Washington, D.C. 20549
                                  SCHEDULE 13D
                   Under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                                (Name of Issuer)

                           Common Stock, no par value
                         (Title of Class of Securities)

                                 (CUSIP Number)

                                James M. Weichert
                              1625 State Highway 10
                         Morris Plains, New Jersey 07950
                                 (973) 397-8500
                 (Name, Address and Telephone Number of Person
                Authorized to Receive Notices and Communications)

                                  March 9, 2007
             (Date of Event which Requires Filing of this Statement)

If the filing person has previously  filed a statement on Schedule l3G to report
the  acquisition  that is the subject of this  Schedule  13D, and is filing this
schedule  because of Sections 240.13d-1(e), 240.13d-1(f)  or 240.13d-1(g), check
the following box.  [X]

Note:  Schedules  filed in paper format shall include a signed original and five
copies of the schedule, including all exhibits.  See Section 240.13d-7 for other
parties to whom copies are to be sent.

* The remainder of this cover page shall be filled out for a reporting  person's
initial filing on this form with respect to the subject class of securities, and
for  any  subsequent   amendment   containing   information  which  would  alter
disclosures provided in a prior cover page.

The information required on the remainder of this cover page shall not be deemed
to be "filed" for the purpose of Section 18 of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934 ("Act") or otherwise  subject to the liabilities of that section of the Act
but  shall be  subject  to all other  provisions  of the Act  (however,  see the

Cusip No.    704699107
1.  Names of Reporting Persons.  I.R.S. Identification Nos. of above persons
    (entities only):
                               James M. Weichert
2.  Check the Appropriate Box if a Member of a Group (See Instructions):
         (a)               Not
         (b)            Applicable
3.  SEC Use Only

4.  Source of Funds (See Instructions):  OO

5.  Check if Disclosure  of Legal Proceedings Is Required Pursuant to Items 2(d)
    or 2(e):               Not Applicable
6.  Citizenship or Place of Organization:     United States

    Number of                      7. Sole Voting Power:                801,435
    Shares Beneficially            8. Shared Voting Power:                    0
    Owned by
    Each Reporting                 9. Sole Dispositive Power:           801,435
    Person With                    10. Shared Dispositive Power:              0
11. Aggregate Amount Beneficially Owned by Each Reporting Person:    801,435

12. Check if  the Aggregate  Amount in  Row (11) Excludes  Certain  Shares  (See
    Instructions):         Not Applicable
13. Percent of Class Represented by Amount in Row (11):   9.7%
14. Type of Reporting Person (See Instructions):   IN

Item 1.   Security and Issuer.

          The class of equity  securities  to which this Schedule 13D relates is
the common stock, no  par value (the "Shares"),  of Peapack-Gladstone  Financial
Corporation (the "Company").  The principal executive offices of the Company are
located at 158 Route 206 North, Gladstone, New Jersey 07934.

Item 2.   Identity and Background.

          The person filing this statement is James M. Weichert,  whose business
address is 1625 State Highway 10, Morris Plains, New Jersey 07950.  Mr. Weichert
is the president  and sole  director of Weichert Co., a New Jersey  corporation.
Weichert  Co.,  together  with one or more  affiliated  entities,  is engaged in
residential real estate brokerage and related activities.

          Mr. Weichert  has never been  convicted  in  any  criminal  proceeding
(excluding traffic violations or similar misdemeanors),  nor has he been a party
to any civil proceeding  commenced before a judicial or  administrative  body of
competent  jurisdiction  as a  result  of which  he was or is now  subject  to a
judgment,  decree or final order enjoining future  violations of, or prohibiting
or mandating  activities subject to, federal or state securities laws or finding
any  violation with  respect to  such laws.  Mr. Weichert  is a  citizen of  the
United States.

Item 3.   Source and Amount of Funds or Other Consideration.

          Mr. Weichert acquired 286,730 Shares on January 7, 2000 as a result of
the acquisition of Chatham  Savings,  FSB by the Company,  through the merger of
Chatham Savings, FSB with and into Peapack-Gladstone Bank, the Company's banking
subsidiary,  pursuant to an Agreement  and Plan of Merger dated as of August 26,
1999 (the "Merger").  Since  the  consummation of the  Merger, Mr. Weichert  has
been  issued an  additional  514,705  Shares  in the  aggregate  by the  Company
pursuant  to one or more pro rata  distributions  of  Shares to all  holders  of

Item 4.   Purpose of Transaction.

          Mr. Weichert  acquired,  and continues to hold, the Shares reported in
this Schedule 13D for investment purposes.  Mr. Weichert intends to evaluate the
performance  of the Shares as an investment in the ordinary  course of business.
Mr. Weichert pursues an  investment objective that  seeks capital  appreciation.
In pursuing  this investment  objective,  Mr. Weichert  analyzes the operations,
capital  structure  and markets of companies in which he invests,  including the
Company, on a continuous basis through analysis of documentation and discussions
with  knowledgeable  industry and market observers and with  representatives  of
such companies.

          Mr.  Weichert  will  continuously   assess  the  Company's   business,
financial  condition,  results of operations  and  prospects,  general  economic
conditions,  the  securities  markets  in  general  and those for the  Shares in
particular, other developments and other investment opportunities.  Depending on
such assessments, Mr. Weichert may acquire additional Shares or may determine to
sell or  otherwise  dispose of all or some of the Shares  presently  held by Mr.
Weichert  in the  open market  or in  private transactions.  Such  actions  will

depend upon a variety of factors,  including,  without  limitation,  current and
anticipated  future  trading  prices for the Shares,  the  financial  condition,
results of  operations  and  prospects  of the Company,  alternative  investment
opportunities,  general economic,  financial market and industry  conditions and
other factors that Mr. Weichert may deem material to his investment decision.

          Mr. Weichert  will  continue  active  discussions  with  the Company's
management with respect to (i) actions which might be taken by the management of
the Company to maximize  shareholder value of the Company and (ii) improving the
Company's  investor  relations.  In addition,  Mr. Weichert may hold discussions
with other parties who might engage in shareholder  value  enhancing  activities
for the benefit of all of the Company's shareholders.  There can be no assurance
that  Mr. Weichert  will  take any of the  actions  described  in  the  previous

          Mr. Weichert has delivered a written letter dated March 9, 2007 to the
Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Company  demanding  that the  Company  seek an
appropriate  buyer of the  Company.  Mr. Weichert  further stated  that, in  the
event  the  Company  does not seek an  appropriate  buyer  of the  Company,  Mr.
Weichert would seek out purchasers of the Company himself.  Mr. Weichert further
requested  that the March 9, 2007 letter be read to the directors of the Company
at the Board of Directors meeting on March 15, 2007.

          Except  as set forth  above,  Mr. Weichert  has  no  present  plans or
proposals which relate to or would result in any of the transactions required to
be described in Item 4 of Schedule 13D.

Item 5.   Interest in Securities of the Issuer.

          Based  upon  the  Company's  Quarterly  Report  on Form  10-Q  for the
quarterly  period ended  September 30, 2006, as of November 1, 2006,  there were
8,261,062  Shares  issued  and  outstanding.  As of March 9, 2007,  Mr. Weichert
beneficially  owned  (and had the sole  power to vote and  dispose  of)  801,435
Shares, or approximately  9.7% of the Shares deemed issued and outstanding as of
that date.

          Neither  Mr.  Weichert  (including  immediate  family  members  of Mr.
Weichert),  any entity for which Mr. Weichert serves as investment advisor,  nor
any  person or entity  controlled  by Mr. Weichert has traded  Shares during the
sixty (60) days on or prior to March 9, 2007.

Item 6.   Contracts, Arrangements, Understandings or Relationships With  Respect
          to Securities of the Issuer.

          No contracts,  arrangements,  understandings or similar  relationships
exist with respect to the securities of the Company between Mr. Weichert and any
person or entity.

Item 7.   Material to be Filed as Exhibits.

          Not Applicable.


          After reasonable inquiry and to the best of my knowledge and belief, I
certify that the information  set forth in this statement is true,  complete and

                                        March 14, 2007

                                      /s/ James M. Weichert
                                      James M. Weichert

Attention:  Intentional  misstatements  or omissions of fact constitute  Federal
criminal violations (See 18 U.S.C. 1001).