of February 28, 2006, and 379,658 shares  purchasable
            pursuant to options exercisable within 60 days of February 28, 2006.

      (3)   This total includes 3,192 shares  allocated to Mr.  Birmingham under
            Peapack-Gladstone's   Profit   Sharing   Plan  and   36,508   shares
            purchasable  pursuant  to  options  exercisable  within  60  days of
            February 28, 2006.

      (4)   This total  includes  2,733 shares  allocated to Mr.  Bromley  under
            Peapack-Gladstone's   Profit   Sharing   Plan  and   37,349   shares
            purchasable  pursuant  to  options  exercisable  within  60  days of
            February 28, 2006.

      (5)   This total includes  19,502 shares  purchasable  pursuant to options
            exercisable within 60 days of February 28, 2006.

      (6)   This total includes  20,582 shares  purchasable  pursuant to options
            exercisable within 60 days of February 28, 2006.

      (7)   This total  includes  114,595 shares owned by the Hill Family Trusts
            and 16,323 shares purchasable pursuant to options exercisable within
            60 days of February 28, 2006.

      (8)   This total  includes  3,348 shares  owned by Mr.  Frank A.  Kissel's
            wife, 8,582 shares allocated to Mr. Kissel under Peapack-Gladstone's
            Profit  Sharing  Plan and  80,661  shares  purchasable  pursuant  to
            options exercisable within 60 days of February 28, 2006.

      (9)   This total includes 1,609 shares owned by Mr. John D. Kissel's wife,
            5,547  shares  owned by Mr.  Kissel's  children  and  22,582  shares
            purchasable  pursuant  to  options  exercisable  within  60  days of
            February 28, 2006.

      (10)  This total includes 3,232 shares owned by Mr. Lamb's wife and 22,581
            shares purchasable pursuant to options exercisable within 60 days of
            February 28, 2006.

      (11)  This total includes  22,582 shares  purchasable  pursuant to options
            exercisable within 60 days of February 28, 2006.

      (12)  This total includes  22,582 shares  purchasable  pursuant to options
            exercisable within 60 days of February 28, 2006.

      (13)  This total  includes  1,831 shares owned by Mr.  Mulcahy's  wife and
            17,728 shares purchasable  pursuant to options exercisable within 60
            days of February 28, 2006.

      (14)  This total  includes  5,124  shares  allocated  to Mr.  Rogers under
            Peapack-Gladstone's   Profit   Sharing   Plan  and   43,767   shares
            purchasable  pursuant  to  options  exercisable  within  60  days of
            February 28, 2006.

      (15)  This total includes  6,771 shares owned by Mr.  Smith's wife,  1,292
            shares owned by Mr. Smith's  children and 16,375 shares  purchasable
            pursuant to options exercisable within 60 days of February 28, 2006.

      (16)  This total includes 841 shares owned by Mr.  Spengeman's wife, 5,822
            shares allocated to Mr. Spengeman under  Peapack-Gladstone's  Profit
            Sharing  Plan and  45,164  shares  purchasable  pursuant  to options
            exercisable within 60 days of February 28, 2006.

      (17)  This total includes  22,582 shares  purchasable  pursuant to options
            exercisable within 60 days of February 28, 2006.


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION


         Executive  compensation  is  described  below  in  the  tabular  format
mandated by the SEC.

Summary Compensation Table

         The following  table  summarizes  all  compensation  earned in the past
three years for services performed in all capacities for  Peapack-Gladstone  and
its Subsidiaries with respect to the named executive officers.

                                                          SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                Annual Compensation                Long-Term Compensation Awards
                                      ---------------------------------------   -----------------------------------

                                                                   Other       Restricted    Securities                   All
                                                                   Annual         Stock      Underlying     LTIP         Other
       Name and                        Salary        Bonus      Compensation     Awards       Options/     Payouts    Compensation
  Principal Position         Year        ($)          ($)           ($)            ($)         SARs (#)      ($)           ($)
------------------------    ------    ----------    ---------   -------------   ----------   -----------   --------   -------------

Frank A. Kissel
Chairman of the Board       2005       300,500        90,150         --            --            --          --            5,977
  and CEO of Peapack-       2004       291,748       158,337         --            --          27,499        --           12,316
  Gladstone and the Bank    2003       283,250       127,463         --            --            --          --           10,791

Craig C. Spengeman
President of PGB Trust      2005       218,545        63,654         --            --            --          --            5,977
  and Investments           2004       212,180       104,854         --            --          21,999        --           12,316
  and Executive Vice        2003       206,000        82,400         --            --            --          --           10,791
  President of Peapack-

Robert M. Rogers
President and COO of        2005       191,227        57,368         --            --            --          --            5,977
  Peapack-Gladstone         2004       185,658        82,464         --            --          21,999        --           11,178
  and the Bank              2003       180,250        72,100         --            --            --          --            9,750

Arthur F. Birmingham
Executive Vice              2005       163,909        49,172         --            --            --          --            5,954
  and CFO of Peapack-       2004       159,135        70,684         --            --          19,249        --            9,617
  Gladstone and the Bank    2003       155,200        61,800         --            --            --          --            8,430

Garrett P. Bromley
Executive Vice President    2005       143,222        42,966         --            --            --          --            5,246
                            2004       139,200        61,763         --            --          19,249        --            8,435
                            2003       134,423        54,000         --            --            --          --            7,335

Stock Option Grants in 2005

         No stock  options  were  granted  with  respect to the named  executive
officers in 2005.


Aggregated Option Exercises in 2005 and Year-End Option Value

         The following table shows options  exercised during 2005, and the value
of unexercised  options held at year-end 2005, by the named executive  officers.
Peapack-Gladstone did not use SARs as compensation in 2005.

                                         AGGREGATED OPTION/SAR EXERCISES IN THE
                                       LAST FISCAL YEAR AND FY-END OPTION VALUES

                                                                      Number of Securities
                                                                     Underlying Unexercised    Value of Unexercised In-
                                                                     Options/SARs at Fiscal    the-Money Options/SARs
                                                                          Year-End (#)         at Fiscal Year-End ($)(1)
                             Shares Acquired On                     -------------------------  ------------------------
        Name                    Exercise (#)   Value Realized ($)   Exercisable/Unexercisable  Exercisable/Unexercisable
------------------------------  ------------   ------------------   -------------------------  -------------------------
Frank A. Kissel                        --                 --                80,661/0                  637,876/0
Craig C. Spengeman                  2,566             66,023                45,164/0                  304,555/0
Robert M. Rogers                    5,996            130,473                43,767/0                  284,686/0
Arthur F. Birmingham                   --                 --                36,508/0                  217,027/0
Garrett P. Bromley                     75              1,211                37,349/0                  230,525/0

(1)  Calculated  on the basis of the closing price of  Peapack-Gladstone  common
stock at  December  30,  2005 of $27.90 per share,  less the per share  exercise

Savings and Profit Sharing Plans

         Peapack-Gladstone has established a qualified defined contribution plan
under Section 401(k) (the "401(k)  Plan") of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,
as amended (the "Code"),  covering substantially all salaried employees over the
age of twenty-one with at least twelve months'  service and whose  participation
is not  prohibited by the 401(k) Plan.  Under the savings  portion of the 401(k)
Plan,  employees  may  contribute  up to  fifteen  percent of their pay to their
elective account via payroll  withholding.  Annually,  Peapack-Gladstone  adds a
matching  contribution  equal to fifty  percent  up to a maximum  of $250 of the
employee contribution.  In addition, the Board may elect to make a discretionary
contribution  to the profit  sharing part of the 401(k) Plan. The profit sharing
portion is non-contributory and funds are invested in Peapack-Gladstone's common

Pension Plan

         Peapack-Gladstone  sponsors a non-contributory  defined benefit pension
plan that covers  substantially all of  Peapack-Gladstone's  salaried employees.
The benefits are based on an  employee's  compensation,  age at  retirement  and
years of service.  It is the policy of  Peapack-Gladstone  to fund not less than
the minimum funding amount required by the Employee  Retirement  Income Security


         The following  table sets forth the estimated  annual  benefits that an
eligible  employee  would receive under  Peapack-Gladstone's  qualified  defined
benefit pension plan,  assuming retirement at age 65 in 2004 and a straight life
annuity benefit,  for the remuneration levels (subject to an annual compensation
limit of $210,000) and years of service shown.

                                      Years of Credited Service
  Renumeration       10         15         20         25         30        35
----------------  --------   --------   --------   --------   --------  --------
$ 50,000          $ 11,000   $ 16,500   $ 21,938   $ 27,334   $ 30,391  $ 32,575

 100,000            25,144     37,716     50,603     63,699     71,120    76,421

 150,000            39,353     59,029     79,377    100,173    111,957   120,375

210,000 and higher  53,561     80,341    108,151    136,647    152,795   159,541

         Messrs.  Kissel,   Spengeman,   Rogers,  Birmingham  and  Bromley  have
approximately  17, 21,  19, 10 and 9 years of  credited  service,  respectively,
under the pension plan as of January 1, 2006,  and at age 65, would have 27, 36,
37, 21 and 13 years of credited service, respectively.

Employment Agreements

         Peapack-Gladstone  and the Bank entered into employment agreements (the
"Employment  Agreements")  with  each of Frank A.  Kissel,  Craig C.  Spengeman,
Robert M. Rogers,  Arthur F.  Birmingham and Garrett P. Bromley as of January 1,
2006 for a period of one year to expire on December 31, 2006.

         The  Employment  Agreements  provide,   among  other  things,  for  (i)
participation  during  the  employment  term in all  compensation  and  employee
benefits  plans  for which  any  salaried  employees  of  Peapack-Gladstone  are
eligible, (ii) an annual base salary, (iii) annual increases to base salary, and
(iv) discretionary  bonus payments with respect to each calendar year determined
by the Board of Directors.

         If  each   executive's   employment   is  terminated   without   cause,
Peapack-Gladstone  and the Bank  shall pay the  executive's  base  salary  for a
period  equal to the longer of (A) the  remainder  of the term,  or (B) one year
from the effective date of such termination. In the event that Peapack-Gladstone
and the Bank  terminates  the  Executive's  employment  for cause or pursuant to
retirement,  permanent disability or death, Peapack-Gladstone and the Bank shall
pay  the  Executive  any  earned  but  unpaid  base  salary  as of the  date  of
termination  of  employment.  The  Employment  Agreements  also include  certain
non-compete  and  non-solicitation   provisions,  which  extend  for  two  years
following the executive's termination of employment.

Change-In-Control Arrangements

         Peapack-Gladstone  and the  Bank  entered  into  Amended  and  Restated
Change-in-Control Agreements with Frank A. Kissel, Craig C. Spengeman, Robert M.
Rogers,  Arthur F.  Birmingham,  and Garrett P. Bromley as of December 11, 2003,
each of which  provides  for  termination  benefits  in the event of a change in
control of  Peapack-Gladstone  (as defined in the  agreements).  Pursuant to the
agreements, under certain circumstances, Peapack-Gladstone and the Bank would be
required to pay aggregate amounts equal to three times the highest annual salary
and bonuses  paid during any  calendar  year during the three years prior to the
change in control plus continue certain health  benefits.  In the event that the
severance  payments and benefits under the  agreements,  together with any other
parachute  payments,  would constitute an excess parachute payment under Section
280G of the Code, the payments would be increased in an amount sufficient to pay
the excise taxes and other income and payroll  taxes  necessary to allow Messrs.
Kissel,  Spengeman,  Rogers,  Birmingham,  and  Bromley  to retain  the same net
amount,  after such taxes,  as each was otherwise  entitled to receive.  Section
280G limits  payments  generally to three times the last  five-year  average W-2


Life Insurance

         In addition to providing a term life  insurance  benefit to each of the
named  executive  officers,  Peapack-Gladstone  also  purchased  bank owned life
insurance  ("BOLI") and entered into a  Split-Dollar  Plan,  dated  September 7,
2001, with the executive officers and certain other employees to provide current
and  post-employment  life  insurance  in an amount  which ranges from a minimum
benefit of $25,000  to 2.5 times the  executive's  annual  base  salary.  A life
insurance benefit of 2.5 times a participant's annual base salary vests if prior
to the termination of employment there is a change in control or the participant
becomes disabled. A benefit of 2.5 times the participant's salary is paid if the
participant  dies while employed by  Peapack-Gladstone.  The participant also is
entitled to a vested  post-employment  life insurance  benefit based on years of
service and the  participant's  age as of the date of termination of employment.
This vested benefit ranges from a minimum of 1.0 times base annual salary at age
50 to a maximum of 2.5 times  annual  base  salary at age 65, in each case after
completion of 15 years of service.  There is a minimum benefit of $25,000 if the
participant  does not reach the  vesting  levels.  Except if the  benefit  vests
because  of a  change  in  control,  the  participant's  vested  benefit  may be
forfeited if the participant solicits Peapack-Gladstone's  employees or divulges
certain confidential information.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

         Section  16(a) of the Exchange Act  requires  that  Peapack-Gladstone's
executive  officers,  directors  and  persons who own more than ten percent of a
registered class of Peapack-Gladstone's  common stock, file reports of ownership
and changes in ownership with the SEC. Based upon copies of reports furnished by
insiders, all Section 16(a) reporting requirements applicable to insiders during
2005 were satisfied on a timely basis.


         The Board of Directors established a Compensation Committee,  which has
been   charged   with   overseeing   executive    compensation    practices   at
Peapack-Gladstone.  Members of the Compensation Committee are Messrs.  Meyercord
(Chair),  Stine,  Merton and  Consi.  Decisions  on  compensation  of  executive
officers  have  been  made  by the  full  Board  of  Directors  based  upon  the
recommendations of the Compensation Committee.


         The Bank intends to purchase an  undetermined  amount of mortgage loans
from Weichert  Mortgage  Company  ("Weichert  Mortgage")  during 2006.  Weichert
Mortgage  is  wholly-owned  by James M.  Weichert,  who  beneficially  owns 9.69
percent of Peapack-Gladstone's outstanding common stock. Anthony J. Consi is not
a shareholder,  officer, or director of Weichert Mortgage.  Any purchases by the
Bank from Weichert Mortgage will be on terms that are substantially the same, or
at least as  favorable  to, the Bank as those  offered by  Weichert  Mortgage to
other unaffiliated  entities.  During 2005, the Bank purchased $191.8 million in
mortgage  loans  from  Weichert  Mortgage.  There  are no  guarantees  that  any
purchases will be made in the future.

         In addition  to the matters  discussed  above and  discussed  under the
caption "Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation," directors
and officers and their  associates were customers of and had  transactions  with
the Bank during the year ended  December 31, 2005,  and it is expected that such
persons  will  continue to have such  transactions  in the  future.  All deposit
accounts,  loans, and commitments  comprising such transactions were made in the
ordinary  course  of  business  of the Bank on  substantially  the  same  terms,
including  interest rates and  collateral,  as those  prevailing at the time for
comparable transactions with other persons, and, in the opinion of management of
Peapack-Gladstone,  did not involve more than normal risks of  collectibility or
present other unfavorable features.



         The  following  report was  prepared by the  Compensation  Committee of
Peapack-Gladstone  regarding  executive  compensation policy and its relation to
Peapack-Gladstone's performance.

Compensation Review Process

         The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors is responsible for
establishing and overseeing policies governing annual and long-term compensation
programs for the officers named in the compensation tables shown above and other
executive officers of Peapack-Gladstone.

         In establishing  compensation for executive officers,  the Compensation
Committee considers many factors including,  but not limited to, the performance
of  Peapack-Gladstone,   individual  performance  and  peer  group  compensation
practices. In considering the performance of Peapack-Gladstone, the Compensation
Committee reviews the actual  performance of  Peapack-Gladstone  in light of its
annual budget,  which includes expense items,  deposit levels,  loan growth, fee
income  and trust  department  management.  Annual  performance  reviews of each
officer  together  with  salary  studies  prepared  by the New Jersey  Community
Bankers Association are some of the sources of compensation  information,  which
are utilized in determining  executive  compensation.  Base salaries approximate
the average base salaries  paid by similar  financial  institutions  for similar

         During 2005, Mr. Frank A. Kissel served as Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer   of  the  Bank  and   Chairman   and   Chief   Executive   Officer   of
Peapack-Gladstone.  Mr. Kissel's base salary for 2005 of $300,500 was set by the
Board  based on his  performance  in  executing  his  responsibilities  in those
positions in 2004 and the  performance  anticipated  from him in 2005 and future
years.  The  Board  also  considered  the  objectives  set by  the  Compensation
Committee  for  2005,  the  overall  performance  of  Peapack-Gladstone  and Mr.
Kissel's ability to develop and motivate  employees to meet  Peapack-Gladstone's
short and long-term objectives.  Mr. Kissel's 2005 bonus of $90,150 was based on
the completion of specified  corporate projects for 2005 within a specified time
and budget,  the  achievement  of  specified  minimum  financial  ratios and the
achievement of specified goals with respect to the Bank's financial  performance
and growth. Mr. Kissel was awarded no stock options in 2005.

         With  respect  to  2005  compensation  for  executive   officers,   the
Compensation  Committee based its recommendations,  and the full Board based its
actions,  on the duties and  responsibilities  of the officer in  question,  the
performance of Peapack-Gladstone  and of the particular officer in 2004, and the
performance  anticipated from the officer in 2005 and future years.  Bonuses for
each executive officer were set based on goals set for the executive officer and
for Peapack-Gladstone as a whole. The Chief Executive Officer set goals for each
executive  officer.  During 2005, the other named executive officers received no
stock option awards.

         Based upon current  levels of  compensation,  Peapack-Gladstone  is not
affected by the provisions of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code, which
limits the  deductibility of compensation  above $1 million for each of the five
highest paid officers of  Peapack-Gladstone.  Certain forms of compensation  are
exempt from this deductibility limit,  primarily performance based compensation,
which has been  approved  by  shareholders.  Compensation  under the 1998  Stock
Incentive  Plan and the 2002  Stock  Incentive  Plan (but not  restricted  stock
awards) is expected to be exempt.

         Detailed  information relating to the named executive officers is shown
in the compensation tables above.

                         F. DUFFIELD MEYERCORD, CHAIRMAN
                              ANTHONY J. CONSI, II
                                EDWARD A. MERTON
                                  JACK D. STINE


         The  following  graph  compares  the  cumulative   total  return  on  a
hypothetical $100 investment made on January 1, 2000 in: (a) Peapack-Gladstone's
common stock;  (b) the Russell 3000 Stock Index,  and (c) the Keefe,  Bruyette &
Woods KBW 50 Index (top 50 U.S.  banks).  The graph is calculated  assuming that
all dividends are reinvested during the relevant periods.  The graph shows how a
$100  investment  would  increase  or  decrease  in value  over  time,  based on
dividends  (stock or cash) and increases or decreases in the market price of the

                                 [GRAPH OMITTED]

                                                           Period Ending
Index                               12/31/00  12/31/01  12/31/02  12/31/03  12/31/04  12/31/05
Peapack-Gladstone Financial Corp.    100.00     93.18    175.28    176.68    200.42    180.47
Russell 3000                         100.00     88.54     69.47     91.04    101.92    108.16
KBW 50                               100.00     95.88     89.12    119.41    131.46    131.06


                          REPORT OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE

To the Board of Directors of Peapack-Gladstone Financial Corporation:

         We have  reviewed and  discussed  with  management  Peapack-Gladstone's
audited financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2005.

         We have discussed with the independent auditors the matters required to
be discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61, Communication with Audit
Committees,  as  amended,  by the  Auditing  Standards  Board  of  the  American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

         We have  received and reviewed the written  disclosures  and the letter
from the independent  registered public accounting firm required by Independence
Standard No. 1, Independence  Discussions with Audit Committee,  as amended,  by
the  Independence  Standards  Board,  and have  discussed  with the auditors the
auditors' independence.

         Based on the reviews and discussions referred to above, we recommend to
the  Board of  Directors  that the  financial  statements  referred  to above be
included in  Peapack-Gladstone's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
December 31, 2005.



February 28, 2006

                         LONG-TERM STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN

         The   Board   of   Directors    has   approved   for    submission   to
Peapack-Gladstone's  shareholders the  Peapack-Gladstone  Financial  Corporation
2006 Long-Term Stock Incentive Plan (the "2006 Stock Incentive Plan").  The full
text of the 2006 Stock  Incentive  Plan is attached to this Proxy  Statement  as
Exhibit A and the  following  description  of the 2006 Stock  Incentive  Plan is
qualified  in its  entirety by  reference to Exhibit A. The purposes of the 2006
Stock Incentive Plan are to provide additional incentive to those officers,  key
employees,   and   independent   contractors   of   Peapack-Gladstone   and  its
Subsidiaries,  and certain  non-employee  members of the Board of  Directors  of
Peapack-Gladstone whose substantial contributions are essential to the continued
growth and success of Peapack-Gladstone's  business in order to strengthen their
commitment to Peapack-Gladstone and its Subsidiaries, to motivate such officers,
employees,  independent contractors and non-employee directors to faithfully and
diligently  perform their  assigned  responsibilities  and to attract and retain
competent and dedicated  individuals  whose efforts will result in the long-term
growth and profitability of Peapack-Gladstone.  To accomplish such purposes, the
Plan  provides  that   Peapack-Gladstone  may  grant  Incentive  Stock  Options,
Nonqualified  Stock  Options,  Restricted  Stock  Awards and Stock  Appreciation
Rights. Due to the structure of the 2006 Stock Incentive Plan, Peapack-Gladstone
is  expected to exempt from the  deductibility  limits of Section  162(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code compensation  earned from grants of stock options (but not
restricted  stock) under the Plan.  Section 162(m) limits the  deductibility  of
compensation  paid in excess of $1 million  per year for the five  highest  paid

                           TYPES OF OPTIONS AND AWARDS

         The 2006 Stock  Incentive Plan provides that a committee  designated by
the Board to administer  the 2006 Stock  Incentive  Plan (the  "Committee")  may
grant eligible employees  incentive stock options,  non-qualified stock options,
restricted stock awards and stock appreciation rights. All options and awards to
be  granted  under  the 2006  Stock  Incentive  Plan are  options  for or awards
relating  to  shares  of  Peapack-Gladstone's  common  stock.  "Incentive  stock
options"  to be granted  under the 2006 Stock  Incentive  Plan are  intended  to
constitute  "incentive  stock options"  within the meaning of Section 422 of the
Code. "Non-qualified stock options" are those options, which when granted or due
to subsequent disqualification, do not qualify as incentive stock options within
the meaning of Section 422 of the Code.



         In  approving  the 2006 Stock  Incentive  Plan,  the Board of Directors
provided for the issuance under the 2006 Stock Incentive Plan of 400,000 shares.
The  maximum  number of shares  that may be issued or  transferred  pursuant  to
options or awards for incentive stock options,  non-qualified  stock options and
stock appreciation rights will be 400,000.

         The  2006  Stock  Incentive  Plan  provides  that  the  Committee  will
conclusively  determine the  appropriate  adjustments,  if any, to the number of
shares  available and purchase price for stock options and awards in the case of
a change in  capitalization  (as defined in the 2006 Stock Incentive  Plan). Any
such adjustment to shares subject to outstanding incentive stock options will be
made in a manner as not to  constitute  a  modification  as  defined  by Section
425(h)(3) of the Code and only to the extent otherwise permitted by Sections 422
and 425 of the Code.

                            TERMINATION AND AMENDMENT

         The 2006 Stock  Incentive  Plan will terminate on the day preceding the
tenth anniversary of its effective date. However, the Board of Directors has the
right to terminate the 2006 Stock Incentive Plan at any time.

         The Board  also has the right to amend the 2006 Stock  Incentive  Plan.
However,  without the approval of Peapack-Gladstone's  shareholders no amendment
may be made to the 2006 Stock Incentive Plan if the amendment  would,  except as
provided under the 2006 Stock Incentive Plan for a change in capitalization, (a)
increase  the  maximum  number of shares as to which  options  or awards  may be
granted under the 2006 Stock  Incentive Plan, or (b) change the class of persons
eligible to participate.

         The rights under any option or award  granted  before any  amendment to
the 2006 Stock  Incentive Plan may not be adversely  affected by such amendment,
except with the consent of the optionee or grantee, as the case may be.


         The 2006 Stock  Incentive Plan will be  administered  by the Committee.
Each member of the Committee will be a non-employee director (as defined in Rule
16b-3  of the  Exchange  Act as it may be  amended  from  time to  time)  and an
"outside director" within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Code as it may be
amended from time to time. A majority of the Committee will  constitute a quorum
and a  majority  of a quorum  may  authorize  any  action.  No  failure to be so
qualified  shall  invalidate any option or award or any action or inaction under
the 2006 Stock Incentive Plan.

         The  Committee  will  have the  power to  identify  each  officer,  key
employee,  director or independent  contractor qualified to receive an option or
award (an  "optionee"  or "grantee,"  respectively)  and determine the number of
shares  subject  to each  option or  award,  the date of grant and the terms and
conditions governing the option or award provided,  however,  that all grants to
directors  must be approved by the full Board of  directors.  The  Committee (or
with  respect  to   directors,   the  Board)  will  also  be  charged  with  the
responsibility  of  interpreting  the 2006 Stock  Incentive  Plan and making all
administrative determinations.


         All officers,  key employees and directors of  Peapack-Gladstone or its
Subsidiaries  designated by the  Committee  (or with respect to  directors,  the
Board)  will be  eligible  to  receive  options  or awards  under the 2006 Stock
Incentive Plan ("eligible employees"),  but no person may receive any options or
awards  unless he is an  employee  of  Peapack-Gladstone  or a  Subsidiary  or a
director or independent contractor, at the time the option or award is granted.



         All options to be granted under the 2006 Stock  Incentive  Plan will be
for such term as the  Committee  (or,  with  respect  to  directors,  the Board)
determines,   provided  that  (i)  all  incentive  stock  options  will  not  be
exercisable  after the  expiration of ten years from the date granted,  and (ii)
all non-qualified  stock options will not be exercisable after the expiration of
ten years and one day from the date granted.  The Committee  may,  subsequent to
the  granting of any option,  extend the term  thereof but in no event shall the
term as so  extended  exceed the  maximum  term  provided  for in the  preceding
sentence.  The 2006 Stock  Incentive  Plan  provides  that any options which are
intended to be incentive  stock  options and are granted to an optionee who owns
more than 10% of Peapack-Gladstone's  common stock (a "ten-percent shareholder")
must have terms of five years or less. No incentive  options may be granted to a
director or independent contractor.


Purchase Price

         The 2006 Stock Incentive Plan provides that the purchase price shall be
set  forth  in  the  grant   agreement   between  the   eligible   employee  and
Peapack-Gladstone.  The  purchase  price per share  under each  incentive  stock
option  must not be less  than 100% of the fair  market  value of a share at the
time the  option  is  granted  (110% in the case of an  incentive  stock  option
granted to a ten-percent  shareholder).  The 2006 Stock  Incentive  Plan defines
"fair market value" on any date  generally,  as the last sale price  reported on
the American Stock Exchange.  On March 13, 2006, the last reported sale price of
Peapack-Gladstone common stock was $26.80.

         The 2006 Stock  Incentive  Plan  provides  that the purchase  price for
shares  purchased  pursuant to the  exercise of any option is payable in full at
the time of exercise.  The purchase  price may be paid in cash, by check,  or at
the  discretion of the  Committee (or with respect to directors,  the Board) and
upon such terms and conditions as the Committee  shall approve,  by transferring
shares to Peapack-Gladstone.

Exercise Period

         The  2006  Stock   Incentive  Plan  provides  that  if  a  non-director
optionee's  employment or service  terminates by reason of death or  disability,
the right of the optionee,  his or her estate,  beneficiary or representative to
exercise the options will terminate  three years  following such  termination of
employment.   If  the  termination  of  employment  is  due  to  the  optionee's
"retirement" (as defined in the 2006 Stock Incentive Plan), such options will be
exercisable for period of 90 days, in the case of incentive  stock options,  and
three  years,  in the  case  of  non-qualified  stock  options,  following  such
termination of employment.  If an optionee's employment or service is terminated
by the optionee, or terminates by reason of dismissal for "Cause" (as defined in
the 2006  Stock  Incentive  Plan)  the right of the  optionee  to  exercise  any
outstanding,  vested options will  terminate on the date of such  termination of
employment. If an optionee's employment or service terminates without cause, the
option will be  exercisable  for a period of 90 days  following  termination  of
employment,  except that if an  optionee's  employment  or service is terminated
without cause and within 12 months of a change in control, non-qualified options
will be exercisable  for three years  following the termination of employment or

         Upon death or termination of employment due to disability or retirement
(each  as  defined  in the  2006  Stock  Incentive  Plan),  all  options  become
immediately  and fully  exercisable  for three years (but not beyond the term of
the option).

         Upon the  termination of a director's  service as a member of the Board
for any reason other than disability, change in control or death, the director's
options shall be  exercisable  only as to those shares,  which were  immediately
exercisable  by the  director  at the date of  termination.  In the event of the
death,  retirement or disability of a director, all options held by the director
shall become immediately exercisable. Upon termination of the director's service
due to or within 12 months  after a change in control,  all options  held by the
director shall become  immediately  exercisable.  Options  granted to a director
shall  expire and no longer be  exercisable  upon the earlier of (i) one hundred
twenty  (120)  months  following  the date of  grant,  or (ii)  three  (3) years
following the date on which the director  ceases to serve as a director (for any
reason other than cause).

Change In Control Provisions

         In the event of a change  in  control  (as  defined  in the 2006  Stock
Incentive  Plan),  all options not held by directors  outstanding on the date of
such a change of control shall become  immediately  and fully  exercisable.  For
director  options,  following a change in  control,  all  options  shall  become
immediately  exercisable and shall expire on the earlier of 120 months following
the date of grant or three years  following  the  termination  of service on the

         Following a change in control, the Board, in its sole discretion, shall
have the right to  terminate  all options and awards and pay to the optionee the
value of such options and awards.



         All stock  appreciation  rights  available for issuance  under the 2006
Stock  Incentive Plan will be for such term as the Committee (or with respect to
directors, the Board) determines.  If granted in connection with an option, such
stock  appreciation  right will cover the same shares  covered by the option (or
such lesser number of shares as the Committee (or with respect to directors, the
Board) may determine) and, except as provided below, be subject to the same term
as the related option.



         The 2006 Stock Incentive Plan provides that a stock  appreciation right
granted in connection  with an option is exercisable  only at such time or times
and to the  extent  that  the  related  option  is  exercisable.  If such  stock
appreciation  right  is  connected  to an  incentive  stock  option  it  will be
exercisable  only if the fair  market  value of a share on the date of  exercise
exceeds the purchase price of the related incentive stock option. The 2006 Stock
Incentive Plan provides that a stock  appreciation  right unrelated to an option
will  contain  such  terms and  conditions  as to  exercisability,  vesting  and
duration  as the  Committee  (or,  with  respect to  directors,  the Board) will
determine,  but in no event  shall they have a term of  greater  than ten years.
Upon the death,  disability,  or retirement of a grantee, all stock appreciation
rights become  immediately  exercisable.  Upon the retirement of a grantee,  the
stock  appreciation  rights held by the grantee will be exercisable for a period
of 90 days  following  such  termination  of  employment.  Other  exercise terms
generally parallel those applicable to options.


         The 2006 Stock  Incentive  Plan  provides that upon exercise of a stock
appreciation  right  related to an option  the  grantee  will  receive an amount
determined by multiplying  (A) the excess of fair market value of a share on the
date of exercise of such stock  appreciation  right over the per share  purchase
price  under the  related  option,  by (B) the number of shares as to which such
stock appreciation right is being exercised.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
Committee (or, with respect to directors, the Board) may limit in any manner the
amount payable with respect to any stock  appreciation right by including such a
limit in the agreement evidencing the stock appreciation right at the time it is
granted.  The 2006 Stock  Incentive  Plan provides that upon exercise of a stock
appreciation  right  unrelated  to an option the grantee  will receive an amount
determined by multiplying  (A) the excess of fair market value of a share on the
date of exercise of such stock appreciation right over the per share fair market
value of a share on the date of the grant of the stock  appreciation  right,  by
(B) the  number of shares as to which  such  stock  appreciation  right is being
exercised.  The  Committee  (or,  with  respect  to  directors,  the  Board) has
discretion to make such payments either solely in shares of  Peapack-Gladstone's
common  stock in a number  determined  at their fair market value on the date of
exercise of the stock  appreciation right or in cash or in a combination of cash
and shares.


         The 2006 Stock Incentive Plan provides that no stock appreciation right
may be exercised before the date six months after the date it is granted, except
in the event of death or disability of the grantee  before the expiration of the
six-month period.

Change In Control

         In the  event of a  change  in  control,  subject  to the  restrictions
immediately  above, all stock  appreciation  rights shall become immediately and
fully exercisable.


Terms And Conditions

         The 2006 Stock  Incentive Plan provides that upon granting a restricted
stock award an  agreement  between the  grantee and  Peapack-Gladstone  will set
forth the  restrictions,  terms, and conditions of the award. Such agreement may
require that an  appropriate  legend be placed on share  certificates.  Upon the
grant of the  restricted  stock,  the  shares  will be issued in the name of the
grantee as soon as reasonably  practicable  after the purchase price, if any, is
paid,  and  such  shares  will  be  deposited  with  the  escrow  agent  pending
termination of the  restrictions  which apply thereto.  The 2006 Stock Incentive
Plan provides that upon delivery of such shares to the escrow agent, the grantee
will have all rights of a shareholder with respect to the shares,  including the
right to vote and the right to receive all  dividends  paid or made with respect
to the shares, unless the Committee (or, with respect to directors,  the Board),
in its discretion, determines that such payment of dividends should be deferred.

         In the event of any stock dividend or stock split on restricted  stock,
new shares  issued to the  eligible  employee  will  remain  subject to the same


         At the time of an award of shares of  restricted  stock,  the Committee
(or, with respect to  directors,  the Board) may, in its  discretion,  determine
that the payment to the grantee of dividends,  or a specified  portion  thereof,
declared  or paid on shares of  restricted  stock by  Peapack-Gladstone  will be
deferred  until the  earlier  to occur of (i) the  lapsing  of the  restrictions
imposed upon such shares, in which case such dividends shall be paid over to the
grantee,  or (ii) the  forfeiture  of such  shares in which case such  dividends
shall be forfeited to  Peapack-Gladstone,  and such  dividends  shall be held by
Peapack-Gladstone  for the account of the grantee  until such time. In the event
of such  deferral,  interest  shall be credited on the amount of such  dividends
held by  Peapack-Gladstone  for the account of the grantee  from time to time at
such rate per annum as the Committee (or, with respect to directors, the Board),
in its discretion, may determine.  Payment of deferred dividends,  together with
interest  accrued  thereon  as  aforesaid,  will be made or  forfeited  upon the
earlier to occur of the events specified in (i) and (ii).


         The 2006 Stock Incentive Plan provides that the  restrictions  upon the
shares of  restricted  stock  will  lapse at the time or times and on the terms,
conditions and  satisfaction of performance  criteria as the Committee (or, with
respect  to  directors,  the  Board)  determines  as  may be  set  forth  in the
agreement.  Such  restrictions will only lapse if the grantee on the date of the
lapse is then and has continuously  been an employee of  Peapack-Gladstone  or a
Subsidiary  from the date the  award  was  granted.  In the event of a change in
control,  all restrictions upon any shares of restricted stock lapse immediately
and all  such  shares  become  fully  vested  in the  grantee.  In the  event of
termination  of employment  as a result of death,  disability or retirement of a
grantee,  all  restrictions  upon  shares of  restricted  stock  awarded to such
grantee will  immediately  lapse.  The Committee (or, with respect to directors,
the Board) may also decide at any time in its  absolute  discretion  and on such
terms  and  conditions  as  it  deems  appropriate,  to  remove  or  modify  the
restrictions  upon shares of restricted  stock  awarded.  When the  restrictions
lapse,  Peapack-Gladstone  will  deliver to the  grantee a  certificate  for the
number of shares of common  stock  without  any legend or  restrictions  (except
those required by federal or state  securities laws) equivalent to the number of
shares of restricted stock for which the restrictions have terminated.


         The following is a summary of the federal  income tax  consequences  of
transactions  under the 2006 Stock Incentive  Plan,  based on federal income tax
laws  in  effect  on  January  1,  2006.  This  summary  is not  intended  to be
comprehensive and does not describe state or local income tax consequences.

         Pursuant to the 2006 Stock  Incentive Plan,  eligible  employees may be
granted the following  benefits:  incentive stock options,  non-qualified  stock
options, stock appreciation rights and restricted stock awards.

         Incentive Stock Options.  No income is realized by an optionee upon the
grant or exercise of an incentive  stock  option.  If shares of common stock are
transferred to an optionee upon the exercise of an incentive  stock option,  and
if no  disqualifying  disposition of such shares is made by such optionee within
two years  after the date of grant of the  option or within  one year  after the
transfer of such shares to such optionee,  then (1) upon the sale or exchange of
such shares,  any amount realized in excess of the option exercise price will be
taxed to such optionee as a long-term  capital gain and any loss  sustained will
be treated as a long-term  capital loss, and (2) no deduction will be allowed to
Peapack-Gladstone for federal income tax purposes.  The exercise of an incentive
stock  option  will give rise to an item of tax  preference  that may  result in
alternative minimum tax liability for the optionee.

         If common stock acquired upon the exercise of an incentive stock option
is  disposed  of prior to two years  after the grant  date or one year after the
exercise  date,  generally  (1) the optionee  will realize  compensation  (i.e.,
ordinary income) in the year of disposition in an amount equal to the excess (if
any) of the fair market value of such shares at exercise (or if less, the amount
realized on the  disposition  of such  shares,  if the shares are disposed of by
sale or exchange) over the option  exercise price paid for such shares,  and (2)
Peapack-Gladstone  will be entitled to deduct the amount of compensation income,
which was taxed to the  optionee  for  federal  income tax  purposes  and if the
amount   represents   an   ordinary   and   necessary    business   expense   of
Peapack-Gladstone  (the  "ordinary  and necessary  test").  Any further gain (or
loss) realized by the optionee will be taxed as short-term or long-term  capital
gain (or  loss),  as the case may be, and will not  result in any  deduction  by

         If an  incentive  stock  option is  exercised  more than  three  months
following  the  termination  of  employment,  the  exercise  of the option  will
generally be taxed in the same manner as the exercise of a  non-qualified  stock
option,  except  if the  termination  is due to the death or  disability  of the
employee  where the options are exercised for up to a year after  termination of
employment  by death or  disability,  the options will retain the  favorable tax
treatment for incentive options.


         Options are eligible for favorable  tax treatment as incentive  options
only to the extent that not more than  $100,000 in fair market value at the time
of grant (generally measured by the exercise price) first becomes exercisable in
any one calendar year.  For purposes of this rule,  option grants are aggregated
and a series of option grants over several years may in the aggregate  result in
more than $100,000 of options that first became  exercisable in any one calendar
year. Moreover,  options that accelerate in the event of a change-in-control may
also cause more than  $100,000 of options to become  exercisable  in the year of
acceleration.  If more than $100,000 of options first becomes exercisable in any
one year,  the  excess  options  are  non-qualified  options  regardless  of the
characterization in the grant agreement.

         Non-Qualified  Stock  Options.  Except as noted  below,  in the case of
non-qualified  stock  options:  (1) no income is realized by the optionee at the
time the  option  is  granted;  (2) the  optionee  realizes  ordinary  income at
exercise in an amount equal to the difference  between the option exercise price
paid for the  shares  and the fair  market  value of the  shares  on the date of
exercise;  (3)  Peapack-Gladstone  is entitled to a federal income tax deduction
equal to the amount of income taxed to the optionee, subject to the ordinary and
necessary  test;  and (4) upon  disposition  of the  common  stock  acquired  by
exercise of the option,  appreciation (or depreciation) occurring after the date
of exercise is treated as either short-term or long-term capital gain (or loss),
depending on the recipient's holding period of the shares.

         Stock  Appreciation  Rights. No income will be realized by a grantee in
connection  with the  grant of a stock  appreciation  right.  When the  right is
exercised,  the grantee generally will be required to include in gross income as
ordinary  income in the year of exercise  an amount  equal to the amount of cash
received and the fair market value of any shares of common stock received on the
exercise.  At the same time,  Peapack-Gladstone  will be entitled to a deduction
for federal  income tax purposes  equal to the amount  included in the grantee's
gross income by reason of the exercise, subject to satisfaction of the reporting
requirements and the ordinary and necessary test.

         Upon  disposition of common stock acquired upon the exercise of a stock
appreciation right,  appreciation (or depreciation)  occurring after the date of
exercise  will be treated as either  short-term  or  long-term  capital gain (or
loss), depending on the recipient's holding period of the shares.

         Restricted Stock Awards. A recipient of restricted stock generally will
not be subject to tax at the time the restricted stock is received,  but it will
be subject to tax at ordinary  income rates on the excess of: 1) the fair market
value of the  restricted  stock  when  the  restricted  stock  is  first  either
transferable  or not subject to a substantial  risk of  forfeiture,  over 2) the
amount (if any) paid for the stock by the recipient. However, a recipient who so
elects under Section 83(b) of the Code within 30 days of the date of transfer of
the shares will recognize  taxable ordinary income in the year of receipt of the
shares equal to the excess of the fair market value of such shares of restricted
stock  at  the  time  of  such  transfer   (determined  without  regard  to  the
restrictions)  over the purchase price (if any) of such restricted  stock.  Upon
the  subsequent  sale or exchange of such stock,  the recipient  will  recognize
capital gain or loss measured by the difference  between the amount  realized on
the disposition and the basis of the restricted stock,  which will equal the sum
of the amount paid for the stock,  plus the amount included in gross income upon
the transfer.

         If the  restricted  shares  subject  to a Section  83(b)  election  are
forfeited  before they are vested,  the  recipient  may be entitled to a capital
loss for federal income tax purposes equal to the purchase price (if any) of the
forfeited shares,  but the recipient will not be entitled to a loss with respect
to any income recognized as a result of the Section 83(b) election.

         With respect to the sale of the shares after the forfeiture  period has
expired,  the holding period to determine whether the recipient has long-term or
short-term  capital gain or loss generally begins when the  restrictions  expire
and the tax basis of such  shares  will  generally  be based on the fair  market
value of such shares on such date. However, if the recipient timely elects to be
taxed as of the date of the transfer of shares,  the holding period commences on
such date and the tax basis will be equal to the fair market value of the shares
on such date (determined  without regard to the  restrictions).  The recipient's
employer  generally will be entitled to a deduction  equal to the amount that is
taxable  as  ordinary  income to the  recipient,  subject  to the  ordinary  and
necessary test.

         Dividends  on  Restricted   Stock.   Dividends  on   restricted   stock
transferred  to a participant  in the 2006 Stock  Incentive  Plan which are paid
prior to the time such stock  becomes  vested or  transferable  by the recipient
will generally be treated as compensation which is taxable as ordinary income to
the  participant  and  will  be  deductible  by  Peapack-Gladstone,  subject  to
satisfaction of the reporting  requirements and the ordinary and necessary test.
However,  if the  recipient of  restricted  stock makes a timely  Section  83(b)
election with respect to the stock, dividends paid on such stock will be treated
as dividend  income,  which is taxable to the recipient at a lower tax rate than
the ordinary income tax rate, but will not be deductible by Peapack-Gladstone.


         Stock  Swaps.  The  2006  Stock  Incentive  Plan  provides  that,  with
Peapack-Gladstone's permission, an optionee may transfer previously owned shares
to  Peapack-Gladstone  to satisfy the  purchase  price under an option (a "stock
swap").  Generally,  if an optionee utilizes previously owned shares to purchase
shares upon the exercise of an incentive  stock  option,  the optionee  will not
realize any gain upon the exchange of the old shares for the new shares and will
carry over into the same number of new shares the basis and  holding  period for
the old shares.  If the  optionee  purchases  more shares than the number of old
shares  surrendered in the stock swap, the incremental number of shares received
in the stock swap will have a basis of zero and a holding  period  beginning  on
the date of the exercise of the incentive  stock  option.  If,  however,  shares
acquired  through the exercise of an incentive  stock option are used in a stock
swap prior to the end of the  statutory  holding  period  applicable  to the old
shares,  the stock swap will constitute a  disqualifying  disposition of the old
shares,   resulting  in  the  immediate  recognition  of  ordinary  income.  See
"Incentive Stock Options," above.

         If a stock swap is used to exercise a  nonqualified  stock option,  the
use of old  shares to pay the  purchase  price of an equal  number of new shares
generally  will be tax-free to the  optionee,  and the optionee  will carry over
into the new shares the basis and holding period of the old shares.  However, if
more shares are acquired than  surrendered,  the incremental  shares received in
the stock swap will generally be taxed as compensation income in an amount equal
to their fair market value at the time of the stock swap. The  Optionee's  basis
in those additional shares will be their fair market value taken into account in
quantifying the Optionee's  compensation  income and the holding period for such
shares will begin on the date of the stock swap.

Ordinary Income Tax Consequences

         Capital Gains.  Under current law, a taxpayer's net capital gain (i.e.,
the amount by which the  taxpayer's  net long-term  capital gains exceed his net
short-term capital losses) from a sale of shares is subject to a maximum federal
income  tax rate of 15% if the  shares  have been held for more than 12  months.
Capital  losses  are  currently   deductible   against   capital  gains  without
limitation,  but are currently  deductible  against  ordinary income in any year
only to the extent of $3,000 ($1,500 in the case of a married  individual filing
a separate return).  Capital losses which are not currently deductible by reason
of the foregoing limitation may be carried forward to future years.

         Ordinary Income Tax.  Ordinary income earned by reason of non-qualified
stock options and restricted stock is subject to tax at rates as high as 35% and
also subject to FICA (Social Security and Medicare).

                       2006 STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN BENEFITS

         There  were  approximately  94  officers  and 147  other  employees  of
Peapack-Gladstone  and its  Subsidiaries  as of December 31,  2005.  Because the
Committee has full  discretion  to determine who is a key employee,  there is no
way to predict how many employees may ultimately receive awards or options under
the 2006 Stock  Incentive  Plan or  determine in advance the benefits or amounts
that will be received  in the future by or  allocated  to  specific  officers or
employees, or groups thereof under the 2006 Stock Incentive Plan. No officers or
other  employees have received  awards or will receive awards before the date of
the shareholder meeting.

                             EQUITY COMPENSATION PLAN INFORMATION AT DECEMBER 31, 2005

                                                                                                      Number of securities
                                 Number of securities to be       Weighted-average exercise         remaining available for
                                  issued upon exercise of       price of outstanding options,     future issuance under equity
                               outstanding options, warrants         warrants and rights             (excluding securities
       Plan Category                   and rights (a)              compensation plans (b)          Reflected in column (a)) (c)
-----------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------  ---------------------------------

Equity compensation
  plans approved by
  security holders                         638,893                            $22.70                           84,666

Equity compensation
  plans not approved by
  security holders                               0                                --                                0
                               -------------------------------  ------------------------------  ---------------------------------

           Total                           638,893                            $22.70                           84,666
                               ===============================  ==============================  =================================


Recommendation and Vote Required on Proposal 2

         Approval of the 2006 Stock Incentive Plan requires the affirmative vote
of a majority of the votes cast on  Proposal  2,  whether in person or by proxy.


         The Audit  Committee  of the Board of Directors  appointed  KPMG LLP as
independent  registered  public  accounting firm to examine  Peapack-Gladstone's
consolidated  financial  statements for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2005
and to render other professional services as required.

         Aggregate  fees billed by  Peapack-Gladstone's  independent  registered
public  accounting firm, KPMG LLP, for audit services related to the most recent
two fiscal years, and for other professional  services billed in the most recent
two fiscal years, were as follows:

                Type of Service                   2005       2004
                ---------------                   ----       ----

                Audit Fees (1)                 $190,000    $245,000
                Audit-Related Fees (2)           23,000      22,000
                Tax Fees (3)                      4,500      36,900
                All Other Fees                       --          --
                Total                          $217,500    $303,900

(1)  Comprised of the audit of  Peapack-Gladstone's  annual financial statements
     and reviews of Peapack-Gladstone's  quarterly financial statements, as well
     as statutory audits of Peapack-Gladstone's  Subsidiaries,  attest services,
     and consents to SEC filings. Also includes the audit of Peapack-Gladstone's
     internal control over financial reporting.
(2)  Comprised of fees for audit of retirement and 401(k) plans.
(3)  Comprised  of services  for tax  compliance,  tax return  preparation,  tax
     advice, and tax planning.


         The  Audit  Committee  has  adopted  a  formal  policy  concerning  the
pre-approval  of audit and non-audit  services to be provided by the independent
registered public accounting firm to Peapack-Gladstone. The policy requires that
all  services  to be  performed  by KPMG  LLP,  Peapack-Gladstone's  independent
registered  public  accounting  firm,  including audit  services,  audit-related
services  and  permitted  non-audit  services,  be  pre-approved  by  the  Audit
Committee. Specific services being provided by the independent registered public
accounting  firm are  regularly  reviewed in  accordance  with the  pre-approval
policy. At subsequent Audit Committee  meetings,  the Committee receives updates
on  the  services  actually  provided  by  the  independent   registered  public
accounting  firm, and management may present  additional  services for approval.
All services  rendered by KPMG LLP are  permissible  under  applicable  laws and
regulations.  Each new  engagement  of KPMG LLP was  approved  in advance by the
Audit Committee.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

         New Jersey  corporate  law  requires  that the notice of  shareholders'
meeting  (for  either a regular  or  special  meeting)  specify  the  purpose or
purposes of such meeting. Thus, any substantive proposals, including shareholder
proposals,  must be referred to in  Peapack-Gladstone's  notice of shareholders'
meeting  for  such   proposal  to  be  properly   considered  at  a  meeting  of

         Proposals of shareholders which are eligible under the rules of the SEC
to be included in Peapack-Gladstone's year 2007 proxy materials must be received
by the Secretary of Peapack-Gladstone no later than November 25, 2006.

         If  Peapack-Gladstone  changes its 2007 Annual  Meeting  date to a date
more than 30 days from the date of its 2006 Annual  Meeting,  then the  deadline
referred to in the  preceding  paragraph  will be changed to a  reasonable  time
before  Peapack-Gladstone  begins  to print  and mail its  proxy  materials.  If
Peapack-Gladstone  changes the date of its 2007 Annual  Meeting in a manner that
alters the deadline,  Peapack-Gladstone  will so state under Item 5 of the first
quarterly  report  on Form 10-Q it files  with the SEC after the date  change or
notify its shareholders by another reasonable means.



         The Board of Directors  knows of no business that will be presented for
consideration  at the meeting  other than that  stated in this proxy  statement.
Should any other  matter  properly  come before the  meeting or any  adjournment
thereof,  it is  intended  that  proxies in the  enclosed  form will be voted in
respect  thereof in accordance with the judgment of the person or persons voting
the proxies.


                       By Order of the Board of Directors

                                FRANK A. KISSEL,

Gladstone, New Jersey
March 24, 2006



                                    EXHIBIT A

                       2006 LONG-TERM STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN
                    (Adopted by Directors January 12, 2006) )
                    (Adopted by Shareholders April __, 2006)

1.    Purpose.  The purpose of the Plan is to provide  additional  incentive  to
      those officers,  key employees and independent  contractors of the Company
      and its Subsidiaries, and certain members of the Board of Directors of the
      Company  whose  substantial  contributions  are essential to the continued
      growth and success of the Company's  business in order to strengthen their
      commitment to the Company and its Subsidiaries, to motivate such officers,
      employees,   independent  contractors  and  Directors  to  faithfully  and
      diligently  perform  their  assigned  responsibilities  and to attract and
      retain  competent and dedicated  individuals  whose efforts will result in
      the long-term growth and profitability of the Company.  To accomplish such
      purposes,  the Plan  provides that the Company may grant  Incentive  Stock
      Options,  Nonqualified  Stock Options,  Restricted  Stock Awards and Stock
      Appreciation Rights.

2.    Definitions. For purposes of this Plan:

      (a)   "Agreement"  means the written  agreement between the Company and an
            Optionee or Grantee  evidencing  the grant of an Option or Award and
            setting forth the terms and conditions thereof.

      (b)   "Award"  means a grant of  Restricted  Stock  or Stock  Appreciation
            Rights, or either or both of them.

      (c)   "Bank" means Peapack-Gladstone Bank, a Subsidiary.

      (d)   "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

      (e)   "Cause"  means an  intentional  failure  to perform  stated  duties,
            breach of a fiduciary duty involving personal dishonesty, or willful
            violation  of any  law,  rule  or  regulation  (other  than  traffic
            violations  or similar  offenses) or final  cease-and-desist  order.
            Notwithstanding  anything else herein to the contrary,  in the event
            that an employee,  Director or independent  contractor is terminated
            or removed for Cause, or resigns at a time when Cause exists, or if,
            following termination,  resignation or removal it is determined that
            Cause  existed  at the  time of  such  termination,  resignation  or
            removal,  then any and all Options and Awards will  automatically be
            terminated  and void as of the date that Cause arose,  and no notice
            to that effect is required in order to effect that result.

      (f)   "Change in Capitalization" means any increase,  reduction, change or
            exchange of Shares for a different number or kind of shares or other
            securities   of  the  Company  by  reason  of  a   reclassification,
            recapitalization, merger, consolidation, reorganization, issuance of
            warrants or rights,  stock  dividend,  stock split or reverse  stock
            split,  combination  or  exchange of shares,  repurchase  of shares,
            change in corporate structure or otherwise.

      (g)   "Change  in  Control"  means  an event  of a  nature  that:  (1) any
            "person"  (as the term is used in  Sections  13(d)  and 14(d) of the
            Exchange Act) who is not now  presently but becomes the  "beneficial
            owner" (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange  Act),  directly
            or indirectly, of securities of the Company representing 25% or more
            of the Company's  outstanding  securities  except for any securities
            purchased by any tax-qualified employee benefit plan of the Company;
            or (2)  individuals who constitute the Board on the date hereof (the
            "Incumbent  Board")  cease for any reason to  constitute  at least a
            majority  thereof,  provided  that any  person  becoming  a director
            subsequent to the date hereof whose  election was approved by a vote
            of at least three-quarters of the directors comprising the Incumbent
            Board,   or  whose   nomination   for  election  by  the   Company's
            stockholders was approved by the same Nominating  Committee  serving
            under an Incumbent Board, shall be, for purposes of this clause (2),
            considered as though he were a member of the Incumbent Board; or (3)
            consummation   of  regulatory   approval  to  implement  a  plan  of
            reorganization,  merger, consolidation, sale of all or substantially
            all the assets of the  Company or similar  transaction  in which the
            Company  is  not  the  resulting   entity  or  such  plan,   merger,
            consolidation,  sale or similar  transaction  occurs; or (4) a proxy
            statement  soliciting proxies from shareholders of the Company shall
            be distributed  by someone other than the current  management of the
            Company,  seeking stockholder  approval


            of a plan of reorganization,  merger or consolidation of the Company
            or similar  transaction with one or more corporations as a result of
            which the outstanding shares of the class of securities then subject
            to the plan or transaction  are exchanged for or converted into cash
            or property or securities not issued by the Company; or (5) a tender
            offer  is  made  for 25% or more  of the  voting  securities  of the

      (h)   "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

      (i)   "Committee"  means a committee  consisting solely of two (2) or more
            directors who are  Non-Employee  Directors (as defined in Rule 16b-3
            of the  Exchange  Act as it may be amended from time to time) of the
            Company and outside  directors as defined pursuant to Section 162(m)
            of the Code (as it may be amended  from time to time)  appointed  by
            the Board to  administer  the Plan and to perform the  functions set
            forth  herein.  Directors  appointed  by the Board to the  Committee
            shall have the authority to act notwithstanding the failure to be so

      (j)   "Company"  means  Peapack-Gladstone  Financial  Corporation,  a  New
            Jersey corporation.

      (k)   "Director" means a member of the Board who is not also serving as an
            employee of the Company.

      (l)   "Disability"  means the permanent  and total  inability by reason of
            mental or physical infirmity,  or both, of an employee,  independent
            contractor or Director to perform the work  customarily  assigned to
            him.  Additionally,  a medical  doctor  selected  or approved by the
            Board must advise the  Committee  that it is either not  possible to
            determine  when such  Disability  will  terminate or that it appears
            probable that such Disability will be permanent during the remainder
            of the individual's lifetime.

      (m)   "Eligible  Employee"  means any officer or other key employee of the
            Company or a Subsidiary  designated  by the Committee as eligible to
            receive  Options  or  Awards  subject  to the  conditions  set forth

      (n)   "Escrow  Agent" means the escrow  agent under the Escrow  Agreement,
            designated by the Committee. The Bank may be appointed as the Escrow

      (o)   "Escrow  Agreement"  means an  agreement  between the  Company,  the
            Escrow Agent and a Grantee,  in the form specified by the Committee,
            under which shares of Restricted Stock awarded pursuant hereto shall
            be  held by the  Escrow  Agent  until  either  (a) the  restrictions
            relating to such shares  expire and the shares are  delivered to the
            Grantee or (b) the Company reacquires the shares pursuant hereto and
            the shares are delivered to the Company.

      (p)   "Exchange  Act"  means  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  as

      (q)   "Fair  Market  Value"  means the fair market  value of the Shares as
            determined  by the  Committee  in  its  sole  discretion;  provided,
            however,  that (A) if the Shares are  admitted to  quotation  on the
            National  Association  of  Securities  Dealers  Automated  Quotation
            System ("NASDAQ") or other comparable quotation system and have been
            designated as a National Market System ("NMS") security, Fair Market
            Value on any date  shall be the last  sale  price  reported  for the
            Shares on such system on such date or on the last day preceding such
            date on which a sale was reported, (B) if the Shares are admitted to
            quotation  on NASDAQ and have not been  designated  a NMS  security,
            Fair  Market  Value on any date shall be the  average of the highest
            bid and lowest  asked  prices of the  Shares on such  system on such
            date,  or (C) if the  Shares are  admitted  to trading on a national
            securities exchange, Fair Market Value on any date shall be the last
            sale price  reported for the Shares on such exchange on such date or
            on the last date preceding such date on which a sale was reported.

      (r)   "Grantee" means a person to whom an Award has been granted under the

      (s)   "Incentive  Stock  Option"  means an Option  within  the  meaning of
            Section 422 of the Code.

      (t)   "Nonqualified  Stock  Option"  means  an  Option  which  is  not  an
            Incentive Stock Option.


      (u)   "Option"  means an Incentive  Stock  Option,  a  Nonqualified  Stock
            Option, or either or both of them.

      (v)   "Optionee"  means a person to whom an Option has been granted  under
            the Plan.

      (w)   "Parent" means any  corporation in an unbroken chain of corporations
            ending with the Company,  if each of the corporations other than the
            Company  owns  stock  possessing  50% or more of the total  combined
            voting   power  of  all  classes  of  stock  of  one  of  the  other
            corporations in such chain.

      (x)   "Plan"  means  the  Peapack-Gladstone   Financial  Corporation  2006
            Long-Term  Stock  Incentive Plan as set forth in this instrument and
            as it may be amended from time to time.

      (y)   "Restricted Stock" means Shares issued or transferred to an Eligible
            Employee or Director which are subject to  restrictions  as provided
            in Section 8 hereof.

      (z)   "Retirement"  means the  retirement  from  active  employment  of an
            employee  or  officer,  but  only if such  person  meets  all of the
            following requirements: (i) he has a minimum combined total of years
            of service to the Company or any  Subsidiary  (excluding  service to
            any acquired  company) and age equal to eighty (80),  (ii) he is age
            sixty-two (62) or older,  and (iii) he provides six (6) months prior
            written notice to the Company of the retirement.  For Directors, the
            term  "Retirement"  shall mean the date on which the Director ceases
            to be a member of the Board after both  attaining age sixty (60) and
            completing at least ten (10) years of service on the Board.

      (aa)  "Shares"  means the common  stock,  no par  value,  of  the  Company
            (including  any new,  additional  or different  stock or  securities
            resulting from a Change in Capitalization).

      (ab)  "Stock  Appreciation  Right"  means a right to  receive  all or some
            portion of the  increase  in the value of shares of Common  Stock as
            provided in Section 7 hereof.

      (ac)  "Subsidiary"   means  any   corporation  in  an  unbroken  chain  of
            corporations,   beginning   with  the   Company,   if  each  of  the
            corporations  other than the last  corporation in the unbroken chain
            owns stock possessing 50% or more of the total combined voting power
            of all  classes  of stock in one of the other  corporations  in such

      (ad)  "Successor  Corporation"  means  a  corporation,   or  a  parent  or
            subsidiary  thereof,  which  issues or  assumes a stock  option in a
            transaction to which Section 425(a) of the Code applies.

      (ae)  "Ten-Percent  Shareholder" means an eligible  Employee,  who, at the
            time an Incentive Stock Option is to be granted to him, owns (within
            the meaning of Section  422(b)(6) of the Code) stock possessing more
            than ten percent  (10%) of the total  combined  voting  power of all
            classes of stock of the Company, a Parent or a Subsidiary within the
            meaning of Section 422(b)(6) of the Code.

3.    Administration.

      (a)   The Plan shall be  administered  by the  Committee  which shall hold
            meetings  at  such  times  as  may  be  necessary   for  the  proper
            administration  of the Plan. The Committee shall keep minutes of its
            meetings.  A majority of the Committee shall constitute a quorum and
            a majority of a quorum may authorize any action.  Each member of the
            Committee shall be a Non-Employee Director (as defined in Rule 16b-3
            of the  Exchange  Act as it may be amended from time to time) and an
            outside  director as defined  pursuant to Section 162(m) of the Code
            as it  may be  amended  from  time  to  time.  No  failure  to be so
            qualified  shall  invalidate  any  Option or Award or any  action or
            inaction  under  the  Plan.  No  member  of the  Committee  shall be
            personally  liable for any action,  determination or  interpretation
            made in good faith  with  respect  to the Plan,  the  Options or the
            Awards,  and all members of the Committee shall be fully indemnified
            by the Company  with respect to any such  action,  determination  or


      Subject  to the  express  terms  and  conditions  set  forth  herein,  the
      Committee shall have the power from time to time:

      (1)   to determine  those  Eligible  Employees  to whom  Options  shall be
            granted  under the Plan and the number of  Incentive  Stock  Options
            and/or Nonqualified  Options to be granted to each eligible Employee
            and to  prescribe  the  terms  and  conditions  (which  need  not be
            identical) of each Option, including the purchase price per share of
            each Option;

      (2)   to select those  Eligible  Employees to whom Awards shall be granted
            under the Plan and to determine  the number of shares of  Restricted
            Stock and/or  Stock  Appreciation  Rights to be granted  pursuant to
            each Award,  the terms and  conditions of each Award,  including the
            restrictions  or  performance  criteria  relating  to such shares or
            rights,  the purchase price per share,  if any, of Restricted  Stock
            and whether  Stock  Appreciation  Rights will be granted alone or in
            conjunction with an Option;

      (3)   to  construe  and  interpret  the Plan and the  Options  and  Awards
            granted  thereunder  and to  establish,  amend and revoke  rules and
            regulations for the administration of the Plan,  including,  but not
            limited to,  correcting  any defect or supplying  any  omission,  or
            reconciling any  inconsistency  in the Plan or in any Agreement,  in
            the manner and to the extent it shall deem necessary or advisable to
            make the Plan fully effective,  and all decisions and determinations
            by the  Committee  in the  exercise of this power shall be final and
            binding  upon the Company or a  Subsidiary,  the  Optionees  and the
            Grantees, as the case may be;

      (4)   to determine  the duration and purposes for leaves of absence  which
            may be granted to an  Optionee  or Grantee  without  constituting  a
            termination of employment or service for purposes of the Plan;

      (5)   generally,  to exercise  such powers and to perform such acts as are
            deemed  necessary or advisable to promote the best  interests of the
            Company with respect to the Plan.

      Subject to the terms and conditions  set forth herein,  the Committee may,
      from  time to time,  recommend  the  grant of  Options  and  Awards to the
      Directors in such numbers and upon such terms as it deems appropriate, but
      all such grants must be approved by the Company's Board of Directors.

4.    Stock Subject to Plan.

      (a)   The  maximum  number  of Shares  that may be  issued or  transferred
            pursuant to all Options and Awards  under this Plan is 400,000.  The
            maximum number of Shares that may be issued or transferred  pursuant
            to Options or Awards for  Incentive  Stock Options shall be 400,000.
            Upon a Change in  Capitalization  after the adoption of this Plan by
            the Board,  the Shares  shall be  adjusted to the number and kind of
            Shares of stock or other  securities  existing  after such Change in

      (b)   Whenever  any  outstanding  Option or portion  thereof  expires,  is
            cancelled or is otherwise  terminated (other than by exercise of the
            Option or any  related  Stock  Appreciation  Right),  the  shares of
            Common Stock allocable to the unexercised portion of such Option may
            again be the subject of Options and Awards hereunder.

      (c)   Whenever any Shares  subject to an Award or Option are resold to the
            Company,  or are forfeited  for any reason  pursuant to the terms of
            the Plan, such Shares may again be the subject of Options and Awards

5.    Eligibility.  Subject to the  provisions of the Plan,  the Committee  (or,
      with respect to Directors,  the Board) shall have full and final authority
      to select those Eligible  Employees and  independent  contractors who will
      receive Options and/or Awards,  but no person shall receive any Options or
      Awards unless he or she is an employee of the Company or a Subsidiary,  or
      a Director or independent  contractor,  at the time the Option or Award is

6.    Stock Options.  The Committee  (or, with respect to Directors,  the Board)
      may grant Options in accordance with the Plan, the terms and conditions of
      which shall be set forth in an Agreement. Each Option and Option Agreement
      shall be subject to the following conditions:


      (a)   Purchase  Price.  The  purchase  price or the  manner  in which  the
            purchase  price is to be  determined  for Shares  under each  Option
            shall be set  forth in the  Agreement,  provided  that the  purchase
            price per Share under each Incentive  Stock Option shall not be less
            than 100% of the Fair Market Value of a Share at the time the Option
            is granted (110% in the case of an Incentive Stock Option granted to
            a Ten-Percent  Shareholder) and each Nonqualified Stock Option shall
            not be less  than  100% of the Fair  Market  Value of a Share at the
            time the  Option  is  granted.  Incentive  Stock  Options  cannot be
            granted to Directors or independent contractors.

      (b)   Duration.  Options  granted  hereunder shall be for such term as the
            Committee  shall  determine,  provided  that (i) no Incentive  Stock
            Option shall be  exercisable  after the expiration of ten (10) years
            from  the  date it is  granted  (five  (5)  years  in the case of an
            Incentive  Stock Option  granted to a Ten-Percent  Shareholder)  and
            (ii) no  Nonqualified  Stock Option shall be  exercisable  after the
            expiration  of ten  (10)  years  and one (1) day from the date it is

      (c)   Non-Transferability.   No   Option   granted   hereunder   shall  be
            transferable by the Optionee to whom granted  otherwise than by will
            or the  laws of  descent  and  distribution,  and an  Option  may be
            exercised  during the lifetime of such Optionee only by the Optionee
            or his  guardian or legal  representative.  The terms of such Option
            shall be binding upon the beneficiaries,  executors, administrators,
            heirs and successors of the Optionee.

      (d)   Stock Options;  Vesting. Subject to Section 6(h) hereof, each Option
            shall be exercisable in such installments  (which need not be equal)
            and at such times as may be designated by the Committee or the Board
            as set forth in the Option Agreement.  Unless otherwise  provided in
            the  Agreement,  to the extent  not  exercised,  installments  shall
            accumulate  and be  exercisable,  in whole  or in part,  at any time
            after becoming  exercisable,  but not later than the date the Option
            expires.  Upon the death,  Disability  or Retirement of an Optionee,
            all Options shall become  immediately  exercisable.  Notwithstanding
            the  foregoing,  the Committee  (or, with respect to Directors,  the
            Board) may  accelerate the  exercisability  of any Option or portion
            thereof at any time.

      (e)   Method of Exercise.  The exercise of an Option shall be made only by
            a written notice  delivered in person or by mail to the Secretary of
            the Company at the Company's principal executive office,  specifying
            the  number of Shares to be  purchased  and  accompanied  by payment
            therefore and otherwise in accordance with the Agreement pursuant to
            which the  Option was  granted.  The  purchase  price for any shares
            purchased  pursuant to the  exercise  of an Option  shall be paid in
            full upon such exercise in cash, by check,  or, at the discretion of
            the  Committee  and upon such terms and  conditions as the Committee
            shall approve,  by  transferring  Shares to the Company.  Any Shares
            transferred to the Company as payment of the purchase price under an
            Option  shall  be  valued  at  their  Fair  Market  Value on the day
            preceding  the date of exercise of such Option.  If requested by the
            Committee,  the Optionee shall deliver the Agreement  evidencing the
            Option and the Agreement  evidencing any related Stock  Appreciation
            Right to the  Secretary of the Company who shall  endorse  thereon a
            notation of such exercise and return such Agreement to the Optionee.

      (f)   Rights of Optionees.  No Optionee shall be deemed for any purpose to
            be the owner of any Shares  subject  to any Option  unless and until
            (i) the  Option  shall  have been  exercised  pursuant  to the terms
            thereof, (ii) the Company shall have issued and delivered the Shares
            to the  Optionee,  and (iii) the  Optionee's  name  shall  have been
            entered  as a  shareholder  of record  on the books of the  Company.
            Thereupon,  the Optionee shall have full voting,  dividend and other
            ownership rights with respect to such Shares.

      (g)   Termination of Employment.  In the event that an Optionee who is not
            a Director  ceases to be employed by the Company or any  Subsidiary,
            any  outstanding  Options held by such  Optionee  shall,  unless the
            Option   Agreement   evidencing  such  Option  provides   otherwise,
            terminate as follows:

            (1)   If the  Optionee's  termination  of  employment  is due to his
                  death or Disability, the Options shall become fully vested and
                  shall be  exercisable  for a period of three  years  following
                  such   termination   of  employment,   and  shall   thereafter


            (2)   If the Optionee's termination of employment is by the Optionee
                  (other  than due to the  Optionee's  Retirement),  the  Option
                  shall terminate on the date of the termination of employment;

            (3)   If the  termination  of  employment  is due to the  Optionee's
                  Retirement,  the Option shall become fully vested and shall be
                  exercisable for 90 days (three years for an Option  designated
                  initially as a Nonqualified Stock Option); and

            (4)   If the  Optionee's  termination of employment is for any other
                  reason,  the Option (to the extent  exercisable at the time of
                  the Optionee's termination of employment) shall be exercisable
                  for a period of ninety (90) days following such termination of
                  employment,  and shall thereafter terminate,  except that with
                  respect to an Option  initially  designated as a  Nonqualified
                  Stock  Option,  if the  Optionee's  termination  of employment
                  occurs  within 12 months of a Change in  Control,  the  Option
                  shall be exercisable for three years following the termination
                  of employment.

      Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  the Committee may provide,  either at the
      time an Option is granted or thereafter,  that the Option may be exercised
      after the  periods  provided  for in this  Section  6(g),  but in no event
      beyond the term of the Option. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in
      this Section 6(g), no Option shall be  exercisable  beyond the term of the

      (h)   Termination  of Service for  Directors.  Upon the  termination  of a
            Director's  service  as a member of the Board for any  reason  other
            than Disability,  Change in Control or death, the Director's Options
            shall be exercisable  only as to those Shares which were immediately
            exercisable by the Director at the date of termination. In the event
            of the death,  Retirement or  Disability of a Director,  all Options
            held by the Director  shall  become  immediately  exercisable.  Upon
            termination  of the  Director's  service  due to or within 12 months
            after a Change in Control,  all Options held by the  Director  shall
            become immediately exercisable.  Options granted to a Director shall
            expire  and no longer be  exercisable  upon the  earlier  of (i) one
            hundred  twenty (120) months  following  the date of grant,  or (ii)
            three (3) years  following the date on which the Director  ceases to
            serve as a Director (for any reason other than Cause).

      (i)   Effect of Change in  Control.  In the event of a Change in  Control,
            all Options (other than Options granted to Directors) outstanding on
            the date of such  Change in Control  shall  become  immediately  and
            fully  exercisable.  Notwithstanding  anything  else  herein  to the
            contrary, in the event of a Change in Control, the Board in its sole
            discretion  has the  authority to terminate  any and all Options and
            Awards,  and to pay to the holder of the Options or Awards the value
            of such Options and Awards.

7.    Stock Appreciation  Rights.  The Committee may, in its discretion,  either
      alone  or  in  connection  with  the  grant  of  an  Option,  grant  Stock
      Appreciation  Rights in accordance with the Plan, the terms and conditions
      of which shall be set forth in an Agreement. If granted in connection with
      an Option, a Stock  Appreciation Right shall cover the same shares covered
      by the  Option  (or such  lesser  number of shares  as the  Committee  may
      determine) and shall,  except as provided in this Section 7, be subject to
      the same terms and conditions as the related Option.

      (a)   Time of Grant. A Stock Appreciation Right may be granted:

            (i)   at any time if unrelated to an Option; or

            (ii)  if related to an  Option,  either at the time of grant,  or at
                  any time thereafter during the term of the Option.

      (b)   Stock Appreciation Rights Related to an Option.

            (1)   Payment. A Stock Appreciation Right granted in connection with
                  an Option shall entitle the holder  thereof,  upon exercise of
                  the  Stock  Appreciation  Right  or any  portion  thereof,  to
                  receive  payment  of an amount  computed  pursuant  to Section

            (2)   Exercise.  Subject to Section 7(f), a Stock Appreciation Right
                  granted in connection  with an Option shall be  exercisable at
                  such time or times  and only to the  extent  that the  related
                  Option is exercisable,  and will


                  not be  transferable  except to the extent the related  Option
                  may be  transferable.  A Stock  Appreciation  Right granted in
                  connection with an Incentive Stock Option shall be exercisable
                  only  if the  Fair  Market  Value  of a Share  on the  date of
                  exercise  exceeds the purchase price  specified in the related
                  Incentive Stock Option.

            (3)   Amount Payable.  Except as otherwise provided in Section 7(g),
                  upon the exercise of a Stock  Appreciation Right related to an
                  Option,  the  Grantee  shall be  entitled to receive an amount
                  determined  by  multiplying  (A) the excess of the Fair Market
                  Value  of a Share  on the  date  of  exercise  of  such  Stock
                  Appreciation Right over the per Share purchase price under the
                  related  Option,  by (B) the number of Shares as to which such
                  Stock Appreciation  Right is being exercised.  Notwithstanding
                  the  foregoing,  the  Committee  may limit in any  manner  the
                  amount payable with respect to any Stock Appreciation Right by
                  including  such a limit in the Agreement  evidencing the Stock
                  Appreciation Right at the time it is granted.

            (4)   Treatment  of Related  Options and Stock  Appreciation  Rights
                  Upon Exercise. Except as provided in Section 7(b)(v), (A) upon
                  the  exercise  of  a  Stock   Appreciation  Right  granted  in
                  connection  with an Option,  the Option  shall be cancelled to
                  the  extent  of the  number  of  Shares  as to which the Stock
                  Appreciation  Right is exercised  and (B) upon the exercise of
                  an Option  granted  in  connection  with a Stock  Appreciation
                  Right, the Stock  Appreciation Right shall be cancelled to the
                  extent of the  number  of  Shares  as to which  the  Option is

            (5)   Simultaneous  Exercise of Stock Appreciation Right and Option.
                  The  Committee  may  provide,  either  at  the  time  a  Stock
                  Appreciation   Right  is   granted   in   connection   with  a
                  Nonqualified Stock Option or thereafter during the term of the
                  Stock Appreciation  Right, that, subject to Section 7(f), upon
                  exercise of such Option,  the Stock  Appreciation  Right shall
                  automatically  be deemed to be  exercised to the extent of the
                  number of Shares as to which the Option is exercised.  In such
                  event,  the  Grantee  shall be  entitled to receive the amount
                  described in Section  7(b)(3) or 7(g) hereof,  as the case may
                  be (or some  percentage  of such  amount if so provided in the
                  Agreement   evidencing  the  Stock  Appreciation   Right),  in
                  addition to the Shares  acquired  pursuant to the  exercise of
                  the Option. If a Stock  Appreciation  Right Agreement contains
                  an  automatic  exercise  provision  described  in this Section
                  7(b)(5)  and the  Option or any  portion  thereof  to which it
                  relates is  exercised  within six (6) months from the date the
                  Stock Appreciation  Right is granted,  such automatic exercise
                  provision shall not be effective with respect to that exercise
                  of the Option.  The  inclusion  in an  Agreement  evidencing a
                  Stock  Appreciation  Right of a  provision  described  in this
                  Section  7(b)(5)  may be in addition to and not in lieu of the
                  right to exercise  the Stock  Appreciation  Right as otherwise
                  provided herein and in the Agreement.

      (c)   Stock Appreciation  Rights Unrelated to an Option. The Committee may
            grant to Eligible  Employees and  independent  contractors  (and the
            Board may grant to Directors) Stock Appreciation Rights unrelated to
            Options.  Stock  Appreciation  Rights  unrelated  to  Options  shall
            contain such terms and conditions as to exercisability,  vesting and
            duration as the  Committee or the Board shall  determine,  but in no
            event shall they have a term of greater  than ten (10)  years.  Upon
            the  death,  Disability  or  Retirement  of  a  Grantee,  all  Stock
            Appreciation Rights shall become immediately  exercisable.  Upon the
            death or Disability of a Grantee, the Stock Appreciation Rights held
            by that Grantee  shall be  exercisable  for a period of one (1) year
            following  such  termination  of  employment  or service,  and shall
            thereafter  terminate.  Upon the Retirement of a Grantee,  the Stock
            Appreciation  Rights held by that Grantee shall be exercisable for a
            period of ninety  (90) days  following  such  Retirement,  and shall
            thereafter terminate.  Except as otherwise provided in Section 7(g),
            the amount payable upon exercise of such Stock  Appreciation  Rights
            shall be determined in accordance with Section 7(b)(3),  except that
            "Fair  Market Value of a Share on the date of the grant of the Stock
            Appreciation  Right" shall be substituted  for "purchase price under
            the related Option."

      (d)   Method of Exercise.  Stock Appreciation Rights shall be exercised by
            a Grantee only by a written notice delivered in person or by mail to
            the  Secretary of the Company at the Company's  principal  executive
            office,  specifying  the number of Shares with  respect to which the
            Stock  Appreciation  Right is being  exercised.  If requested by the
            Committee,  the Grantee shall deliver the Agreement  evidencing  the
            Stock   Appreciation   Right  being   exercised  and  the  Agreement
            evidencing  any related  Option to the  Secretary of the Company who
            shall  endorse  thereon a notation of such  exercise and return such
            Agreements to the Grantee.


      (e)   Form of Payment.  Payment of the amount  determined  under  Sections
            7(b)(3) or 7(c),  may be made solely in whole shares of Common Stock
            in a number  determined  at their Fair  Market  Value on the date of
            exercise of the Stock Appreciation Right or,  alternatively,  at the
            sole  discretion  of  the  Committee,   solely  in  cash,  or  in  a
            combination of cash and Shares as the Committee deems advisable.  In
            the event that a Stock  Appreciation  Right is exercised  within the
            sixty-day period  following a Change in Control,  any amount payable
            shall be  solely  in cash.  If the  Committee  decides  to make full
            payment in Shares,  and the amount  payable  results in a fractional
            Share,  payment  for the  fractional  Share  will  be made in  cash.
            Notwithstanding the foregoing, no payment in the form of cash may be
            made upon the  exercise of a Stock  Appreciation  Right  pursuant to
            Section 7(b)(3) or 7(c) to an officer of the Company or a Subsidiary
            who is subject  to Section  16(b) of the  Exchange  Act,  unless the
            exercise of such Stock  Appreciation Right is made during the period
            beginning  on the  third  business  day and  ending  on the  twelfth
            business day  following the date of release for  publication  of the
            Company's quarterly or annual statements of earnings.

      (f)   Restrictions.  No Stock  Appreciation  Right may be exercised before
            the date six (6) months after the date it is granted,  except in the
            event that the death or Disability of the Grantee  occurs before the
            expiration of the six-month period.

      (g)   Effect of Change in  Control.  In the event of a Change in  Control,
            subject to Section 7(f), all Stock Appreciation  Rights shall become
            immediately and fully exercisable.

8.    Restricted Stock. The Committee (or, with respect to Directors, the Board)
      may grant  Awards of  Restricted  Stock  which  shall be  evidenced  by an
      Agreement  between the  Company  and the  Grantee.  Each  Agreement  shall
      contain such restrictions,  terms and conditions as the Committee or Board
      may require and (without  limiting the generality of the  foregoing)  such
      Agreements  may  require  that an  appropriate  legend  be placed on Share
      certificates. Awards of Restricted Stock shall be subject to the following
      terms and provisions:

      (a)   Rights of Grantee.

            (1)   Shares  of  Restricted  Stock  granted  pursuant  to an  Award
                  hereunder  shall be issued in the name of the  Grantee as soon
                  as reasonably  practicable  after the Award is granted and the
                  purchase price, if any, is paid by the Grantee; provided, that
                  the Grantee has executed an Agreement evidencing the Award, an
                  Escrow Agreement, appropriate blank stock powers and any other
                  documents which the Committee, in its absolute discretion, may
                  require as a condition to the  issuance of such  Shares.  If a
                  Grantee  shall  fail to execute  the  Agreement  evidencing  a
                  Restricted  Stock Award,  an Escrow  Agreement or  appropriate
                  blank stock powers or shall fail to pay the purchase price, if
                  any,  for the  Restricted  Stock,  the Award shall be null and
                  void.  Shares  issued in  connection  with a Restricted  Stock
                  Award, together with the stock powers, shall be deposited with
                  the Escrow  Agent.  Except as  restricted  by the terms of the
                  Agreement,  upon the  delivery  of the  Shares  to the  Escrow
                  Agent,  the  Grantee  shall  have  all  of  the  rights  of  a
                  shareholder  with respect to such Shares,  including the right
                  to vote the shares and to  receive,  subject to Section  8(d),
                  all dividends or other distributions paid or made with respect
                  to the Shares.

            (2)   If a Grantee  receives  rights or warrants with respect to any
                  Shares which were  awarded to him as  Restricted  Stock,  such
                  rights  or  warrants  or any  Shares  or other  securities  he
                  acquires by the  exercise  of such  rights or warrants  may be
                  held, exercised,  sold or otherwise disposed of by the Grantee
                  free and clear of the restrictions and obligations provided by
                  this Plan.

      (b)   Non-Transferability.  Until  any  restrictions  upon the  Shares  of
            Restricted  Stock  awarded  to a Grantee  shall  have  lapsed in the
            manner set forth in Section  8(c),  such  Shares  shall not be sold,
            transferred  or  otherwise  disposed  of and shall not be pledged or
            otherwise hypothecated,  nor shall they be delivered to the Grantee.
            Upon the  termination  of  employment  of the  Grantee,  all of such
            Shares with respect to which  restrictions  have not lapsed shall be
            resold by the  Grantee to the  Company at the same price paid by the
            Grantee  for such  Shares or shall be  forfeited  and  automatically
            transferred  to and  reacquired  by the  Company  at no  cost to the
            Company  if no  purchase  price had been paid for such  Shares.  The
            Committee may also impose such other  restrictions and conditions on
            the Shares as it deems appropriate.


      (c)   Lapse of Restrictions.

            (1)   Restrictions upon Shares of Restricted Stock awarded hereunder
                  shall  lapse  at  such  time  or  times  and  on  such  terms,
                  conditions and  satisfaction  of  performance  criteria as the
                  Committee  (or,  when  applicable,  the Board) may  determine;
                  provided,  however,  that the  restrictions  upon such  Shares
                  shall  lapse only if the  Grantee on the date of such lapse is
                  then and has continuously been an employee of the Company or a
                  Subsidiary  (or a member of the Board) from the date the Award
                  was granted, or unless the Committee sets a later date for the
                  lapse of such restrictions.

            (2)   In the event of a Change in Control, all restrictions upon any
                  Shares of  Restricted  Stock shall lapse  immediately  and all
                  such Shares shall become fully vested in the Grantee thereof.

            (3)   In the event of termination  of employment (or  termination of
                  service as a  Director)  as a result of death,  Disability  or
                  Retirement  of a  Grantee,  all  restrictions  upon  Shares of
                  Restricted  Stock  awarded  to such  Grantee  shall  thereupon
                  immediately  lapse.  The Committee or Board may also decide at
                  any time in its  absolute  discretion  and on such  terms  and
                  conditions  as it deems  appropriate,  to remove or modify the
                  restrictions   upon  Shares  of   Restricted   Stock   awarded
                  hereunder, unless the Committee or the Board sets a later date
                  for the lapse of such restrictions.

      (d)   Treatment  of  Dividends.  At the  time of an  Award  of  Shares  of
            Restricted  Stock,  the Committee may, in its discretion,  determine
            that the payment to the Grantee of dividends, or a specified portion
            thereof,  declared  or paid on  Shares  of  Restricted  Stock by the
            Company,  shall be  deferred  until the  earlier to occur of (i) the
            lapsing of the restrictions  imposed upon such Shares, in which case
            such  dividends  shall  be paid  over to the  Grantee,  or (ii)  the
            forfeiture of such Shares under  Section 8(b) hereof,  in which case
            such dividends shall be forfeited to the Company, and such dividends
            shall be held by the Company  for the  account of the Grantee  until
            such time. In the event of such deferral, interest shall be credited
            on the amount of such  dividends held by the Company for the account
            of the  Grantee  from  time to time at such  rate  per  annum as the
            Committee,  in its  discretion,  may determine.  Payment of deferred
            dividends,  together  with  interest  accrued  thereon as aforesaid,
            shall be made upon the earlier to occur of the events  specified  in
            (i) and (ii) of the immediately  preceding  sentence,  in the manner
            specified therein.

      (e)   Delivery of Shares.  When the restrictions  imposed hereunder and in
            the Plan expire or have been  cancelled  with respect to one or more
            shares of Restricted Stock, the Company shall notify the Grantee and
            the Escrow  Agent of same.  The Escrow  Agent  shall then return the
            certificate  covering the Shares of Restricted  Stock to the Company
            and upon receipt of such  certificate  the Company  shall deliver to
            the Grantee (or such Grantee's legal representative,  beneficiary or
            heir) a certificate for a number of shares of Common Stock,  without
            any legend or restrictions  (except those required by any federal or
            state  securities  laws),  equivalent  to the  number  of  Shares of
            Restricted Stock for which  restrictions have been cancelled or have
            expired.  A new  certificate  covering  Shares of  Restricted  Stock
            previously  awarded to the Grantee which remain  restricted shall be
            issued  to  the  Grantee  and  held  by the  Escrow  Agent  and  the
            Agreement, as it relates to such shares, shall remain in effect.

9.    Adjustment Upon Changes in Capitalization.

      (a)   In the  event of a Change in  Capitalization,  the  Committee  shall
            conclusively determine the appropriate  adjustments,  if any, to the
            maximum  number and class of shares of stock  with  respect to which
            Options  or Awards  may be  granted  under the Plan,  the number and
            class of shares as to which  Options  or  Awards  have been  granted
            under the Plan, and the purchase price therefore, if applicable.

      (b)   Any such  adjustment  in the Shares or other  securities  subject to
            outstanding  Incentive  Stock Options  (including any adjustments in
            the  purchase  price)  shall  be  made  in  such  manner  as  not to
            constitute  a  modification  as defined by Section  425(h)(3) of the
            Code and only to the extent otherwise  permitted by Sections 422 and
            425 of the Code.


      (c)   If, by reason of a Change in  Capitalization,  a Grantee of an Award
            shall be entitled to new, additional or different shares of stock or
            securities  (other than rights or warrants to purchase  securities),
            such new additional or different  shares shall  thereupon be subject
            to all of the  conditions,  restrictions  and  performance  criteria
            which were  applicable to the Shares or units  pursuant to the Award
            prior to such Change in Capitalization.

10.   Effect of Certain  Transactions.  In the event of (i) the  liquidation  or
      dissolution of the Company,  (ii) a merger or  consolidation  in which the
      Company is not the surviving  corporation or (iii) the sale or disposition
      of all or substantially  all of the Company's  assets,  provision shall be
      made in connection  with such  transaction  for the assumption of the Plan
      and the  Options  or Awards  theretofore  granted  under the Plan,  or the
      substitution  for such  Options or Awards of new  options or awards of the
      Successor  Corporation,  with appropriate  adjustment as to the number and
      kind of shares and the purchase price for shares thereunder.

11.   Release of Financial Information. A copy of the Company's annual report to
      shareholders  shall be delivered to each  Optionee and Grantee at the time
      such report is distributed to the Company's shareholders. Upon request the
      Company  shall  furnish to each  Optionee  and  Grantee a copy of its most
      recent annual report and each  quarterly  report and current  report filed
      under the Exchange Act, since the end of the Company's prior fiscal year.

12.   Termination and Amendment of the Plan. The Plan shall terminate on the day
      preceding the tenth  anniversary  of its  effective  date and no Option or
      Award may be granted  thereafter.  The Board may sooner terminate or amend
      the Plan at any time,  and from  time to time;  provided,  however,  that,
      except as  provided  in Sections 9 and 10 hereof,  no  amendment  shall be
      effective unless approved by the shareholders of the Company in accordance
      with  applicable law and  regulations at an annual or special meeting held
      within  twelve  months  before  or  after  the  date of  adoption  of such
      amendment, where such amendment will:

      (a)   increase  the number of Shares as to which  Options or Awards may be
            granted under the Plan; or

      (b)   change the class of persons eligible to participate in the Plan.

      Except as otherwise  provided  herein,  rights and  obligations  under any
      Option or Award  granted  before  any  amendment  of the Plan shall not be
      altered or  impaired  by such  amendment,  except  with the consent of the
      Optionee or Grantee,  as the case may be. In addition,  no amendment shall
      be  effective  with  respect to any Option or SAR to the extent  that such
      amendment would be treated as a material  modification  under Section 409A
      of the Code.

13.   Non-Exclusivity  of the Plan.  The adoption of the Plan by the Board shall
      not be construed  as amending,  modifying  or  rescinding  any  previously
      approved incentive arrangement or as creating any limitations on the power
      of the Board to adopt such  other  incentive  arrangements  as it may deem
      desirable,  including,  without limitation,  the granting of stock options
      otherwise  than  under  the  Plan,  and such  arrangements  may be  either
      applicable generally or only in specific cases.

14.   Limitation of Liability.  As  illustrative of the limitations of liability
      of the Company, but not intended to be exhaustive thereof,  nothing in the
      Plan shall be construed to:

      (a)   give any person  any right to be  granted  an Option or Award  other
            than at the sole discretion of the Committee or the Board;

      (b)   give any person any rights  whatsoever with respect to Shares except
            as specifically provided in the Plan;

      (c)   limit  in  any  way  the  right  of the  Company  to  terminate  the
            employment or service of any person at any time; or

      (d)   be evidence of any agreement or understanding, expressed or implied,
            that the Company will employ any person in any  particular  position
            at any particular rate of compensation or for any particular  period
            of time.


15.   Regulations and Other Approvals; Governing Law.

      (a)   This Plan and the rights of all persons claiming  hereunder shall be
            construed and determined in accordance with the laws of the State of
            New Jersey  without  giving  effect to the choice of law  principles
            thereof,  except to the extent that such law is preempted by federal

      (b)   The obligation of the Company to sell or deliver Shares with respect
            to Options and Awards granted under the Plan shall be subject to all
            applicable  laws,  rules and  regulations,  including all applicable
            federal and state  securities  laws,  and the  obtaining of all such
            approvals  by  governmental  agencies as may be deemed  necessary or
            appropriate by the Committee.

      (c)   The Plan is intended to comply with Rule 16b-3 promulgated under the
            Exchange  Act and Section  162(m) of the Code (each as amended  from
            time to time) and the Committee  shall  interpret and administer the
            provisions  of the  Plan or any  Agreement  in a  manner  consistent
            therewith to the extent necessary.  Any provisions inconsistent with
            such Rule or Section shall be  inoperative  but shall not affect the
            validity of the Plan or any grants thereunder.

      (d)   Except as otherwise  provided in Section 12, the Board may make such
            changes as may be necessary or  appropriate to comply with the rules
            and  regulations  of  any  government  authority  or to  obtain  for
            Eligible  Employees granted Incentive Stock Options the tax benefits
            under  the  applicable   provisions  of  the  Code  and  regulations
            promulgated thereunder.

      (e)   Each Option and Award is subject to the requirement  that, if at any
            time the Committee determines, in its absolute discretion,  that the
            listing,  registration or qualification of Shares issuable  pursuant
            to the Plan is  required  by any  securities  exchange  or under any
            state or federal law, or the consent or approval of any governmental
            regulatory  body is necessary or desirable as a condition  of, or in
            connection  with,  the grant of an Option or the issuance of Shares,
            no Options  shall be granted or payment  made or Shares  issued,  in
            whole  or in  part,  unless  listing,  registration,  qualification,
            consent  or  approval  has been  effected  or  obtained  free of any
            conditions unacceptable to the Committee.

      (f)   In the event that the disposition of Shares acquired pursuant to the
            Plan is not covered by a then current  registration  statement under
            the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  and is not otherwise exempt
            from such  registration,  such Shares  shall be  restricted  against
            transfer to the extent  required by the  Securities  Act of 1933, as
            amended,  or regulations  thereunder,  and the Committee may require
            any individual receiving Shares pursuant to the Plan, as a condition
            precedent to receipt of such Shares  (including  upon exercise of an
            Option),  to  represent  to the  Company in writing  that the Shares
            acquired by such individual are acquired for investment only and not
            with a view to distribution.

16.   Miscellaneous.

      (a)   Multiple  Agreements.  The terms of each  Option or Award may differ
            from  other  Options  or Awards  granted  under the Plan at the same
            time, or at some other time.  The Committee may also grant more than
            one Option or Award to a given Eligible  Employee during the term of
            the Plan, either in addition to, or in substitution for, one or more
            Options or Awards previously granted to that Eligible Employee.  The
            grant of multiple Options and/or Awards may be evidenced by a single
            Agreement or multiple Agreements, as determined by the Committee.

      (b)   Withholding  of Taxes.  The  Company  shall have the right to deduct
            from any  distribution  of cash to any Optionee or Grantee an amount
            equal to the federal, state and local income taxes and other amounts
            required by law to be withheld  with respect to any Option or Award.
            Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary  contained  herein,  if an
            Optionee or Grantee is entitled to receive  Shares upon  exercise of
            an Option or pursuant to an Award,  the Company shall have the right
            to require such  Optionee or Grantee,  prior to the delivery of such
            Shares,  to pay to the Company the amount of any  federal,  state or
            local income taxes and other  amounts  which the Company is required
            by law to withhold.  The Agreement  evidencing  any Incentive  Stock
            Options  granted  under this Plan shall provide that if the Optionee
            makes a  disposition,  within the  meaning of Section  425(c) of the
            Code and regulations promulgated thereunder,  of any Share or Shares
            issued  to him  or her  pursuant  to  his  or


            her  exercise of the  Incentive  Stock  Option  within the  two-year
            period  commencing on the day after the date of grant of such Option
            or within the one-year  period  commencing on the day after the date
            of transfer of the Share or Shares to the  Optionee  pursuant to the
            exercise of such  Option,  he or she shall,  within ten (10) days of
            such disposition, notify the Company thereof and immediately deliver
            to the Company any amount of federal income tax withholding required
            by law.

      (c)   Designation of Beneficiary.  Each Optionee and Grantee may, with the
            consent of the  Committee,  designate a person or persons to receive
            in the event of  his/her  death,  any  Option or Award or any amount
            payable  pursuant  thereto,  to which he/she would then be entitled.
            Such  designation  will be made upon forms supplied by and delivered
            to the Company and may be revoked in writing.  If an Optionee  fails
            effectively to designate a beneficiary,  then his/her estate will be
            deemed to be the beneficiary.

17.   Effective  Date.  The effective  date of the Plan shall be the date of its
      adoption by the Board,  subject  only to the  approval by the  affirmative
      vote of a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of shareholders at which
      a quorum is present to be held within twelve (12) months of such adoption.
      No Options or Awards shall vest hereunder unless such Shareholder approval
      is obtained.


                                 REVOCABLE PROXY

                             THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

      The undersigned hereby appoints John D. Kissel,  James R. Lamb and Jack D.
Stine,  or any one of them,  as  Proxy,  each  with full  power to  appoint  his
substitute  and hereby  authorizes  them to represent and to vote, as designated
below,  all of  the  shares  of  common  stock  of  Peapack-Gladstone  Financial
Corporation  (the  "Corporation"),  standing  in the  undersigned's  name at the
Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  of the Corporation to be held on April 25, 2006
at 2:00 p.m. or any adjournment  thereof. The undersigned hereby revokes any and
all proxies heretofore given with respect to the meeting.

                                                                With-    For
                                                                hold     All
1. ELECTION OF THIRTEEN (13) DIRECTORS                  For   Authority Except
                                                        [_]      [_]     [_]

Anthony J. Consi, II   Pamela Hill        T. Leonard Hill        Frank A. Kissel
John D. Kissel         James R. Lamb      Edward A. Merton       F. Duffield Meyercord
John R. Mulcahy        Robert M. Rogers   Philip W. Smith, III   Craig C. Spengeman
Jack D. Stine

INSTRUCTION:To  withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, mark "For
All Except"and write that nominee's name in the space provided below.


                                                        For  Against  Abstain
2. PROPOSAL TO APPROVE THE  CORPORATION'S  2006         [_]    [_]      [_]

3. In their  discretion,  the  Proxies  are  authorized  to vote upon such other
   business as may properly come before the Meeting.

This Proxy,  when properly signed will be voted in the manner directed herein by
the undersigned  shareholder.  IF NO DIRECTION is made, this Proxy will be voted
"FOR" the election of all thirteen nominees for Director.


      Please sign exactly as names appear  above.  When shares are held by joint
tenants, both should sign. When signing as attorney, as executor, administrator,
trustee or  guardian,  please give full  corporate  names by  President or other
authorized officer.  If a partnership or limited liability company,  please sign
in the entity name by an authorized person.

         Please be sure to sign and date                | Date                 |
           this Proxy in the box below.                 |                      |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
-----------Stockholder sign above----------Co-holder (if any) sign above-------


    Detach above card, sign, date and mail in postage paid envelope provided.

                               PLEASE ACT PROMPTLY



